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“That’s… okay,” a mysterious voice peeped with a digital crackle from out of her phone speaker.

“Who said that?” Kayla whimpered.

“Oh, s-sorry. It’s… me. Down here,” the voice continued. After squinting at the magnified image of Erin’s palm and its occupant again, Kayla realized James was animating as though speaking. “I… linked with your comm app. If I was o-out of line, I can…”

“No, no, no! That’s perfectly fine! Good, even!” Kayla muttered, feeling as though she was stumbling through this whole meeting process, even though everyone had been nothing but kind and inviting so far. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Um, to anyone else here who I might have trouble hearing… you, know, directly, please feel free to link up also so we can get to know one another!”

Immediately Kayla received a chimed chorus of salutations out of her phone from the many Betas below, in varying degrees of enthusiasm and anxiety, but all of them friendly if not overjoyed. The girl’s heart fluttered at this important step in making a connection to this new community, and she was still deeply conscious of how hard she was probably blushing with both latent embarrassment and excitement. The Alphas as well visibly reaffirmed their hellos to the titanic newcomer.

“I still am very sorry about a minute ago,” Kayla said. “I’ll be more careful in the future, I promise. In fact, maybe I… should stand a lot further back over here. I really don’t want to be a burden to the group, or… make anyone nervous, or anything else. We can just talk on the phone, and…”

“Nonsense! Believe me, Kayla, if just one accidental roar scared any of these people out of their spirit for activism and change, we wouldn’t even have a club,” Erin said. “Do you know how much shit we catch for even meeting up about this? How many people are standing in the way of fixing society to be inclusive of everyone? You saying hello to someone is nothing.”

“It really is,” James’ voice added.

The Omega bit her lip. They had a point there.

“All right, I’ll… stay close, but I won’t talk too much. Starting now.”

Even at their mile-gulf difference in size, Erin reacted with such a sigh that Kayla could read it in her miniscule body language.

That won’t do. In this club, we stick together, and we make sure all voices are heard. Just… you know… quieter, if possible. Some voices are plenty loud enough at a whisper for everybody to hear,” Erin explained, firm yet affable.

“Understood,” Kayla said with a smile.

“In fact, I’ll do you one better. We broke a little ice already. Let’s just shatter the rest,” Erin said, then murmured something to the Beta in her hand that Kayla couldn’t hear, before looking up again. “Kayla, would you be willing to let us stand on your hand?”

Taken aback, the Omega furrowed her brow, not only in considering the highly sensitive experience of such a diminutive being walking along the soft skin of her fingers and palm, but also at the secretly amusing fact that Erin was the one asking for consent to step into Kayla’s hand rather than the other way around, when in fact the Alpha herself was the one assuming the astronomically greater risk between them. To say nothing of the Beta still perched nigh-invisibly in her hand. What about him?

“It’s no problem at all if you don’t want to,” Erin said in the silence, having clearly read Kayla’s gigantic broadcasted expression.

“No, that’s fine with me! If… it is with you, too?”

“I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t. With both of us,” Erin insisted, and before the Omega could offer more mewling worrywart commentary, swung one leg over the balcony railing. The rest of the group’s Alphas all pushed forward, joining their leader at the edge to witness the crash-course icebreaker. “We’re clear for touchdown!”

“Oh! All right then, um, just a second.” Kayla took her time sidling her flattened hand under the cusp of the stadium architecture, the steel infrastructure feeling like papery aluminum foil against the giantess’s fingertips. With utmost care, she fastened her hand in place, gripping the massive arena just lightly enough to make sure her arm wouldn’t move while Erin and James disembarked. She spent so long getting ready, she could detect her Alpha comrades giggling at her fussy over-preparedness. “Okay. It’s… safe.”

The Omega had to fight back a shudder at the hyper-detailed, almost molecular-level delicacy of her sensory perception during the next few seconds. Erin stepped onto the outstretched length of Kayla’s middle finger, landing on the spongy dune of the digit’s tip. So small was the Alpha by comparison, the rounded geometry of the spiral-printed skin didn’t faze her in the slightest, and after recovering her full balance, and ensuring the Beta cupped in her hands was secure, Erin started trekking along the aisle of Kayla’s plush extremity.

“Not really used to holding people, are you?” Erin asked of her handler.

“N-No, I can’t say I am. Sorry, if I should’ve mentioned that before.”

“Nope. You’re doing great. Better even though I thought you might.”

“So you’re all right? What about you… James?”

“Doing fine. G-Good!” he huffed, sounding a little winded. Kayla wasn’t sure whether to read this as fear or just a state of natural submission upon gazing across the fleshy peach expanse of the Omega’s hand, large enough to grip a whole neighborhood of Beta houses with room to spare, let alone contain just one speck-sized individual. Still, she hoped he wasn’t lying to save face. She concentrated her every muscle and fiber into keeping her hand steady, unmoving as a sphinx. Even her oxygen intake slowed, and Kayla had to consciously remind herself to exhale again when she noticed how tight her chest had become. But it couldn’t be helped. The Omega was fascinated, enraptured, and oh-so-pleased that she’d managed to offer a platform for the Alpha and Beta without scaring them off.

From the balcony perch, the crowd of student activists watched with great interest as Erin and James crossed the final joint segment of Kayla’s finger, leading to the field of her palm: soft, porous, and the slightest bit moist from a recent lotioning and even-more-recent layer of self-conscious perspiration. Erin seemed right at home, though, having obviously received much prior practice in traversing an Omega’s body, which gave Kayla comfort that at least one of them could make up for the other’s inexperience.


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