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Feeling that her second language couldn’t adequately express her overwhelming disturbance at all this, Lucy let loose a stream of high-pitched curse words in her mother tongue that boomed across the globe like cosmic thunder. The next thought to cross her mind was of her semi-immodest skirt’s revealing hem. She stuffed both hands between her legs, gathering fistfuls of the silky fabric and tucking it between her thighs, knowing that even while doing so, her underwear-clad ass was plainly visible to thousands of people looking up toward the sky and under her skirt. Though, she thought with relief after a moment, they were probably all so terrified of her, their first thoughts would not be shock at seeing her miles-wide panties and crescent butt cheeks in the shade of that skirt, but rather first their own survival instinct in the event that Lucy decided to sit on them all.

Trauma at her development, and embarrassment for her outfit, quickly turned yet again to a strange sense of calm, transforming Lucy’s mood too almost as fast as her growing body had transformed. A smile crossed her lips before she even noticed it. The girl wasn’t used to having a happy disposition, as her stressful cash-strapped existence was full of so much tension and uncertainty. Now, despite this catastrophic event turning her into a deific overlord to London, England, and the rest of the world too, Lucy was relaxed. Her worries about money and work, once the centers of her life, seemed petty and almost silly now. What need did a seventy-mile-tall young woman have for minimum wage and nasty landlords, after all? What need did she have for anyone or anything besides this powerful, staggeringly tall body of hers?

And really, Lucy thought to herself, what had the rest of the world ever done for her? Sure, there’d been a few nice people, but most took advantage of her at every turn. Now here she was, in strange circumstances that, as it turned out, were a blessing in disguise. Everything Lucy never had, absolute control of herself and her environment, was now hers to take. Plus, the longer she crouched here over the world, on her knees as she so often was to clean the lab of those rich English pricks, the more at home she felt, and the less guilty she felt. By the time Lucy had arisen back to her full standing height, overlooking England and even the rest of Europe within walking distance, all her apprehension was gone, replaced with curiosity and even eagerness. What could she do with all this size?

“Whoops. Looks like I missed a spot over there,” Lucy joked to herself, giggling as she lifted up her left foot off the ravaged ground. “Better wipe it up!”

She let the colorful flip-flop dangle flirtily from the ends of her toes, then scrunched them in rapid succession, causing the foamy material to slap the furrowed flesh of her pink sole. It must’ve been quite a sight to be a lowly speck-person below, she thought, watching this enigmatic giantess prepare to take a step and blot out their sun. Steadily she lowered her foot down now, milking the moment and going as slowly as she could, until she felt the zig-zagging tread of her flip-flop making contact with the ground. Only grazing the land at first, brushing without applying any force, Lucy still noticed she had razed whole forests, and toppled the urban outskirts of London, in many cases cutting buildings clean in half with the plush bottom of her shoe, so precise and delicate was her motion.

“Sorry about that!” Lucy bellowed sarcastically. “Normally I’m the one who has to clean up the messes for everyone else, so I decided it was my turn to make a mess myself! That’s fair, right? HELLO!” She even waved to the hapless citizens below, though of course she couldn’t see them with her naked eye. Lowering her flip-flop down flat with the ground, Lucy pivoted her ankle and ground the land down under the ball of her meaty foot, back and forth, deeper and deeper. The earth cracked from the weight and pressure, stamping a distinctive sloped-oval shape in a perfect mold of Lucy’s flip-flop. When she lifted her foot again up out of the crater she made, all plant life, buildings, and earthen crust in equal measure had been re-sculpted by the unforgiving mass and fortitude of that ten-mile-long piece of feminine footwear caving in on the countryside.

Lucy chuckled to herself again, then lifted the opposite foot. After performing a similar dance, allowing her flip-flop to be pinched between her beefy toes and swung about for the amusement and fear of the vulnerable populace below who could so easily be buried by that shoe if it happened to land on them, the giantess surprised them and herself by actually letting go. Her toes flicked the flip-flop in unison, sending it hurtling through the air, and landing upside-down across one of the capital’s more crowded district. Those now trapped below Lucy’s dirty, sweat-fragrant flip-flop this time were “fortunate” in that they didn’t also have a muscular, vengeful foot inside that shoe pushing it down with enough force to extinguish a few million lives per footstep, but even an empty flip-flop of this magnitude could do plenty of damage on its own.

The girl herself, meanwhile, had preoccupied herself with continuing the descent of that foot, now fully nude of its shoe and hovering threateningly over an untouched portion of the city. Lucy took her time at first, but soon lost patience, as she was just dying to know what it would feel like to have the detailed patchwork of grassland and man-made concrete sprawl oozing up like gelatin between her doughy toes, through the velvety creases in her thick-padded sole, and massaging her oh-so-tired heels.

When she finally completed the act, and smothered innumerable acreage under her bare foot, it was even better than she could’ve hoped. Like nothing she’d ever tried before, satisfying and amazing and even stirring. All she knew for certain was that she intended to do it again as soon as possible, peeling her foot away from the muddied remnants of the cityscape and dusting off her skin for another go. Just then, the sun began to rise, indicating Lucy’s shift was up. It had been a long night indeed, but she had no intentions of resting just yet. There was far too much “relaxing” to do, with the aid of London, her home-away-from-home, or whatever would be left of it after she was through pounding and stomping it into unrecognizable mulch. Of course, once the city was too battered to be of any use to her, there was still plenty of Earth to explore and trample.

“God, just look at this place! It’s filthy!” Lucy laughed again, turning over a chunk of smoldering metropolis with her greasy bare digits, and admired the shine in her toe-rings. “I’d sure hate to have to be the person who has to clean all this up!”


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