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The situation would’ve seemed ridiculous to Tessa if she wasn’t literally being sexually assaulted by a college-aged idiot’s log-sized little finger. What was wrong with this psycho? Sarah sounded so genuinely upset, utterly convinced that Tessa was the one being impolite here, that there was actually a hint of a depressed waver in the giant girl’s voice. She was on the verge of cracking, even though she was the one finger-raping Tessa. That fact alone was almost enough to make the victim explode with existential rage.

“Maybe this will help you relax, then,” Sarah said. “I hope you’re ready for the Tickle Monster, cuz that’s Mommy’s other job, too, and she’s coming to get you, Bella.” Her pinky slid out from between Tessa’s thighs, to the woman’s relief, only to replace the attempt at calming sensuality with a giggly tickle rampage. Laughter rumbled from the blonde’s curled lips as she frantically pecked her soft fingertips all over Tessa’s frame, trying to inflict the same mirth, but really only succeeding in lightly bludgeoning her.

“Cootchie-cootchie-coo!” Sarah chuckled with all the euphoria of a young parent roughhousing with her infant child for the first time. Her fingers danced rapidly across Tessa, turning her over and flicking at each limb which rose up to combat her. “We’ll just get you warmed up first before we rub you down, Bella, okay?”

“Get - your - fucking - fingers - off - my - BODY!” Tessa choked. With Sarah’s pinky no longer pinning her down, the woman was free to thrash back in answer to Sarah’s tickling hand. She still couldn’t do anything, of course, but to surrender wasn’t an option for Tessa.

“You really are a ticklish little one, aren’t you, Bella? Mommy… I mean, the Tickle Monster… always has fun when she comes to call on her cuties, but you might have the funniest tickle face. Even funnier than Boogie’s! But Boogie mostly just likes to hold still when it’s time to play with his peeper, cuz he likes it so much when Mommy rubs him between her fingers. I bet you’ll be the same way, any second now. C’mon, Bella. Relax now.”

The tickling slowly came to a halt, and Sarah’s pinky was poised back over her pet’s crotch. Yet Tessa couldn’t quit, not only because it was impossible with Sarah’s fingers wrestling her about, but because she couldn’t give up. She wouldn’t. The woman fought with everything she had, even squirming her way toward the edge of Sarah’s palm. At this point, Tessa didn’t care about the danger of jumping.

“Okay, Bella, you’re super-precious and everything, but you’re starting to get on Mommy’s nervesnow,” Sarah intoned suddenly. “STOP IT!”

The petulant boom of her voice filled the room. Abruptly, Sarah’s chipper timbre was dropped for one closer to a scorned lover, deep and haunted as the squealy blonde could get. That sharp turn in her voice, rather than her powerful fingers, made Tessa pause her struggle out of sheer shock. Her jaw hung open.

“I don’t understand you, Bella. I really don’t. You have it made like this. Don’t you see? Your whole life now is taken care of by your Mommy, and you also have the world’s prettiest Mommy, in case you didn’t notice cuz you were so disobedient! All your Mommy wants to do is feed you and play with you and make you happy every way she can, and what kind of thanks do you give her? NONE!” Sarah bellowed, building to a fever pitch. Angry spittle flecks fired from her lips and splashed on Tessa like bullets. Her pinky finger pulsed against Tessa’s nethers. “Now listen here, Bella. What Mommy is doing to you is a thing called “masturbating.” It’s a perfectly natural and beautiful thing, and I’m helping you learn how it’s done, cuz you’re too small and precious to be able to do it yourself. Mommy has to do it for you, just like she has to do everything, to make sure you stay safe. But if you keep on fighting your Mommy, Bella, then you’re going to make her very ANGRY. Do you understand that? You’re being selfish and mean, little one, and guess what? Even though you’re sooooo beautiful, those other things make you ugly instead. Yes, that’s right. You’re being ugly to Mommy, and you won’t be beautiful again until you learn your place, as mine. To do with what I want. And what I want is for you to hold still, NOW, until Mommy’s finished touching your adorable little lady parts all the way to the end.”

Tessa, tough as nails and never one to give up, broke down into uncontrollable tears. Her body heaved and quaked, her breathing ragged and her eyes gushing. She curled into a ball in Sarah’s possessive hand. This was simply too much. Dumb and ditzy as this gigantic beast could be, she had revealed her true darkness beneath, and the spectacle of having the vengeful mouth ranting, spitting, and screaming at Tessa had overwhelmed her. There was no fighting now.

“Awww… look at that! You’re doing it, Bella! You’re relaxing!” Sarah cooed, instantly snapping back to her previously loving aura. She caressed her fingers along Tessa’s legs, giving her shrunken boobs one last bounce, then wedged her own giant pinky back among the woman’s privates. “I just knew you could do it if you concentrated, and learned to trust your Mommy! Oh, you’re so cute, and I bet it will feel sooooo good now that you’re holding still for me to masturbate you, but… first… I just have to-”

Tessa’s face was buried in her trembling hands, so she was unprepared for the jolting motion of being brought to Sarah’s ravenous lips in a flash, followed by a moist slam against the girl’s puckered mouth. Speechless and distraught, the little woman was pinned to the center of Sarah’s palm. Just as she’d endured all week, Tessa was grossly pulverized beneath those gyrating lips, constantly popping and dispensing drops of saliva in their hungry attempts to smear across Tessa’s body. She was tossed and turned, made to shriek and wail from desperation as Sarah’s mouth raked across her, even letting her massive red tongue flick out at will to lap at the tiny pet’s hair.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Bella. I just can’t help it when you cry like that, I just have to… oh, come here again. Come to Mommy and give her a big kissy,” Sarah moaned, and drove Tessa back against her lips. The moist roiling of the make-out session lasted for minutes on end. Tessa had long abandoned her escape attempt. The thought of living through another screeching bout of hysteria from the golden-haired demoness was too much to bear. She was certain this experience couldn’t possibly reach greater heights of emotional agony or surreality.

Then, even while Sarah’s lips continued smooching and puffing against the top half of Tessa’s body, the little woman felt the thick nub of a pinky fingertip forcibly gracing her vaginal lips again.

“That’s it now. This is how you relax and feel good, Bella. See how warm and safe and happy Mommy makes you,” Sarah purred, alternately laying wet tender kisses on Tessa’s entire head while recommencing the violating massage between her legs. “I think you understand now, Bella. And that makes Mommy sooooo happy. You know, I don’t like when I have to use loud words and teach you a lesson like I just did, but it’s necessary sometimes to show you how things are supposed to be. This is so much better, isn’t it? Isn’t it nice, having Mommy’s sweet kisses to keep you warm, while she rubs you down there in your favorite place? Now, it’s okay to take your time. It’s not a race, and I can feel that you’re not sticky yet on my finger. But it’s okay, Bella. It’s okay. Mommy understands. You’ll get there. We have all the time in the world for you to finish. Mommy’s not going anywhere.”


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