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Two inches wasn’t considered really small already? Cody originally thought he’d like to be as small as the woman would make him, but now that he was here, standing in the intimidating presence of her shapely, slightly-dirty naked feet like great mythic beasts, he appreciated the acclimation time. Still, he didn’t want to give the impression of having second thoughts, when Keely was not only indulging him, but apparently derived some serious enjoyment from this practice too.

“I can handle anything,” Cody boldly stated at top volume, which still came out like a squeak.

“Oh, I like the sound of that too,” Keely chuckled. She brushed her dishwater-golden bangs out of her eyes and smiled appreciatively at the miniature college hunk cowering before her peacefully wriggling toes. “But, I was also counting on it. And either way, at that size, you haven’t got much choice but to take what I dish out, do you?”

“N-No, ma’am.”

“Because you didn’t just come here to admire the view. You came here to learn a lesson or two from your friend’s big ol’ mom,” Keely cheekily added, belying the fact that she hardly looked old enough to be a parent to someone Cody’s age. “But I think you’re about to learn your lesson the hard way. Be careful what you wish for, sugar.”

She took a cautious step forward, bending her sole against the floor and pivoting the ball of her bare foot in the little man’s direction so he could witness the creamy wrinkles deepening then smoothing out as she flexed the flesh of her arch. Her toes busily scrunched and grasped the carpet fibers. Cody’s heart raced, watching Keely advance on his helpless form. He was still nervous, but also getting seriously horny for the fun to begin.

Luckily, she didn’t make him wait long. That same mammoth foot she’d just so coyly nudged along the ground, reforming the tapestry of her meaty earth-tainted sole in the process, Keely now lurched forth, lifting her toes over Cody’s head. Startled, he made no effort to dodge the oncoming weight of the elegant shape he’d yearned after since hitting puberty. The shadow of Keely’s foot consumed him, until he was under the direct center of the underbelly, where the sloped arch was deepest and apparently softest, as she lowered her ped down on her two-inch admirer. Immediately Cody was pushed onto his back, sandwiched between the floor and Keely’s aggressive yet thankfully-controlled ped.

It was just as amazing as he’d dreamed, albeit very imposing, to find himself immersed completely under the landmass of his best friend’s mother’s foot. Her skin was surprisingly smooth and tender for someone who spent so much time without shoes, warm on the verge of smothering, and undeniably dusted with bitter loam and a hint of bittersweet sweat that flavored the air. Her flesh molded around him like bread dough as Keely carefully applied more pressure, subtly twitching her toes beyond and causing her arch to remake and flatten its dewy wrinkles every few seconds. Cody might’ve been alarmed to feel her actually beginning to stand on him, but recalled this same thing had happened to his buddy for years without serious injury, so the giantess was trustworthy.

Nevertheless, survival instinct still kicked in when the reality settled of being trapped under a humongous woman’s bare foot, easily large and powerful enough to squash him to a stain with hardly any more effort from Keely. Instinctively Cody began to squirm, though this naturally did nothing to impede the woman pinning him to the floor. It was like trying to fight a whale. Under the cusp of her insteps sagging to the carpet, he heard the distant thunder of her lyrical laughter, probably at his useless resistance.

Then, the sky-terrain of Keely’s foot began to shift abruptly, as she rolled Cody under her sole up toward the front of her foot. This was a move he’d seen before used on his friend, only it was a much different experience to actually be manhandled by a steamrolling sole versus witnessing it from across a room. He was ruthlessly spun, until the slope leveled out onto the broad pad which constituted the ball of Keely’s foot. The skin was a little firmer here and more muscular, making the giantess’s weight grossly apparent when she again tauntingly pressed down on Cody. This time he couldn’t even manage to wince in protest, as this thick anchor-point of her foot bound the shrunken man in place. To his relief, she didn’t hold him in that position for long, but kept on pushing him closer to her digits, as though he was a pen cap she’d dropped on the floor and meant to collect in the crevices of her toes.

Indeed, this was exactly where Cody found himself next. The top half of his body was expertly wedged into the narrow gulf between Keely’s sizable big and second toes, a space that was clay-soft but also dotted with soil after stamping through the garden all morning. The damp shafts of her toes grasped the passenger’s abdomen and squeezed him up higher into the space like a puny tube of toothpaste. It was clear now just how little say Cody had over what happened to him moment-to-moment under this late-thirties amazon. She was a virtuoso of literally micro-managing shrunken persons under her bare feet, which made the little guy feel safer in her experience, but also surprised at just how rough Keely was prepared to treat him so immediately.

“Oh, I had a good feeling I was going to like playing with you even more than my son, Cody, and I was right about that,” Keely purred from above. “With that tight little body of yours, it’s quite satisfying feeling you try to put up a fight, I have to say. Adorable, really, and unlike my own boy, you’ve got enough muscle on you that I can really feel you. Like having my own personal massage tool. Incidentally, that’s going to be a big upside to having you under my feet this week, but it’s far from the only benefit. You’ll see. And now that we’ve given you a quick warm-up, I’m looking forward to seeing how much you can really take when I really try.”

Just as Keely had promised, the little man’s head was poking out from under the mealy pad of her toe. All it took was a little pump from her biggest digit on his torso and Cody went limp while also grasping at the fleshy curves of her toeprint for support. Now that he wasn’t being actively rolled under a giant foot, he could get just composed enough to realize that maybe he’d jumped the gun on this one, especially upon hearing Keely remark that this was only the warm-up. Really? He’d have sworn this was as dire as things ever got for his friend, and here she was treating it like an appetizer to a much-tougher main course. Much as he hated to admit it, since Cody was still ironically horned-up by this intimate proximity to such a beautiful foot, the regret was building in him fast.

“C-Can we… slow down for a second,” Cody huffed, hardly able to make a sound while her toe pressed on his lungs.

“Slow down?” Keely repeated incredulously, then tsked, clicking her tongue and wagging a finger at the miniscule man clamped halfway between her hippie toes. “Sugar, we’ve barely gotten started. So catch your breath and get ready for the real fun. We’ve only got a week, after all.”


THE END (for now!)


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