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Nerea reclined across the North American coastline, with half her svelte seventy-mile body reposed along the beach, and her sun-kissed legs dipped through the puddle-shallow waters of the ocean. She’d stripped away most of her clothes and folded them up beside her discarded flip-flops so as to better take advantage of the gorgeously sunny day, staying only in her bra and thong, for modesty’s sake, since most of the entire planet was now able to see her gargantuan form.

Her luxurious bare feet extended almost forty miles on their own out into the thrashing Atlantic, where the seas actually went deep enough for her to partially submerge her bare soles. Whenever the dark-haired girl spread her toes wide, she could feel cruise ships and thousands of gallons of saltwater gushing ticklishly through the damp crevices between each golden-tan digit. Occasionally when she felt microscopic vessels passing along the creased channel of her toes, she’d pinch her digits suddenly together, instantly trapping whole fleets between the nubs of flesh and muscle that made up her marshmallow-tipped toes.

The girl smiled, and brushed a few luminous brunette strands out of her eyes. A booming giggle escaped her lips as she felt the ships sliding down her slanted soles once she released them from the prisons of her toes. She wished she had some sunglasses to wear for the full sun-bathing experience, but Nerea couldn’t be picky. Already she was getting a pretty complete vacation experience, and the university semester had barely begun. Given her new size, too, Nerea was pretty sure she’d be doing nothing but relaxing if she so desired. Who was going to stop her, after all? She’d already had the strongest manmade weapons on Earth used against her, and all it did was double her goddess-like stature.

As Nerea enjoyed her time in the sun, she couldn’t help but recall some of the social media photos Angelica and the rest of the cheerleading team had posted after their summer trip overseas. That was the sort of event Nerea would never have been invited to, of course, since she couldn’t even make the junior squad, and she’d never had the money to go on a full-blown European backpacking trip. Suddenly it occurred to her, though, that she no longer had to worry about plane tickets or tour fares. The whole world was hers to explore as she pleased, and now that she knew she’d grow every time atomic firepower was used on her, she could grow even higher to make the trip all the easier.

Nerea sat up, allowing her fingers to sink through a pair of beachside cities, until the buildings seeped between her fingers and a crater in the shape of her handprint was carved into the bedrock. She drew her supple legs back toward her body, savoring the feeling of her calves grazing through the lapping waters, and her long beady toes dragging sand and ocean back toward the mainland. Sitting comfortably in the seat of her destructions, Nerea yawned, stretched her arms, then ascended back to her full height. Beaches sagged under the incredible weight of her island-sized feet, compressing down to hard-packed singularities in the soft shape of her soles.

It was decided. She would give herself a vacation that would put Angelica and the other clique bitches to shame. They probably wouldn’t know it, of course, since it was likely that Nerea had demolished all her peers and classmates, friends and rivals alike, when her sleeping body first expanded upon the university campus, but it was the spirit of the idea that counted. Nerea would show them all. Portugal and Spain seemed a lovely way to start. And if the combined international military forces of the world just so happened to bomb her again and inflict another staggering growth spurt, then that would just be the cherry on top.

Nerea squinted across the curved horizon of the planet. It was difficult to see Europe directly through the clouds, but based on her geography classes, she knew it couldn’t be far. At her new size, crossing the Atlantic Ocean to Europe would feel more like walking down a single street, albeit after a rainstorm. The girl set her foam sandals down by the edge of the churning sea and slid both of her naked bronzed feet into their rubbery slabs, allowing the thong lip to ease comfortably between her bulky big and second toes. Nerea considered putting her clothes back on, before deciding she could enjoy the sunshine just as well over on the opposing continent; besides, she wanted to even out the tan on her toned midriff. Not to mention, she figured the nations across the ocean deserved a full look at her half-naked miles-tall body walking toward them over the Atlantic, just before they were smashed to smithereens by the oncoming treaded skies of her powerful flip-flops and plush soles.

It felt strange for Nerea to walk across the ocean so easily. The water only ever rose to the level of her ankles, and even then, she could trudge forward without even trying. Mighty tides swished between her soaked foot and the flip-flop platform, massaging her heels and wriggling toes. Each time she lifted her peds through the waves to step again, they crested the water with the strength of a thousand depth charges. Though she couldn’t be certain because they were so small, what appeared to be mechanical gnats buzzed around her ears; Nerea swatted them aside with a simple flick of her wrist, knowing she was taking out whole swarms of air force jets at a time. She couldn’t help but laugh again, and picked up the pace, until the coast of Portugal appeared through the fog.

The girl slowed her pace as she approached her first destination. After all, she could stamp her foot onto the doomed country in just three quick strides, but she wanted them to enjoy the view first. Nerea, feeling more confident than ever, cupped both hands beneath her ample bosom and propped her breasts higher. She sashayed, giving her buoyant booty a swing, and strutted with one foot in front of the other. Her flip-flops crashed through the waves and slapped her wet soles, kicking up another typhoon as Nerea got closer and closer to her hapless target. She almost pitied them, but then reminded herself just how voluptuous a final view they were receiving; how could anyone wish for a better sight to see right before they were squashed into civilization jam by an elegant bare foot larger than certain countries?


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