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Olivia was whirlwinding through her instructions so efficiently, the consummate courtroom fast-talker, Brian could scarcely keep up, especially while he was so busy with a palpitating heartrate and fright-sweats in the shade of those behemoth feet. However, he maintained just enough composure to understand that, despite how calm and cool his ex sounded, she wasn’t kidding about the need for him to massage with all his might. She’d always had a knack for delivering the cruelest news as though discussing the weather, and after his last experience shrunken beneath the feet he once adored, Brian was smart enough not to doubt the threat. He practically threw himself at Olivia’s left heel, pink-firm and gently callused, and commenced kneading like his life depended on it.

“Not bad. I feel some technique down there. Must be from all the time you’ve probably spent playing a shrunken fuckboy for that wallflower bitch. It was nice of you to practice with her, just to get ready for when you belonged to me again,” Olivia said, simpering at the inch-tall slave busily fondling the base of her ped. “Don’t forget the other side. Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. After they put me on parole from those bullshit charges, it was pretty easy to get what I needed. I only had to watch you through the window last night. Gotta say, it was pretty pathetic, seeing you give yourself over to that ugly whore like the foot-slut you are, but it did give me some useful info. Then, once I left you that fake note from your little dumbass intern to keep you occupied all day, I just had to get in and guess the password to the case. And I had plenty of time for that. Only six characters. My first guess was SHRINK, just in case you’re more of an idiot than I thought. That wasn’t it, so I tried AMYAMY and FTFUCK. Well, I was getting frustrated, until I saw that little love note your Chinese plaything left you, and… voila! LTTLGY. Little guy, really? That’s the worst pet name ever. Now that you’re my pet, though, I’m going to come up with plenty of better things to call you, and you’re going to like all of them, or else. For example… Toe Humper.”

The fleshy bulwark of Olivia’s heel nudged Brian back, knocking him on his behind, while she retracted both feet. Clapping her soles to the edge of the table, she curled her toes all the way down, bringing the bulbous tips to the level of her tiny ex’s pinhead, and spread those digits wide. From so close up, Brian could really start to notice the details both familiar and haunting. Unlike Amy, who kept her feet on a cleanliness regimen so it wasn’t the least bit disgusting for her puny sole-adventurer, Olivia’s had an earthiness to them, lightly perfumed with citrus tea notes, but more overpoweringly with aromas of musk and shoe leather, bits of which were even flecked like toejam in the doughy crevices between her dexterous, punching-bag-sized digits.

“You heard me,” Olivia continued, her staid tone turning to a scowl. She accusingly pointed her flared toes at Brian, making him wince and jolting his heartrate by another twenty beats a minute. “Toe Humper’s your name, and I saw last night how wild you go for sticking that nano-cock in the dirtiest places you could find on Little Miss Physics’ feet. So come here and show me what I’ve been missing… because it’s been a long six months, and you’ve got a lot of time to pay back. Come fuck my toes just like you fuck hers, Toe Humper, and if you’re good, I’ll even let you cum, instead of just suffocating you between them.”

Humbled and terrified, Brian momentarily was lost in the filthy yet undeniably alluring tapestry of his ex-girlfriend’s grime-dotted digits, though quickly snapped back to reality at her diabolical command. It took him a moment to fully process, especially while still haunted by the subtle stretching and wrinkling of skin as she happily scrunched her toes, the changing of peachy hue and shine of shoe-earned perspiration, but once her words sunk in, he felt almost as sick as he had upon entering the apartment to find her seated on his bed. After all she’d done to him, in the past and especially today, did Olivia really expect him to betray Amy and willingly submit to pleasuring himself on a foot that had brought so much misery?

No.” Brian was so scared to answer he almost didn’t realize the word was his own, but at the widening of Olivia’s eyes and the raising of her eyebrow, he knew he’d made his choice. His knees trembled and his throat clenched shut, but the thought of Amy and his loyalty to her made it impossible to do anything else. “I… won’t.”

“Did you just say what I think you said?” the giantess gawped. Blinking, genuinely taken aback, she shook her head, then rolled it back and began to laugh just loudly enough for the sound to fill the room without the risk of attracting rescue. “Oh, poor little Brian. That big brain of yours really has made you think you’ve got a big body to go along with it. All the knowledge in the world, and you still can’t recognize when you’ve lost. I said: fuck my toes. NOW.”

Olivia’s mammoth digits were already so close, curled for pouncing, it almost wasn’t a surprise when they lunged forth at once. The girl only jutted her foot forward by a few inches, but that was more than enough for her greasy toe-tips to pile-drive Brian beneath them, running straight over him like a stampede, then coming down to rest atop his powerless form with the squishy shafts of her extremities. Limbs spread to the sides, he was utterly pinned. It was a position he’d come to know well beneath Amy over the last months, though of course that was done with exquisite care, in a way that his usually-rising member could slide between the doughy crevices of her toes. Now that he was being pushed down upon instead, the difference in the approaches of Olivia and Amy to foot-lovemaking became painfully clear.

“I was giving you the chance to have a nice time,” Olivia shrugged, grinding her damp mildly-pungent ped and all five worming digits into her prey. “You could’ve done what I said and walked up, maybe gotten to romance my toes with some kisses first, before you got them all hot and wet, sweet-like. But, you had to be a little idiot, like always, so now they’ll just have to take what they need from you, and since you decided to be such a tease by being all naked and shrunken in front of them, I don’t think they’re going to be as gentle with you now. You’re just too easy.”

Writhing pitifully under the toejam-flecked flesh, but finding himself no match for even Olivia’s softest foot musculature, at first he believed she was just punishing his defiance with some oxygen deprivation and bruise-inducing rough-housing, but he soon realized she meant every word of her threatening intentions when he felt his flaccid crotch slip into the dewy crook of tender skin betwixt the girl’s second and third digits, each one just a little larger than his entire body. Despite the delicacy of the movement, and Brian’s squirming, Olivia quickly guided her ex-boyfriend’s tiny cock in the toe valley, and once she felt him there, they clamped quickly together, entrapping him. The shrunken man jolted in stinging surprise, though the rest of the giantess’s toes kept him pressed firmly down to minimize his struggles and make it even simpler for her to begin kneading his micro-dick between the grooved pillars of foot skin. The slightest curl of her toes down toward the ball of her foot cranked his member in all directions, ironically just as aggressive a gesture as he was used to from Olivia back when they were still together and the same size. His pathetic whimper was muted by an oily swirling-patterned toepad.

There we go. And look who’s still got it!” Olivia cackled. “Impressed? All right, I can’t say I’m some kind of magician at toejobs. After all, it takes some practice to catch a penis THIS small, but we had arts and crafts time in prison… you know, the place you sent me because you couldn’t be a supportive boyfriend… and I used it to make little clay models of you! They couldn’t tell what it was supposed to be, obviously, but it gave me plenty of chances to practice exactly how to handle you once I finally got my hands back on you, or I guess I should say feet? Now, of course I couldn’t practice how much you’d move around like a sad little grub who’s too stupid to recognize when he’s about to have all his sickest fantasies come true, so you better not fight too much, or I might just accidentally neuter you.”


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