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Judy Stevens sat on her improvised throne, a stone altar planted in the D.C. Capitol lawn, with one supple leg crossed over the other. Her hands folded regally atop her knee, idly plucking the hem of her toga, a garb that made her look more akin to the Statue of Liberty than the city-dominating politician she was. Coarse fabric wrapped tautly around her generous curves, but came up severely short of concealing her whole transformed body both above and below. The lithe, toned demigoddess of a woman cooed, bringing her arms closer together and in doing so mashed her cleavage, which in turn wrapped Scott Stevens into a sandwich of warm maternal flesh while he dangled from a chain to serve as his mother’s jewelry for the evening.

An audience crowded by the thousands around their hundred-fifty-foot-tall self-appointed queen, though a healthy ring of space still existed between them and Judy, as all present, she included, knew perfectly well that the gargantuan woman would have no qualms reaching to the ground and scooping up any passerby who came too close for a snack. All present watched her with fear and reverence, even a sick kind of respect beaten into them after months of living with the awareness that any day might be their last if their ruler just so happened to wander across them on the street between meals.

Scott struggled for air, prying uselessly against the squishy walls. The harness his mother had fashioned for him to be used as her personal necklace wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable on its own, but it was the end of a long loop, allowing the son-shaped gem to hang deeply in the gulch of his parent’s breasts. Despite his difficulty in managing while being repeatedly clapped and massaged between Judy’s cans, though, Scott knew he wouldn’t be much happier being free of her grasp and standing on the lawn below his mother with the rest of the poor peons. He was being playfully suffocated now by his mother’s chest, true, but as of today, the woman was about to collectively suffocate a whole nation, and there would be nothing playful about it.

It was tough for the boy to hear through the vice of tit bulk to pick up the proclamations being made by the Speaker of the House, holding this public session outdoors instead of inside the Capitol, given that the most important figure present wouldn’t have fit through the door. Scott managed to get every ten words or so, though, and pieced together the gist: the president had responded poorly to Judy’s reign, embarrassing himself with a series of bad decisions backed by his whole administration and many others at the Capitol. Then, in approaching the U.N. for aid on the so-called crisis of Judy Stevens, America only dug its hole deeper, and the president’s response showed him unfit for leadership, especially after inspiring a hostile response from enemy forces. The catastrophe came to a head when, on national TV, the president emerged from the secretive meetings and ran right at Judy, punching her bare toes with his own tiny impotent fists. Amused, the giantess had allowed him to finish undoing himself without having to even raise a finger herself, and the rest was history. Today, she would reap the benefits, as control of the nation was about to be placed in the hands of Judy herself, in hopes of averting conflict and putting the country back in a position of strength.

Here they stood, Judy draped in mythic garments like an ancient dictator, surrounded by thousands of potential human morsels too terrified to speak out, with her eldest son hung from her neck and perched at the level of her heart, where she’d insisted he spend tonight as a demonstration of his importance to her at this significant moment of evolution in her power-drunk life.

Scott could hardly believe what was happening. It didn’t seem real. Outside, he could hear the Speaker finishing the officially binding gobbledygook regarding the transference of the nation’s highest seat of power, then listing off a pledge for Judy to repeat. The towering blonde’s pulse quickened, felt like a pounding drum by Scott when splayed so close to the source. From deep within, he heard the mighty thrum of her spoken responses rising up and expelling from her lips, a thunderous vow to serve the nation first and foremost above herself, a vow Scott already knew she would break before sunrise. Nobody on Earth was above Judy Stevens, not in height, and now, not even in political clout. She’d transformed herself first physically in height and ability, then somehow earned the title to befit her inflated sense of purpose.

Judy’s fingers fished through her cleavage, pinching Scott by his head and peeling him out of the musky crevice, so he could instead lie across the hill of her breast, with her hand pressed over him and her heart to make the pledge official. When it was concluded, and just like that the wheel of the world’s #1 superpower had passed to Scott’s domineering mother, a hush fell over the listening throngs. They too understood the gravity. Despite this acknowledgement of their upcoming subjugation, though, the crowds managed a golf-clap for Judy, dutiful if nothing else, and the giantess graciously nodded to thank her “supporters” when at last she arose from her throne, to stand fully above and make herself a literal monument to the day’s victory.

She’d won. Judy had won. Scott slid out from under his mother’s hand when she let go of her heart, but the necklace chain still caught him, leaving him to swing like a humiliating pendulum while his cruel parent paced seismic laps around her seat, with the miniature eyes of the nation upon her. The boy was feeling so forlorn at this surreal turn of events, he half-hoped the chain would simply break and he could fall to the ground out of sight, rather than being displayed as his mother’s property in plain view of her soon-to-be victims. Plus, knowing his parent’s reflexes, she’d reach out and catch him before he could escape, either stuffing him back between her breasts or turning him into a temporary lollipop while she addressed the crowd. Because if Scott knew his mother, and he did, she could never just have her triumph; she had to lord it over everyone, too, grinding them into the dirt without even having to step on them.

“Thank you, Speaker… senators… representatives… friends. And thank you, everyone here and listening across the nation, for your support. I accept the honor and the burden of my new role as your leader with the hope that this country will march toward a bright future with a strength never before seen in our history. Just as I have grown above you before your very eyes, I anticipate our country following suit on the world stage… and perhaps more,” Judy announced, strolling in methodical circles. “But that will be a conversation for another day. On this night, though, we gather to mark and celebrate something I can’t help but call manifest destiny because… well, let’s face it… you know me, my methods, and what I’m capable of. I’ve known it since I was a little girl, and now all of you can see it for yourselves. Who else but me could’ve risen up in this hour of need, when the old leaders and ways have proven weak and foolish, to show you the way forward? Who else but ME would’ve deserved your loyalty, your praise, your patriotic devotion? None. That’s why I, the woman who legalized the Shrink Act to bring natural order through personal reduction, and the one woman on the planet authorized to exist at this magnificent size now for the benefit of all, stand before you today, as your ruler, from now until the day I choose to abdicate. Which… not to spoil the surprise… won’t be happening anytime soon.”

Each trembling body in attendance witnessed her every move without blinking or smiling, took in her increasingly dramatic words and veiled threats with vacant expression, none daring take a step closer. As he bounced softly off his mom’s cleavage during each lethargic revolution around the lawn, Scott looked to the sea of strangers in desperation, almost pleadingly, for a sign that someone, or even better a whole movement, might rise up at any moment to oppose this madness. But none did. He wanted so badly to cry out to them, to snap them out of this insane reverie that had allowed this self-serving tyrant to take control, but knew he’d be silenced and jammed somewhere unpleasant by his mother’s omnipotent hand before anyone could decipher his choked squealing.

“Now, the wiser among you may already be able to tell, but there will be some changes in this country. We can’t step into the future if we don’t let go of certain notions, and antiquated systems,” Judy continued. “To begin with, if it wasn’t already obvious, my rule will be unequivocal and uncontaminated by outside influence. As of today, the Senate and House, though they have served us well in the past, will be dissolved via my enhanced executive powers, as will the Cabinet and high courts. Next, I will expect a certain degree of nationally observed decorum between myself, the one and only Sky-Class citizen, and everyone else. Though you are a part of this country, all of you, you are demonstrably a very small part of this country, and in keeping with that theme, I will be requiring that we adopt certain customs from nations abroad. Everyone gathered here will bow to me, your beloved provider and ruler, at all times in my presence. Show your allegiance, and you will share in the knowledge that you have become part of something more important than yourselves. My subjects, my faithful, my sources of strength… which I of course mean literally, as more than ever, I will require your necessary sacrifice whenever I hunger, so that the rest of you lucky ones may continue to live in my light. On your knees, my fellow Americans.”

Scott’s jaw hung open, though he’d already accepted the grim reality in his defeated heart, at the sight of the vast crowd of thousands dropping to their haunches, heads hung, to show their fidelity to his power-mongering leviathan mother. He closed his eyes, too sunken to bear actually watching them follow her orders. From above, though, even in the protective darkness, he heard his mother’s rumbling laughter and her sigh of contentment, knowing she had arrived. Her fingers twiddled with her living jewelry, relishing every moment and sensation of this crucial night: a night which, in all likelihood, was the beginning of the end.


Scott was turned over and over in his mother’s molesting fingers while the giantess laid back in bed, now half-nude in silken underwear as per her recently revised scantily-clad dress code. Wrestling back with her digits was no good; he simply had to endure, just like always, while his tired but nonetheless determined mother refused to let him rest, choosing to relax herself with this diabolical activity. She held the boy above her grumbling washboard stomach, which was quietly sputtering with the effort of digesting the dozen audience members she’d feasted upon post-speech. The sounds haunted Scott just as vividly as his mother’s totalitarian rhetoric from the Capitol lawn. It would be impossible to avoid the nightmares tonight, and probably for many following nights.

“You hoped someone would resist, didn’t you?” Judy taunted. “You hoped and prayed that a cavalry would come in at the last moment. Maybe some brave souls with ticklish little spears and guns, or even someone who’d found a loophole in the law that said none of this was legitimate. But it didn’t happen. Oh, how you wished for it, didn’t you, sweetie?”

Scott was too ill to answer his mother, but wouldn’t have had the gumption anyway. His face was pressed down into the firm terrain of her abdomen, where the roiling crackles of her stomach-acid-braised victims was most visceral.

“Well, I’d advise you to just keep on wishing and dreaming, my little tiny dear, because wishes and dreams are all you’ll have left, if you keep clinging to the idea of your sad old life that I’m sure you believe I took away from you. Though I didn’t. I just set things right, and soon I’ll do the same across the globe. Welcome to the new world, Scott. It’s a big place, and if you don’t find your place in it… someone just might gobble you up.”


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