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Though Tony spent most of his big day chilling out in the sensory acclimation chamber following the long-awaited procedure this morning, effectively housed in a ritzy white-walled man-cave the size of a cat carrier, he’d felt convinced that everything was medically correct with his newly shrunken body a while ago. And yet still he chose not to leave the box. He’d been planning this venture for so many years now, dumping arguably-insane volumes of company cash into hyper-futuristic technology, that he’d ultimately put more intimate detail into the planning of how this apex of his hedonistic existence would play out than he had for all the past anniversaries with Lillian combined. And above all, Tony knew he wanted to keep his permanently six-inch-tall self fresh for that moment when he revealed himself to his spouse, and saw her for the first time as a giantess: the creature who would become the central provider of his every fetishistic necessity, or rather just the vessel whose feet together would become his perfectly-gigantic living paradise. So he stayed in the chamber, remotely carrying out a few simple work tasks, but more so than ever before, his consciousness was largely devoted instead to thoughts of his exciting future below Lillian. Most of the afternoon was spent in a state of clock-watching blue balls, until the two highly-paid underlings Tony had assigned to securely transport him home arrived to fetch him. The package was delivered, much to his spouse’s probable confusion considering she’d been told nothing of this decision, once certain they were alone, he stepped out into the light and basked in the tantalizing glory of his spouse’s perceived enormity.

Predictably, Lillian’s green eyes bugged, her jaw hung, and even both hands clasped over her face couldn’t stifle her shriek of befuddled disbelief. Despite her beauty, and her willingness to indulge his trample-happy predilections, the woman’s inherently demure soft-spoken almost-wallflower disposition had always made it difficult for Tony to envision her as a giantess, unless he was literally face-planted upward into both her nude soles at the time. Now, however, seeing his wife at a comparative sixty-five-plus feet tall from his wonderfully lowly perspective, that mental barrier no longer existed. His only real disappointment, as he patiently waited for Lillian to get over the initial shell shock of his surprising new stature, was that his transport chamber was placed on the kitchen table, and since she was seated before him, the blonde’s most prized assets were unfortunately not visible from here. But they’d soon remedy that, Tony decided.

“OH MY GOD! W-What! H-How… what d-did you…” Lillian blared, shaking her head and rubbing her eyes as if she expected the half-foot-high visage of her doll-like hubby to revert back to normal like a fading nightmare. “Tony. P-Please, what… W-What is going on here?”

“Don’t be upset, hon. It’s all right. I’m all right. You remember how we’ve been putting all that research into atomic size adjustment technology?” he soothed, as if this reminder would explain away the impact of his new miniscule appearance. Of course, as Tony knew all too well, he’d neglected to ever mention his full intentions of using those advancements on himself the moment they became viable. Then again, he’d probably saved them some potential arguments by shielding Lillian from that info until it was too late to stop it. Stepping forward, he stroked his nigh-tearful wife’s gigantic hand as compassionately as he could project, though at this point, he was just hoping to calm her down and move on ASAP to the fun part of this major life transition. “Well, there was finally a breakthrough. As you can see. And since I’ve been overseeing this project from the start, of course I wasn’t going to let someone else make history like this. Say hello to the new me, Lil.”

“Yes, I do remember you saying something about that, but… n-new you? Wait. T-Tony. You’re… you’re saying this isn’t temporary? You’re really-”

“-going to be this size forever, yes. And, yes, I know it’s going to take some adjustment for you,” the six-incher said while still caressing Lillian’s fingers, sympathetic in tone, but still nowhere near enough to fully account for the bombshell he’d dropped. “But trust me, hon, when I say that I may be smaller now, but I can be twice the man I ever was before. And, not to toot my own horn, but I wasn’t so bad back at that old height, either. It just… never suited me, though. This is what I want. I know, it’s maybe a little hard to understand, but I think you’ll see that this is going to work out great for the both of us in all kinds of ways. Ways I can’t even think of yet, probably! But… there is one, specifically, that comes to mind. One that only you can help me with.”

Full of doubts and questions still, but at least reassured out of the worst of her initial panic by her ever-stewarding husband’s words, Lillian took a deep breath. If this was really what Tony wanted, insane as it seemed, she couldn’t dismiss it outright; she had to give him the chance to explain and convince her.

“All… right,” she reluctantly sighed, drying her eyes and exhaling her stress. “What is it? What can I do to help?”
 “Put me on the floor,” he solemnly replied, his tone dreamy and his miniature pants tenting already. “I… want the usual. Under those goddamn gorgeous feet. You’re going to stand on me with everything you have. I’m ready.”

“W-WHAT?” And just like that, Lillian was squawking through the same head-spinning astonishment with the emotional force of an airbag-less car crash. “That’s not funny, Tony.”

“It’s not a joke.”

“But… y-you… you can’t possibly think I’d actually… I mean, look how smallyou are now! I’d HURT you! Or-”

“You thought you’d hurt me the first time you tried it at my old size, didn’t you? And you’re phenomenal at it now. Never hurt me once. Well, at least not in any way that I didn’t want you to.”

“That’s different, and you know it. Before I was always worried about b-bruising you. Now, if I stepped on you, you’d just… just… God, I can’t even say it. Tony, this… thing… that you’ve done to yourself, it clearly left you in some kind of d-delirium state.” Placing her free hand over her rampaging heart, Lillian responsively stroked her fingertip up Tony’s back while he insistently rubbed it. “We need to get you back to whatever one of your development labs cooked this up, and tell them that your mind is… is-”

“Actually, hon, I’ve never felt more clear-headed,” Tony replied, and indeed he sounded so, but it was still plainly difficult for his wife to grasp that his first priority – less than a day after arriving at the stature of a living toy – was to submit himself spread-eagle beneath a sole literally larger than his entire body. As her shaking fingers continued petting him, more out of terrified concern than the flirtatious quickie-seeking the shrunken CEO was hoping for, he not-so-subtly nudged his puny crotch up against Lillian’s thumb next so she could feel the physical evidence of just how thirsty he was for this to happen. If that wasn’t enough, then, Tony began minutely thrusting his bulge against her soft finger flesh and imagining, by way of warmup, that it was her sole instead. How much more convincing could she need? At his manipulative best, Tony turned his voice raw and imploring, and so played his wife’s heartstrings like a harp: “I don’t just want this. Believe me. I need it. I’ve… thought about it for a long, long time. Being here, at this size, with you. Knowing that you love me so much and that we make such a great team, that you’d understand how this is the most important thing ever to me. You know I’d never want to make you do anything you didn’t want to do. But… you do see how bad I need this to happen? Don’t you, Lil?”


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