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Brian didn’t think his ex-girlfriend would actually want to cripple him so early into her supposed ownership of him, when she clearly had so much vengeance still to take, but he also didn’t trust those gigantic toes, dexterous though they were, to treat his cock with the surgical care required to keep him safe, when his equipment was so hideously dwarfed by neighboring flanks of beefy, moist, sock-fluff-scented toe brawn. Against his every instinct, then, he obediently went limp underneath her hammering toes, and was relieved in the smallest way to find that the pressure let up just enough that he could regularly breathe, though it was by no means comfortable, with his body completely submerged in the coffin-shaped arch of space between Olivia’s plump toe-ends and the soft upper shelf of her sole itself.

“Hey, that’s more like it. Maybe there’s hope for you after all,” Olivia taunted. With less thrashing from her insectoid prisoner, she was able to focus better on approximately massaging his still-dormant rod between her toes. Ironically, as unpleasant as the slime-tinged texture and mealy odor of her feet were, the lubrication of congealed sweat and toejam were could at least help keep Brian’s cock from chafing against the much-stronger inner walls of her pinkish digits. “Now, I know I’m really talented at this, but it’s still not going to work perfectly if you’re not at least a little into it. Which, let’s face it, you couldn’t keep from staring at my feet from the minute I stuck them in front of you, but since I mean for you to actually cheat on your bitch plaything-girl with my toes, I’m going to need you to cum for them like you have a million times before. They’re just a little bigger than they used to be. So, think happy thoughts. Think of her if you have to, I don’t give a shit. Just know that if you don’t jizz between my toes in the next… oh, let’s say five minutes, since I’m in a good mood and feeling generous… I’m going to have go to find some inspiration for you. Say, how about Amy, since you love her so much! Now that’s an idea. I’ll hop on over to the physics building, follow her to the bathroom, shrink her down to an inch, and just make her stand right here while you fuck my toes, or I guess since you were so indecisive, now it’s my toes fucking you. How does all that sound?”

Brian had faced a lot of horrors in the last half-hour: from entering his bedroom to find his psychotic ex waiting, to discovering she’d cracked the code on his incredibly dangerous invention, to being shrunken to such a vulnerable size, and at last falling at the deadly mercy of five colossal, dirt-glossed toes which intended to rape him. Yet nothing had filled him with quite so much dread as hearing this last threat. It was a possibility before, of course, but to imagine his villainous former girlfriend dragging sweet innocent Amy into this ugly mess was too much to handle. If anything happened to her, he knew he’d never forgive himself for whatever short foot-flavored length of shrunken slavery Olivia had in store for him before almost-inevitably snuffing him out with a floor-quaking stomp.

Now knowing he would truly do anything requested of him, if only it protected Amy, Brian shut his eyes and, doing his best to ignore the flurry of toe-beatings and just focus on the undulation of velvety perspiration-sticky flesh around his member, he indeed tried to picture Amy. It sickened him to do so, while it was Olivia’s own monstrous grunge-coated foot perpetrating the act, but he had no choice.

A couple minutes in, he felt his cock stiffening. Perhaps worst of all, it wasn’t all that difficult to get fired up once he fixated upon the sensations, which were rough and lacking all the finesse he’d enjoyed from Amy the last half-year, but nevertheless stimulating, as Olivia had proven as a lover multiple times during their one-sided yet passionate courtship. Not much had changed in their toxic relationship, apparently, except now just one of the girl’s soft sanitary toes, with enough pressure, could pop him like a roach. Shortly thereafter, fully erect and experiencing almost equal soreness as admittedly mind-blowing eroticism, Brian spasmed only as much as Olivia’s possessive toes would allow and finished in the space between. As though in thanks, or just to add insult to injury, the giantess gave his cock a hard squeeze with her toes, then peeled her digits off of him.

“Wow, good work, Bri! You did it with thirty-four seconds to spare,” Olivia laughed, holding out her phone and showing she had in fact been keeping time. With her toes still hovering overhead, she gazed at him under the fleshy roofing of her arch. “I have to say, I was starting to think you wouldn’t make it, and we’ve have to take a little field trip to collect Ms. Amy for you. But after that rude start you had, you’re showing some potential. I think we’re going to have some real fun, especially once I manage to make you forget all about that goody-two-shoes cunt and remind you who’s in charge here, who’s always been in charge, even when you were too distracted by science and fetishes to realize. Now, I know that girlfriend of yours, or ex-girlfriend now, gets picky about making sure you cover both sides, just like she said to you last night, and you know I’m exactly the same way. Come show me what you’ve got over here, too.”

With that, Olivia pressed her toes against the table, then flicked them out at Brian, who pinged across the smooth surface at the table, rolling straight for her opposite foot, which was resting on its side, the cushy wrinkle-lined wall forming an imposing barricade. As her arch was fully scrunched, the flesh was as firm as it was creased, but no sooner had the inch-high man bounced off the musty, semi-humid sole slab when Olivia clapped her foot down against the table, with her living toy crushed at the center using just enough force to keep him entirely immobile. Darkness, heat, and stenchy moisture enveloped Brian while the encroaching sky of megaton foot flesh made the encounter with his ex’s toes before seem like PG-13 heavy petting.

“I did something nice for you, Bri, so it’s only right you return the favor, especially after I went to all this trouble to make things right between us,” Olivia boomed. “You’re going to eat up every last bit of gunk you can find down there. Don’t worry, I’ll help you out and move you wherever you need to go. You just get to licking and slurping, until you’re full, like Amy’s life depends on it… which it does. And hey, bonus points if you can start getting another hard-on right away, because my ultimate goal here is to make you do a shame-cum while you’re cleaning my feet with that pathetic tongue at the same time, and the sooner I get you trained, the happier we’ll both be: me, because I’ll finally have you right where you belong, and you, because I won’t have to make your side-chick into a shrinky-dink slave too.”

Despite all the potentially-lethal pressure from a ceiling of malleable perspiration-oozing arch-muscle currently crushing down on him, the greatest pressure Brian felt now was his duty to protect Amy. He simply couldn’t allow any harm to come to her, no matter the consequences. Thus he didn’t hesitate to wriggle toward the nearest splotch of dirt, dead skin, and lint smeared in the pithy ravines of Olivia’s sole and start munching on it. Of course the first bite went down like poison, but the little man was in no position, physically or blackmail-wise, to do anything but impress his ex, so he soldiered past the gag reflex, gobbling up whatever bits of salt-treated filth he could find. Knowing she’d want to feel his humiliation, too, his tongue got busy lapping at the lush geometry of her prodigious foot’s underside, which earned a cackle from Olivia, though whether that was good news or bad, he couldn’t guess. This carried on for an infinite half hour, until either the giantess was satisfied with the cleanliness of her sole, or the shrunken man’s tongue was too fatigued to work.

“Now there’s the Brian I know: always willing to please, just so long as he gets permission to stick his mouth and cock all over the dirtiest part of my body. Seriously, WHAT is the appeal there? Whatever, not like it matters. The point is, I know exactly how to make you listen to me from now on. So guess what, little guy? You’re gonna get way more foot than you can handle,” Olivia drawled, relishing her triumph.


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