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Brian liked the sound of that and, incredibly, was already feeling the same tingles so soon after his talented girlfriend coaxed an easy finish out of him. She was just that good, and plus, her magnanimous foot was still proudly displayed before him, doing the wave with her toes at molasses-pace and alternately showing off the vanilla-and-tea-leaf-scented slab of her sole.

“Can I do anything to repay you for… the flight?” he gulped, still hazy post-orgasm.

“As a matter of fact, you can,” Amy said, flashing him another wink. “And since you’ve gone and gotten yourself shrunken under mysterious circumstances yet again, I think it’s only fair of you to put in a little extra effort to make me happy for date night, wouldn’t you agree?”


“Wonderful. That’s what I like to hear from all the little toe-boys who come up to my bed hoping for a good time.”

“Oh? There’s, um… a lot of us, huh?”

“Lucky for you, I turn them all away. After all, none of the other boys look quite as precious as you do when you’re lying on the bottom of my foot, kissing every square inch you can reach. Speaking of which…” Amy sweetly taunted.

Rather than complete her sentence, she rolled onto her stomach, careful not to move so fast that Brian was bounced away, then propped both feet up with her soles pointed to the ceiling, affectionately snatched her boyfriend between her thumb and forefinger, and deposited him directly onto the inverted plain of her supple wrinkle-lined arch.

“…go ahead and get to work, cutie. You already showed my other foot some serious “love” in record time, so you’re going to give some of those famous little kisses to this one now. We don’t want this one getting jealous, do we?”

“N-No,” Brian concurred. He remained on his haunches, gripping the pliable earth of Amy’s blemishless sole flesh until he’d adjusted to the slight wobble in the posture of his gigantic partner’s flirtily upturned peds.

Not needing further instruction, he pressed his little face down into the nearest pinkish patch of floral-aroma foot skin and puckered up for an extended make-out session. As always, his leviathan girlfriend’s foot tasted as delicate and delightful as it smelled, likely because the once hyper-shy Amy had taken to copiously bathing herself in the early days of their fetishistic romps for fear of giving him a filth-encrusted giant foot to appease, and despite the faux-domineering attitude she’d since taken on for the sake of roleplay, Amy never failed to arouse all his senses in the best way. Immediately Brian fell into the usual rhythm, leaving wet pecks on each crease and ripple in the oblong span of her sole as he crawled to reach them, and found himself getting lost in the earthy yet sugared scents, the dewy-soft texture of her skin, and the slow undulation of those wrinkles as Amy subtly arched and flexed her foot, all without risking flinging her lover across the room.

“All right, that’s a good start. I suppose this foot will forgive you for showing such favoritism to the other side so soon in the game,” Amy sighed. She purposefully flared her toes and tipped her foot back ever so slightly, encouraging Brian to maneuver along the ruddy clay-plush wrinkles down to those five wriggling piggies. “But let’s see what else you can do in the sweet spots. Be careful, though. You know I’m ticklish.”

As much joking as Amy was doing, her little plaything knew this last warning to be true. By now Brian was already beginning to stiffen again, but dutifully clambered the few-inch distance down the slope of her upside-down ped, until he could brace himself against the pale spiraled pads of his girlfriend’s toes. The dizzying drop from here to the bed far below was anxiety-inducing, but the shrunken man kept total faith in his keeper, and didn’t think twice about letting himself hang precariously into the gulf between her toes, the mirror-image of the pair which had so recently performed a cheeky quickie on him, and commence sloppily kissing the vulnerable flesh between them while grasping the tree trunk-like pillars of her toe shafts for support.

“Oooh… y-yeah, I… I think maybe we’ll have a pretty good date night after all,” Amy stammered, blushing in her own state of titillation and again momentarily dropping the authority-figure bravado. “Keep it up, little guy, and then maybe we’ll let you choose the next activity.”

Brian liked the sound of that, though truth be told, now that she was so deeply in the practice of pretend-dominating her tiny boyfriend, Amy’s choices of activities were often even better than the little guy’s own fantasies could concoct. His faith in the part-time giantess was so great, in fact, that when he felt her toes possessively closing in around his dangled self, this time sealing in the top half of his body instead of the bottom, his heartrate hardly quickened at all, though this was more due to arousal than fear. Claustrophobia simply didn’t exist in the adoringly squishy embrace of Amy’s giant toes. Her pleasantly-scented semi-oily flesh swelled in from both sides while she gently squeezed, both latching him in place for this precarious job and also ensuring he didn’t have to even turn his head to have another marshmallowy foot-wrinkle to scoop his tongue through. Brian obediently tended to her two plump digits, making out with them just as passionately as if they were lovers unto themselves.

It wasn’t long before he was sporting another chub, which he ached to have answered, though Brian wasn’t about to go selfishly dealing with his horniness while in the middle of giving back some iota of pleasure to Amy. As it turned out, though, his girlfriend had a symbiotic solution. Her toes had been ever-so-gently pulsing all this while, like bear hugs to encourage Brian’s lapping, but now they began to fully curl up toward her sole as though making a fist with her beady digits. The pressure increased in doing so, but by then the shrunken fellow was more than acclimated to the muggier conditions while wedged between a pair of delicious lotion-damp toe shafts, and so had no problem being clenched a little tighter.

Amy repeated this motion several times in steady rhythm, clenching the digits of her upturned foot then flaring them back out. After a couple repetitions, Brian felt his hard-on brush the creamy slope which constituted the ball of her foot, and then he understood. His licking and kissing behavior became more aggressive, which was then reflected in Amy’s toes working harder to simultaneously pinch his body while massaging her little boyfriend’s naked bottom half against the upper shelf of her luxuriously smooth sole. Eventually she just kept her toes tucked permanently against the ball, fidgeting only marginally so Brian could have his crotch actively fondled into the sweet spot, right below where the pad of her sole gave way to ticklish webbed intra-toe flesh. This sensation was even more head-spinning than that record-time first climax she’d pumped out of him during the ascent to the bed, and Brian couldn’t help but whimper with desire into the plush walls of toe skin pillowed on either side of his body. Through the crack of space between Amy’s toes, he could hear a soft moan from her as well, and with one more moist pull on his shrunken body, Brian seized and orgasmed against the exposed island of his marvelously accommodating girlfriend’s beautiful foot.

The giantess’s toes relaxed their affirmative hold on Brian’s body, though the secure compression and mildly-sticky after-effects of whatever scented oils she’d used meant the feather-weight inch-man adhered like over-large toejam to the bulbous face of Amy’s big toe. This wasn’t unwelcome, though, and he hugged himself around as much of the swirled pad as he could manage at his meager stature, laying on more kisses while huffing in the wonderful afterglow of that finish. Gradually his girlfriend tipped her foot vertically, once sure that Brian wasn’t going to fall off her largest digit, and reached back, peeling him off her toe skin between her thumb and index finger. Still lying on her stomach, she cupped the mini-man in her palm and beamed at him.


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