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“Mmmmm… that was nice, wasn’t it, Bella? Mommy is always in such a better mood after she gets kisses from her little ones,” Sarah purred. She combed her thumb over Tessa’s matted hair, only mussing it further. “You know, maybe I was being too hard on you. Well, a little bit, at least. You still need to learn your place in this house, and as your Mommy, it’s my job to teach you better. But I think it’s okay to reward you sometimes after you’ve been so sweet and told me you loved me and you think I’m beautiful, like you did a few minutes ago. So I was thinking, maybe we should look over my shoes, and see if you’d rather stay in a different secret shoe instead whenever Daddy is here for Mommy to play with? Wouldn’t you like that, Bella? Would you like to decide which of pretty Mommy’s pretty shoes you’ll hide inside?”

Demoralized, Tessa wiped her face and crouched in her captor’s open hand. The prospects were grimmer than ever, but she seemed to have gotten Sarah into a good mood again somehow or other. It would be advantageous to keep her that way long enough until the three-inch woman had another chance to flee.

“C’mon, Bella. Tell me how much you want to make it up to Mommy!”

“I’d love to.”

“You are sooooo cute, Bella, even if you’re ugly sometimes cuz of your selfish actions. You’re still cute enough for me to want to eat up. Just kidding, little one. I could neeeeever put you in my tummy. What would I do without you after that?” Sarah teased. She stood up from the bed, gave her ponytail a toss, then set her pet down on the hot-pink bedspread. “Stay right here, okay? Don’t go anywhere again. Remember, I’m testing you, Bella! You have to show me how good you can be, and how much you deserve your gorgeous Mommy’s love!”

Tessa sprawled on the blankets, afraid to move for the first minute as she watched the titanic nineteen-year-old saunter back to the closet and stoop down to inspect her immense shoe collection. Given the tension of the situation, it seemed like a bad idea to try running right this second. However, as usual, Sarah seemed oblivious to the rest of the world outside her personal bubble, and the giant girl didn’t turn around once as she hummed to herself and took every individual piece of footwear off the shelf to study. Each was cradled in her hands, petted, smelled, and measured against her naked foot, before placing it back on the shelf.

With only half the shelf covered and no immediate end in sight, this was Tessa’s best chance to act. Most other times, she was either in Sarah’s powerful fist, or down in the shadowy depths of those god-awful ballet flats the girl kept jamming her inside. Right now, though, she had a shot.

Tessa ran to the edge of the bedspread and looked at the dizzying drop to the floor. Though weak and weary, the woman was also very athletic, and had even practiced rock-climbing several years before. She started shimmying her way down the side of the towering mattress toward the carpet. Several minutes passed, and Sarah’s humming maintained the same happy tune, which meant she hadn’t looked yet. The floor approached. Heart pounding, Tessa hit the carpet, and was just about to sprint toward the air vent in the wall, when an enormous, meaty bare foot the size of a boat came sailing down and crashed into the floor an inch away from the little woman stood. The thump and force of wind was so strong that Tessa fell straight back.

Hey!” Sarah pouted. Her toes grappled the carpet fibers. “What were we JUST TALKING ABOUT, BELLA?”

For once, the massive girl’s ever-sugary tone had risen to a shrieking volume, and there was almost no affection in her voice. She lunged down to the floor and snatched Tessa roughly in her fist, then swept her back into the air.

“I’m trying sooooo hard to be nice to you, little girl, but you keep on testing Mommy, and I don’t know why! Is it cuz I don’t give you enough kisses? Is it because I didn’t hide you in a shoe that smelled enough like me? Or cuz I didn’t give you enough cute little doll clothes to wear yet? Whatever it is, I wish you would tell me, cuz this whole game with you running away from me is getting sooooo old,” Sarah ranted. Her eyes narrowed, her lips pursed, and even her cheeks turned ruddy.

Though the airheaded ditzy girl wouldn’t have been intimidating at normal size during this whiny episode, by comparison to the three-inch slave in her hand, she was a veritable roaring kaiju. Instantly, Tessa burst back into tears.

“Maybe I’m being too nice to you, Bella, since I’m such a sweet and loving and beautiful Mommy to you. Maybe I should be showing you what things could be like for you out in the big scary world if you didn’t have me to protect you. Like… I could pull on your little hairs, one by one, until you learned?” Sarah threatened suddenly, pinching a tuft of Tessa’s long dark hair in her strong fingertips. “Or… I could clapyou between my hands, over and over. Or I could put your whole little body inside my mouth and suck on you like candy, ‘til you got all wrinkly and gooey! Or maybe instead of putting you in my shoe, I should just put you under it, then kick you around a little like a tiny soccer ball!”

The terror of these abrupt perils sent Tessa into a state of hysteria.

“See, you’re scared now, cuz you know how bad it would be without me. That’s it, it’s okay to cry, Bella. Mommy understands. Mommy likes it,” Sarah whispered, suddenly returning to her honeyed timbre. Her lips returned to Tessa’s face. Hard, sloppy kisses mopped up the tears as quickly as they could fall, replacing them with saliva. “Those are the kinds of things that would happen to you if I wasn’t such a perfect Mommy to you, Bella. Of course, they won’t happen, so long as you learn your place and don’t run away from me again.”

Sniffling and half-choking through the bludgeoning of bulbous lips and leaking spittle river, Tessa could only nod. She quivered from the trauma of this day, and for perhaps the first time realized she might never escape this place. Ever. Fresh tears instantly flowed, and though she hadn’t drunk Sarah’s saliva for a while, Tessa vomited again.

“Oh, Bella. Don’t get sick and cry. Everything’s gonna be perfect again. I just have to train you better, is all. We’ll make you pretty and grateful soon. Starting with what’s gonna be your new favorite smell. My cute little feet! While I’m at the gym, of course,” Sarah announced, beaming triumphantly. She marched back to the closet and dragged her colorful running sneakers out. “You can’t keep your body as amazing and in-shape as mine if you don’t put in lots of time exercising, so that’s what we’re gonna do, and you’re gonna come along, down in Mommy’s jogging shoes, under her feet where you belong! Are you excited, Bella?”

“No… n-no, please, please… I’m sorry I tried to run away,” Tessa panted. She knew Sarah couldn’t understand her, but she was too horrified to think logically. As those giant fingers curled around her, the dark open mouth of Sarah’s gigantic sneaker rapidly approached. “PLEASE! STOP! DON’T PUT ME IN THERE!”

“I’m excited, too, Bella,” Sarah cooed as she shoved the poor girl down into the whiffy depths. “Mommy can’t wait to feel you under her adorable pretty toes, and walk around everywhere with you, and let you get used to how Mommy’s shoes smell when she’s working hard to stay beautiful. Maybe, if you work hard, and rub Mommy’s toes, and sniff up her sweat like you’re supposed to, then you’ll be almost as beautiful as Mommy someday!”


THE END (for now)


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