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Reeling, and too overjoyed to do anything else at first, Trish started gleefully laughing. Everything around her looked to be nearly half its former size, which she realized had to be how Nick saw her apartment whenever he visited, but now was her entire life. As she sat up, the reality became even more apparent, as she stared at her larger hands and arms. Getting off the bed, she observed her lithe, towering legs extending toward the ground to stand. It took a second of adjustment, as being this tall was more akin to standing on stilts for Trish. She quickly got the hang of strutting, however, taking several wide strides across the bedroom floor in her brand-new body. Even walking felt more powerful, her roomy soles planting hard to the floor and her thighs bulging as she lifted off, and indeed, Trish could feel that while her frame had grown in exact proportion, in many other areas she’d actually evolved.

The girl raced to the floor-length mirror by her closet, stomping so hard the whole way that the floor quaked. Seeing herself reflected fully was another shock, even if she’d already discovered her transformation. She actually had to hunch down a little just to see herself completely in the glass. Rather than being merely stretched out by the wishing amulet, she had filled out in the best of ways as well, looking just as desirable and voluptuous as ever, but now on a grander scale, like a super-model crossed with a statue of a Greek goddess. Trish was beside herself.

One of the first features she noticed was that her musculature had developed, and when Trish flexed her bicep and lifted her shirt to reveal sculpted abs, she was nearly bowled over at their Olympian-level advancement, but managed to dig in her heels and keep from fainting. There was still too much new to explore. Her hair was just as fiery and lustrous; her skin porcelain-smooth and cutely freckled, more so even than before. Hoisting both palms beneath her breasts, Trish bounced them up and down like saddlebags. She adored how they moved, bobbing and quivering at the slightest touch, yet still returning to their mouth-watering spherical form at rest. Unquestionably, her bust had grown in the night as well, even faster than the rest of her, and while she was plenty massive as a G-cup before, the girl was now carrying around a pair of buoyant, fleshy, sun-kissed boulders for boobs. If she hadn’t also become as tall and strong as she was now, Trish seriously doubted she could’ve moved at all under the weight of those things. After having some fun groping and poking her balloon-like tits for a few minutes, the girl’s shaking hands traveled down, over the slope of her hips to her ass. She gasped aloud upon taking hold of the twin cheeks, even bigger and more squeezable than before.

Wasting no more time, Trish grabbed a tape measure from the drawer. At first glance, she blinked in shock, not believing the numbers, but upon confirming it, there was no denying that the one-time redheaded runt now stood at a staggering, eye-catching eight-foot. She was now more than three feet taller than before, and a full ten inches taller than Nick himself.

Trish slumped atop the bed, dumbfounded and blissfully happy that her hopes had paid off. It still didn’t even seem real.

And yet, despite herself, Trish wanted more. Sure, being eight feet was great, and probably made her the tallest woman on Earth, but still it didn’t quite measure up to her imagined fantasies that granted the wish in the first place. Those visions were so much more intense, primarily because Trish was no longer even in the realm of normal human size, but grown far beyond, into a bona-fide leviathan woman. A true titaness. She didn’t want to just be a little taller than Nick, after all. That wasn’t the real birthday present. She wanted to be his giantess, to tower over him completely, and enjoy all the benefits that such an advantage in beauty, power, and volume would bring.

Not even knowing if the spell could work again, the gigantic redhead laid back on the bed and closed her eyes tight. She did her best again to clear her mind, then grasped the jewel as it still hung from her neck, twisted it twice, and returned to the familiar dream-world of giantess visions, where she so often visited during sex or simply while masturbating alone, but which now held the key to unlocking her ultimate potential as a woman and finally as a living goddess to Nick. More determined than ever, she zeroed her thoughts exclusively to the untold pleasures of being a real giantess, not merely an eight-foot-tall anomaly, but in a realm apart from all living things, worthy of worship, and capable of dominating her boyfriend in the most loving way possible.

As she imagined all this, Trish her limbs expanding again, stretching well-past the edge of the bed, but she didn’t stop or even open her eyes to check her progress. Instead she remained deep in the wishing void, picturing herself stomping around, crushing things underfoot as a show of her strength, reaching through windows to pick up unsuspecting civilians, finding Nick at his comparatively reduced size and kissing his whole body at once, perhaps even slurping him inside her mouth for some more personal attention and a display of her growing talents. Then once he was ready, introducing him to something more intimate between her legs, likely already hot and dripping for him, just like it was at this very second in the midst of her magic desires. The process was continuing now, in the periphery of her awareness, stretching and expanding her every extremity, nook and cranny, growing and swelling in time with her thoughts.

Moaning involuntarily, Trish felt the mattress buckling underneath her back. In a rush, she exploded back to consciousness, then gasped in shock to find her wish had come true yet again, and doubly so this time. Judging by the way her bed couldn’t even hold her whole upper body, let alone her arms and legs, Trish had now ascended to somewhere around double her previous height. Steadying herself, she rose slowly to a full stand, and when she found she almost had to duck just to be in her own bedroom, Trish knew for certain she’d reached sixteen feet, if not a few inches more.

She took a tentative, lumbering step; her bare foot thudded imposingly against the carpet. Each lunge forth caused the prodigious redhead’s supple thighs and angular calves to pulse and flex, carrying the incredible mass of her inhumanly large body. Though as with the last growth, her proportions had only become more ideal, and Trish was as slender as she was flush with athletic musculature. Her glutes were tighter than ever, but her ass was also meaty and rounded by firm cellulite, taut enough to act as a shelf but also begging to be pinched and slapped for its eye-candy softness. Best of all, Trish’s most beloved pair of assets had grown easily beyond her wildest dreams, inflating to such a puffy, colossal standard that she had to adjust her stance just to walk comfortably with them. But once she got used to it, Trish knew that no pair of mortal eyes could do anything but be magnetized toward the awe-inspiring set of planetary tits she now possessed.

Now, at long last, Trish was a giantess.

She and Nick had planned to meet later for birthday celebrations, but she couldn’t hold off any longer. Grabbing her phone, she texted him immediately.

Hey, birthday boy. Get over here now. I have a surprise for you, she wrote.

Can’t wait. I’m on my way, he answered.


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