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I’m really not sure what I did in a past life to get so obscenely hilariously lucky. Really, the main upsides I have going for me are that I’m a decent enough person, or at least I try to be, I’ve got enough of a brain to make ends meet in ways that interest me, and I did well enough in the appearance-lottery to be born just one hairline above the attractiveness average, and all those things are barely compliments. I am the living embodiment of the mild-mannered background civilian in any given imaginary story (though I mean that in the nicest possible way). Yet somehow I still ended up with Amber, who’s not just an honest-to-God superhero, but the kindest, wisest, and most passionate woman I’ve ever met. We’ve been together for eighteen months now, and despite the defeatist voice in my head at first telling me it was doomed to fail, this certainly feels like something “real” now.

Not that there aren’t challenges that come with being in a relationship with someone who can, in the blink of an eye, grow herself to the size of a skyscraper, with the power to match. Usually just unnecessary challenges that I’ve created for myself. Case in point, this morning:

“Collin, are you… sure you want to work out with me?” Amber said, looking down on me with all the sympathy in the world, just as she finished her daily stretches in preparation to train. She smiled warmly, tousling my hair, then took me by the hand. “There’s no need to try and prove yourself, you know. If that’s what this is about.”

It might’ve been intimidating to stand in the shadow of a six-foot-four woman with her increasingly-toned build, but my girlfriend presents herself so sweetly, and plus my vision of her is still her more “mortal” appearance from a year and a half ago, when she was shorter than me and skinny as a pole, before the recurring size-changing power started altering her base physiology as well. I’m not insecure enough to complain about my beautiful partner being evidently mightier than me in every way, since I adore everything about Amber including her amazonian frame, but it was tough not to understand her implied logic that I didn’t have what it took to keep up with her. Because I definitely didn’t have what it took.

“What, afraid I’ll pass you up?” I joked, as we both knew full-well that I’d embarrass myself in any contest with her. I’m no slouch, but next to her, anybody would appear like a turtle flipped helplessly on its back.

Maybe,” she taunted with a sly smile, crossing her arms across her gifted chest, then nonchalantly batted her long honey-blonde hair over one shoulder. “Because that would have to mean you’ve been holding out on me with some superpower of your own. And I just couldn’t handle the heartache of knowing you were keeping secrets from me. Oh, the betrayal!”

“Says the lady with the secret identity,” I laughed.

“Hey, I told you about that right away, didn’t I?” she scoffed in retort, though she retained that playful gleam in her eye. “Almost right away.”

“Ah-ha! So, the fact that I may-or-may-not have hidden super-secret hyper-speed powers from you all this time is like nothing. At least you know who I really am underneath,” I said.

“Oh, I definitely do know,” Amber snickered, then affectionately patted my cheek. “You’re a cute little guy who’s about to get schooled.”

I smiled, enjoying her touch and usual sarcasm that always belied genuine affection. Funnily enough, one of the things that made me fall for Amber was her willingness not to treat me like I was made of glass, and openly acknowledge a fact that was obvious to everyone including the both of us, which was that I really didn’t stand a chance against her. She wasn’t afraid to goad me for fun. Still, my choice to train along with her wasn’t some delusion of grandeur that I might actually win at something, or even that I felt emasculated (because I didn’t) - but rather something deep down inside that made me want to show Amber that I could at least try to take on new obstacles, even if I couldn’t alter my size at will to simply walk over said obstacles like pebbles on the road.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I said, receiving a wink and flirtatious lip-pout from Amber. She then nodded and led the way outside into the wilderness area behind our home, where she could freely exhibit her abilities away from prying eyes. Right as we passed through the tree coverage, she started growing up until her silhouette began to resemble one of those same trees in stature. Though I’d seen Amber expand countless occasions before, it was still a thrill to savor on every time it happened, watching her beefy musculature and seductive contours alike swell in perfect proportion; stretching high overhead, while her shoes enlarged to the scale of cars beside me; her curves filling out her specially-designed adjustable garments until they hugged her burly buxom frame like skin-tight spandex.

Still think you can take me on?” Amber boomed from on high, with a smile that made me feel just as at ease as when she merely towered over me by six inches. Her rescaling completed, and suddenly my statuesque girlfriend was looking down on me again - although with anything but condescension - from an astounding sixty-foot height, which compared to her full potential, was still pretty shrimpy. Nevertheless, I was now seeing my love in a form closer to her authentic self: not just reassuringly all-powerful in her good conscience and protective attitude toward me, but visibly as well, up through the pillars of her legs, her chiseled abdomen, generous bosom, and Olympian arms. There really is nowhere I feel safer than in her enormous presence.

“Now wait a second, this changes everything!” I cried, faking affront and waving my arms up at my gorgeous giantess mate in a way that I knew would make her laugh. I can only imagine it would be hard to take any being seriously who stood at half the height of her shins, so I like to embrace my probable-ridiculousness. “Nobody told me my workout partner was going to be JUICING! This is just unfair!”


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