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But she couldn’t drag the show out forever. Nerea was eager to start her European vacation. She extended her leg halfway across Portugal in one long stretch, casting the shadow of her shapely leg and energetic foot over the land, then brought it crushing firmly down on the most densely populated patch of silver and stone needlework she knew to be a micro-city.

Though she’d spent all morning turning urban expanse into mealy debris using only the bottoms of her feet and a little pressure, the game was made new again once Nerea was inflated to seventy miles. Knowing she just had to try this out bare-footed, she quickly abandoned her flip-flops again, and set her nude soles down to smear away the specks of humanity. She strolled into Spain, purposefully dragging her heavy soles through forest and city alike, and letting it all smush up between her toes like organic lotion. It took even less effort now to utterly obliterate whole shining cities at a time into sparkles embedded in the meaty underbellies of her feet. How simple would it become to destroy them, Nerea wondered, if she were to grow even higher?

Her answer came sooner than she’d have thought. This time, she didn’t even notice the attack until it had already struck from somewhere east, as Nerea’s curvaceous body was so thoroughly dwarfed any manmade engines of war. The nuclear armament fizzled like a cigarette ember on the girl’s right breast, and once again barely tickled her. She knocked the ash out from the valley of her cleavage with just her pinky tip, and looked toward the sky, watching as her body lurched several dozen miles closer to it. Nerea could feel more land bulldozed around the sides of her feet as she grew, and she didn’t even have to move a muscle; the chemical reaction to the world’s puny weapons was responsible.

“Oh, boys and girls…” Nerea giggled. “Can you really not see what’s happening every time you hit me? If you keep up like this, there won’t even be enough world for me to take my vacation! Instead of a beach, I’ll just have a beach ball, called Earth, and the whole thing will break in just one step. I really don’t think you want that, do you?”

She didn’t quite double her size, but after Nerea felt the growth halting again, she could set her feet right next to one of her old footprints from just a moment before, and mark the difference. Those stamped craters, already humongous in their own right, weren’t even as long as Nerea’s sole now, excluding her chunky heel and slender toes. Nerea was no math whiz, but she knew she had to be over one hundred miles high now.

This realization caused her skin to ripple with goosebumps and inexplicable tingling not unlike the last time she pleasured herself. There was no time to waste. She had to know how good it would feel now to crush her toy world. For good measure, she lifted her foot high into the air, then slammed it down on Spain with such excessive force, she could feel the whole country buckling under her like a wooden plank about to snap in half. A visible slant formed, tipping the entire nation inward to the center, aimed directly for the deadly canyon of Nerea’s fourteen-mile-long footprint. Satisfied, the girl stepped gingerly back into the ocean, but the country’s torment was just beginning, as every city previously spared from being squished directly by the giantess’s toes was now rolling down the newly formed slope. Eventually, the abyss shaped from Nerea’s ped would be filled to the brim with landscape and city tumbled in a fiery mess toward the opening, like the goddess’s own twisted version of golf.

Starting in the Bay of Biscay, Nerea proceeded to shuffle through the land connecting Spain to France. Her toes led the charge, ripping and tearing through rock and earth with the ease of moist clay. Once her digits loosened the next patch of ground, her sole sealed the deal, trampling the land straight down into the ocean and crafting a whole new strait as the waters rose. If anything was left, the final and hardiest portion of her foot, her rounded heels, followed to finish the job. They fell like meteors where her soles had already mashed civilization to paste, and by moving along in a straight line, Nerea managed to entirely separate the crumbling crust of Spain and Portugal from the rest of Europe. With a final kick, the jaunty leviathan brunette turned her first vacation visit into a pile of dusty ruins.

“Well, it’s hard to see what’s what when it’s all so tiny and trapped between my toes, but at least I know I visited all the exciting landmarks!” Nerea joked to herself. She pinched her powerful toes again, feeling the mush of rubble oozing up between them. “I bet I’m even carrying some of them with me still, if they stuck to my feet. Not a bad start, overall! Now, who wants the biggest new celebrity on the planet to visit them next? I’ve always wanted to see Paris. I bet I’ll need a microscope now to do it, but I know for sure they’ll see me.”

The girl straightened the straps of her bra, gave her hair a toss, and marched toward where she estimated her next desired location to be. Nerea’s feet landed hard and heavy, carrying her across the entire country in a matter of seconds, and by the time she’d finished turning around in circles looking for Paris, she was pretty sure she’d already stomped it into oblivion beneath the textured flesh of her loping arch and the vortexed pads of her toes.

“Whoops! Eh, close enough,” Nerea shrugged. And to think that just last night, she was emotionally dominated by shrieking bullies at a party. Today, she was a whole new woman. While the planet was suffering tremendously under the girl’s vengeful feet, she had to admit that this whole adventure was doing absolute wonders for her self-worth, which the girl decided was more important anyway.


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