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“Oh my freaking GOD!” Emma repeated, cupping her mouth as she fearfully surveyed the damage she’d just done against her will. “What’s going on with me? Who… h-how… why is this HAPPENING? Ugh! It’s like some crazy dream you can’t wake up from. HEY! If anybody out there is LISTENING, that WASN’T ME! I mean, yes, it was me, but I couldn’t CONTROL it! I don’t know how I got so big or, like, who just forced me to DO that, but I swear, I don’t want anybody to get hurt! PLEASE! I just need somebody to tell me what the effing eff is going on here!”

As Emma expected, though, she received no offers of help from any puny insect-esque denizens, either because everyone had fled too far to comprehend the towering brunette’s message, or were too busy hiding from her to believe her illogical claims. Feeling overwhelmed and strangely powerless now – ironic considering she had never been more powerful than she was right now – the giantess was tempted to sink down to her knees, hug her legs to her chest, and start weeping out of paranoia that she’d accidentally launch into another heavy-soled frenzy. However, determined not to give up yet, Emma instead took a deep breath, kept a stiff upper lip, and marched over the ruins of the street she’d just razed. Her cheerleading coach would never accept such a quitter attitude from her, and as a budding scientist, she refused to let this enigma of her enlargement go unsolved. She wouldn’t do herself any good by staying in one place and bawling, no matter what. Especially after she’d just unintentionally scared off any potential little friends with that Godzilla-like outburst, the two-hundred-foot athlete knew she’d have to fix this catastrophe on her own. Not that Emma had any idea of how to unshrink herself or prevent another mind-assault from forcing her to demolish more streets, but the most rational thing she could think of was retracing her steps (only figuratively, since her “steps” now left such enormous craters hundreds of times the scope of her old shoe size) and returning to the same spot from last night where she was consumed by that nebulous beam of light and her memory was zapped to nothing.

So Emma set off with a new purpose, still somewhat savoring the marvel of being such a colossal sentinel over her hometown, but primarily focused on getting to the bottom of this situation. Once again, the giantess didn’t bother with trying to stifle the natural concussive THOOOM of her footfalls, when even her stealthiest shuffle would make the buildings quake. Plus, after such a massive crowd had watched her clobbering buildings via her furious fists and imploding high-rises with a single plunge from her ginormous posterior, a few more thudding footsteps was hardly going to give any of the little people a much worse opinion of her. And Emma was in a hurry now. Though she still power-walked with enough of a controlled pace not to start punting any abandoned vehicles around like loose matchbox cars, the giantess was covering whole city blocks in two strides apiece. Unfortunately, the house which hosted the post-homecoming party was a long way from the football field where Emma awoke, but with a body as tremendous as hers, she knew it shouldn’t take long to reach her destination – just so long as she wasn’t interrupted by another malevolent message in her mother’s voice that led to yet-more destructive carnage.

Though Emma was moving along at an urgent pace now and making good time en route to the house party site, literally power-walking through the vacated roads and stopping only to nimbly sidestep scattered cars and inconveniently-positioned street lights here and there, yet another unforeseen concern struck when she was only halfway to the scene of the crime. With the immediacy of a light switch flip, the two-hundred-foot cheerleader felt her stomach simultaneously cramp and yowl with emaciating hunger, while her throat was uncomfortably parched from thirst. In the blink of an eye, it was like she hadn’t eaten or drank anything for days. This effect was so abrupt that the girl had to stop and steady herself against a nearby building, going weak in the knees, and though she tried to remain steady, the unbalance created by her hunger caused the structure’s bedrock to groan, and her mammoth sneakers to shuffle straight into parked vehicles like carnival bumper cars in order to compensate for the dizziness.

Luckily, Emma was able to get ahold of herself enough to avoid the risk of toppling over in a hungry faint, which would probably create almost as many seismic consequences as her mind-lost stomping rampage had earlier, but the unnaturally-strong need for food and drink wasn’t dissipating. The girl could only hazard rough theories as to the cause for this feeling, considering she’d never conceived of it being possible for a human being to grow as large as she had, but she hypothesized that her rapid evolution into such a hulking leviathan meant that her body was burning through energy far too fast, and was now dangerously unprepared to continue functioning. In short, she had to find edible sustenance soon, or she might not even make it to the house to begin investigating her mysterious uprising at all. Massaging her exposed midriff beneath the high hem of her white-and-blue top, and hearing a panged growl emanate from within with acid-popping aplomb that literally made the building’s windows rattle, Emma direly scanned the nearby horizon of lowly suburban sprawl for anywhere she might satisfy her hunger.

Fortunately, she didn’t have to look for very long, almost-immediately catching sight over the rooftops of the old-fashioned fast-food diner which just so happened to be a popular hangout spot for herself and her friends after football games. This was perfect, and the mere view of the enormous hamburger and milkshake sculptures atop the establishment made her mouth water and her gut grumble even more necessarily. If only they served food as large as those colorful statues to suit her newly massive scale, but she would take what she could get. Drawing a deep breath to steady herself, Emma meandered quickly through the streets that still separated her from this delicious prize. The giantess’s hunger was so strong now that her vision was beginning to treacherously swim as though she was wearing drunk goggles, making everything hazy except for that wonderful diner in the center of her gaze, and she mistakenly squashed several more mailboxes, street signs, and abandoned trucks beneath her walloping footwear treads on the way there. Her gurgly howling stomach did almost as much damage, resonantly echoing out from her athletic tragically-underfed abdomen for whole blocks around, making panes of glass and door hinges alike shiver as though a fault line was shifting.

Emma didn’t let herself get distracted by this collateral mess she was making, however, and barely even noticed the additional damage she’d done before collapsing to her haunches and heavily finger-tapping on the front door in hopes of getting the staff’s attention, if they hadn’t already fled in a panic from her oncoming footsteps. Again and again she banged her fingertips on the fragile entry, without an answer, until she accidentally bashed the entire thing in, which she felt bad about, but not half as bad as her stomach was going to feel if she didn’t find something to eat and drink post-haste. Regrettably, before Emma could start scooping her gigantic hand around inside the savory-scented building like a dollhouse in search of nourishment, something happened that surpassed the level of her hunger and thirst in terms of dread. Her mother’s simulated voice returned with a vengeance inside her head:

Why are you fighting your birthright, Emma? You know it’s true. They are all nothing next to you. They always were, and they especially are now. Feed your hunger by destroying all who would insult your glorious presence with the existence of their pathetic little selves within your sight. Consume them!”


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