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“All right, that was kinda cute, but in a super-pathetic way. You had your chance to get away, and you failed, just like you fail at everything in life, except of course inventing cool things for me to torture you with,” Olivia thundered, hands on her hips and a victorious fire in her eyes. “Now that you’ve had your fun, I’m gonna have some more fun of my own, and make you… hey… what the fuck are you smirking at, you little dumbass? Don’t you see there’s no way out of this? So you might as well-”

Having been diverted by what was indeed an explicable and relieved smile on Brian’s little face, Olivia was then interrupted by a painful blow to the back of her head, courtesy of a library atlas that none other than Amy Yang was wielding. Sucker-punched, Olivia crumpled forward with a yelp, but luckily, with Brian poised in between her bare feet, he was nowhere in the danger zone when her body hit the ground. Quickly Amy dropped to her hands and knees, tears on her cheeks and a protective smile on her lips as she offered a cupped hand to Brian, who never thought he’d be so glad to see another person in his life.

“Are you all right?” Amy croaked, only held back from a full weeping meltdown by the obvious rage at Olivia. Before Brian could answer, she clobbered him with a flurry of kisses that pinned him to her palm. Flustered, and more in love than ever, the little guy opened his mouth to reply, only to find Amy’s pupils darting to the middle distance and her fingers encasing around him in a fleshy cocoon.

Grasped in her fist, Brian watched between the caged digits as Olivia threw herself back at Amy, this time tackling her romantic rival to the ground. The trauma of the fall might’ve broken Brian’s neck, if his giant girlfriend hadn’t immediately clasped him to her bosom to soften the landing. Then, with a furiously shrieking Olivia trying to rake her fingernails on Amy’s face, she thrust her arm to the side and dumped Brian to safer ground near the door, which then allowed Amy to block her attacker’s blows, though it was difficult, when the vengeance-hungry perp was so hell-bent on cat-scratching her target into submission.

Helpless, Brian watched a pair of gorgeous titanesses wrestling, literally, for him. With her legs wrapped around Amy, Olivia pressed down on her shoulder and then made a lunge in Brian’s direction, fingers arched like talons to snatch him no matter if it broke him like a wishbone.

Thinking fast, however, Amy reached for Olivia’s long black hair and yanked it like a lawnmower starter, giving the crazed ex whiplash when she was thrown back, her palm slapping the carpet well out of Brian-grabbing range. This time Amy threw herself onto Olivia, ignoring the no-doubt painful scratches on her cheeks, and began to wail on the other girl with clenched fists. By no means were either Amy or Olivia large or especially athletic girls, but in the heat of their anger and passion, the giantesses’ hands and torsos struck the ground enough to make a certain inch-tall man feel like a continuous seismic event was rippling through the library.

“Don’t - you - dare - touch - him - ever - again!” Amy roared, showing spitfire even Brian was surprised to discover, as she rained punches on Olivia in between growls.

“He’s better off with me, and he knows it!” Olivia spat back, throwing Amy to the side and clambering to her haunches. From there, she began crawling in Brian’s direction, and despite his leaping in the other direction, it was clear she’d have him in a matter of heartbeats. “You two just play master and slave, but he wants the real thing, and that’s what he’s going to get with me. So just give him up. Don’t you realize? He built that thing for me, because he just can’t get me out of his head.”

Olivia’s hand approached again, a hairsbreadth from pinching Brian, but once again Amy recovered in time and hurled herself on top of Olivia, pile-driving her off to the side so the spurned ex-lover’s head slammed hard into the door, and this time, the girl could only babble in concussion-addled defeat.

“He already has gotten you out,” Amy snarled. “And I’ll never give him up.”

For the second time in six months, a battered-but-unbeaten Brian sat in post-kidnapping daze, having just finished answering a police officer’s questions, while Olivia was led out of the university library in cuffs, only a little more bruised than last time, courtesy of Amy. Regrown, aching, but overflowing with gratitude to his girlfriend, Brian insisted on helping clean and bandage the cuts on his savior’s cheeks.

“It’s nothing. Barely a scratch,” Amy muttered.

“C’mon, let me do something nice. You just saved my life. At least three times, probably, since she almost got me again at the end there,” Brian sighed, kissing her forehead.

“Okay, okay,” she said, instinctively giggling, but then stifled it when the somber occasion caught up to her again. Voice quavering, she mewled: “I… can’t believe how she j-just… just…”

“Tell me this much, at least,” Brian said, wanting to steer the conversation in a happier direction. “How in the hell did you know where to find me?”

“Oh, I… had your find-my-phone app connected to mine. Sorry, maybe I should’ve mentioned it, but after everything that happened with her the first time, I just couldn’t help but-”

“Are you kidding me? I’m never switching that off again! You’re a genius,” Brian laughed, which got Amy to smile again. “So, I guess you knew I wasn’t at home?”

“Right. After “you” lied about that, I started following the tracker, but just to make sure something was wrong, I started texting you… weird stuff I wouldn’t normally say.”

“I know, she read it all to me. I figured something was up, but I had no idea you’d become my warrior-princess in shining armor. Thank you.”

“Any time,” Amy said, apparently having relinquished some of the strain. She shared a kiss with Brian, not even bothered by onlookers. “So… how do you feel?”

“Pretty tuckered out, and I need some mouthwash bad after some of what she made me do, but otherwise okay, all things considered.”

“Good. I was gonna say, if you’re not too tired…” Amy murmured, while nonchalantly crossing one leg over the opposite thigh, then provocatively allowing her slip-on flat to slide partially off her smooth cream-tender sole so it massaged Brian’s hand. “…I think I know just the thing to help cheer you up after all the craziness. But only if you’re not too tired, of course.”

“I, uh…” Brian stammered weakly. “I think I’ll find my second wind.”




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