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“Hey, not my problem. You should’ve read the fine print, before you entered a competition against somebody who could skoosh you under her boots!” Amber replied with a shrug.

Per usual, though, our teasing games could only go on for so long before one of us broke down and felt the need to get real. In this case, it was my girlfriend, who smiled ear-to-ear, then gracefully squatted down and scooped both her warm palms around my sides, hoisting me into the air with the ease of a doll. She clutched me close, balancing me against her pillowy cleavage, but not squeezing too hard either. Her golden locks trailed down around me in silken ropes, and I relaxed instantly as I felt her supple chest rising and falling with contentment beneath me, while her breath (scented of strawberries) steamed against my face when she exhaled again to speak in a soothing whisper.

“Only kidding. You’re too adorable to skoosh,” she declared, stroking her fingertip back and forth across my hair. “And that’s a personal guarantee.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Ha. I’m sure you will. You’re such a little goofball.”

Earlier in our relationship, Amber had been sensitive enough to apologize profusely after the first time she revealed her gargantuan capabilities to me and then referred to me using words like “little.” Of course I recognized immediately that she didn’t say it to belittle me or anyone, but as a natural byproduct of being the biggest person in the room at all times. And there was even a hint of an amorous streak in her voice whenever she called me little or any other adjective remarking on my size disadvantage, so I quickly told her that I didn’t mind. It’s now become something more like a romantic pet name.

“I try,” I responded.

This earned another lyrical rumble of subdued laughter from Amber’s throat. Her buoyant pink lips went from a broad smirk to a wet pucker, and then she dipped her chin low enough for her soft mouth to meet my face. The first few times she’d ever kissed me like this, where the squishy ring of her lips could engulf my whole head if she liked, were overwhelming to say the least, humid and a bit messy, but now I felt totally at peace while my girlfriend’s smooch damply massaged my countenance. I kissed back in kind, just hoping she could feel it.

“Um… that is a good thing, right?” I bashfully questioned after her lips stickily separated from my head.

“Definitely,” Amber vowed, then brought me back down to earth between her mammoth training sneakers. Placing her fists on her hips and widening her stance as if in pre-emptive victory, the giantess eyed the clearing in the forest where she regularly ventured to keep in-shape. “Ready to show me that secret superpower of yours?”

I wasn’t about to surprise Amber that way, but I could at least attempt to impress her with my skills compared to every other same-sized runt of a human. So in the clearing, I happily worked up a sweat climbing over rocks and sprinting between the trees. Meanwhile, my girlfriend used those same trees, some thick as her legs, for bicep curls. It’s really a sight that has to be seen to be believed, when Amber wraps her fingers around a piece of lumber, and rather than crushing it to sawdust, raises forty feet up then down, over and over. Then, just to give herself a challenge, she hoisted some loose boulders lining the trail I was using as an obstacle course, palming two-ton stones like softballs, and stacking them into pyramids. Inevitably, I ran out of steam before Amber and had to take a rest, but I didn’t mind, as this just allowed me to take a front-row seat for the rest of her superheroic feats. Her teeth gritted and eyes glowing with determination, she more than doubled her size to one hundred and fifty feet, just to bench-press an iron pole with an entire woodland cabin attached to each end. My teeth chattered from the seismic shudder of her sneakers striking ground, as she ran interval sprints along a quarter-mile stretch of forest. Then just for good measure, Amber made her physique glisten and bulge with a rapid series of crunches and push-ups that made the trees sway like a windstorm.

All of this, I knew she did to keep herself in tip-top form to face whatever threat might appear to endanger the city - even though we were fortunate enough to see very few of those - because she cared so much for us “little” people down by her ankles. And, maybe just as a second-place reason, she also knew how hot-and-bothered it made me to watch her enchanting body soar into titanic scale and so she could use the landscape as her gym. When Amber’s training was finished, she laid on her stomach, and curled a beckoning finger at me while resting her cheek in the grass. I swiftly obeyed her invitation, though of course I arrived with a bucket of cold water I’d fetched from the nearby stream, which I splashed between her waiting lips for refreshment. Her tongue gratefully slurped at the last of the cooling moisture and then, wiping her forehead of superheroic perspiration, she again leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the face. Brief though it was, her lips still practically swallowed half my body, given that she would reach fifteen stories up, were she standing now.

“See? Told you I’d keep up with you,” I joked.

“Yes, never again shall I ever underestimate your power,” Amber teased back with a tired but satisfied huff. Then, brushing her hair out of her eyes, she majestically rose up onto her haunches, stretched and flexed the whole amazing complex of her gigantic figure once more, and cautiously arose to her full stature again. I fully admit that, near the beginning of our relationship, whatever meager mannish pride I had probably couldn’t have survived trying to exercise in the same vicinity as a woman who could, if she liked, grow tall enough that literal mountains could be held across her shoulders for squat thrusts. Now, though, I felt only calm and cared for as Amber lowered her hand to the ground for me to crawl into her cupped palm for a secure elevator lift ride above the tree line.


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