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Ten minutes later, Cody was left to stew in solitude, still trapped in human-faced ottoman form, while listening to the crashing spray of her shower through the walls. Somehow the sound of the water became disturbingly ominous, knowing that once it was switched back off, he’d hear Ashley trouncing down the hall again to further revile and torture him in all the ways he had willingly programmed her do. Of course he appreciated the break from having her naked workout-grimed soles compressing down on his features, not to mention recalling what fresh air tasted like again when it wasn’t first filtered between a shamelessly cruel giantess’s lubricated toe crevices, but Cody still found only small comfort in this respite. After he’d failed to get his hands on the transmogrifier last time, there was no way Ashley would give him a prayer of a second chance. At this point, he was pretty much damned to forty-eight hours of smelly bruising esteem-killing sadism, with the sickening bonus of her family probably learning of his fetish in the process.

“Hellooo! Anybody home?” a familiar voice sang out, just as the front door swung open.

With his protruding face locked at an upward-pointed angle, Cody couldn’t turn to see the source of the greeting, but assumed it had to be Kayla. Another second of consideration told him this was incorrect, however, and then his jaw dropped when none other than Shelley wandered into his field of vision, towering magnificently above him and blissfully oblivious to the fact that her friend was just below her knees, a mutant piece of furniture and still ruddy-cheeked from the brutal sole-lashing he’d received from his fiancé. The blonde schoolteacher was dressed in thigh-squeezing black shorts and a midriff-exposing sky-blue top, her physique still visibly pumped and sweat-sheened from a CrossFit workout.

Ironically, though Cody knew he should’ve cried out to her the instant he saw her, the sheer presence of the gloriously athletic golden goddess looming overhead and his ingrained macrophilic fascination rendered the footstool-man speechless. By the time enough seconds had lapsed for him to formulate words again, Shelley had already made herself at home by plopping right down on the couch where Ashley previously occupied and kicked her slide-adorned peds straight up onto the rest of Cody’s face, all without even a glance down in his direction. Why should she have, after all?

Right away the transformed victim was left to curse his own libidinous hesitancy, while Shelley casually crossed her feet and dug both her warm soggy peach heels into his nose and lips. Getting comfy, she flexed her toes, causing the thongs of her slides to catch in the grooves and rapidly clap the insoles loudly against her creamy arches. Each scrunch of course caused the rounded masses of her heels to vibrate gently against Cody’s put-upon head, barricading his mouth against any potential plea for aid with just two feet and the accompaniment sock-crud-and-petri-dish aroma after a taxing CrossFit WOD.

“Sh-Shell… Sh-” Cody whimpered, knowing it was almost no use to try moving his lips, but he had to attempt something. Predictably, the noise didn’t rise above an inaudible whine, and only resulted in simulating a kiss on both the woman’s smooth yet odious heels. Cody hoped she might notice the odd sensation of being smooched by a piece of furniture, but because Shelley was still idly sifting her feet side to side, humming some tune under her breath and either daydreaming or messing with her phone, she simply didn’t register that she was currently using a friend’s miniaturized out-of-place head to prop and soak up the plush wet weight of her filth-radiating peds.

After a couple minutes of this treatment, with Shelley no closer to noticing him and Ashley’s shower likely ending soon, Cody knew he had to act fast, especially when the giantess slouched deeper into the couch, nudged off her slides, and repositioned both bare feet, now resting her broad wrinkle-tilled soles across his face instead, which created even more of a sticky vacuum seal around his face, and less chance to be seen. Taking a deep breath to fight back his gag reflex, then, Cody did the only thing he could think of and stuck out his shrunken tongue, slurping at her malleable arch divots infested with perspiration-encrusted sock crumbs. Only hours ago, he would’ve been driven crazy with arousal to imagine the privilege of worshipping at Shelley’s feet as well as Ashley’s, but now he just had to clench his jaws to keep from reflexively wheezing while lapping at his friend’s soles, which were flavored similar to his love’s in their salty zing, but with an added acidity that reminded him of sour unripe oranges.

Still, as he forced himself to desperately lick Shelley’s soles to get her to take notice, Cody allowed himself to feel a hint of relief. Yes, it was still going to be horrifically awkward to explain himself to her and beg for rescue, but it was still miles easier to expose his shame to a longtime friend, instead of the mother or sisters of the woman he was going to marry. Shelley, in time, would be kind enough to forget this embarrassing indiscretion, as well as the fact that he had to root his tongue across the ripply texture of her saturated arches for attention first. He only hoped her first instinct, upon recognizing something alive under her foot, wasn’t to violently stomp it like a spider.

“What the-” Shelley muttered after nearly five whole unappetizing minutes of having her CrossFit-swollen soles raked by Cody’s puny lips. Luckily, she dragged her feet back and smacked them into the floor instead of kicking him, whereupon her eyes bugged and mouth hung open as though frozen in time at the sight of what she’d been using to hoist her soles all this time.

Cody had expected this reaction from Shelley, and fully forgave her the additional minute it took her to get over the fact that she was looking at her friend’s diminished countenance poking eerily out of a leather footrest, even though right then he heard Ashley’s shower twist off.

“H-Hey, Shelley,” Cody said, knowing he was on the clock now. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to freak you out.”

Cody?” she gawped under her breath, leaning in for a closer look and brushing her hair out of her eyes as she squinted in disbelief. “H-How did you… what HAPPENED to you?”

“It’s a long story. But it was the transmogrifier. I know this seems weird, but please, you’ve gotta help me. Ashley took it upstairs with her, but when she comes down, you have to-”

“Wait. SHE did this to you?”

“Yes! Well, sort of. It’s… not her fault. It was me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Getting anxious now that Ashley would emerge from the hall at any second and cut short his chances to explain, Cody swallowed his pride, and chose to handle this situation like quickly ripping off a bandage:

“I… used the thing to change her personality. Make her… meaner, to think I’m her slave, instead of her boyfriend. She didn’t know anything about it. Just for the weekend though, and then everything would go back to normal! It’s… well… it’s because I’m “into” this kind of thing. Getting smaller, and getting turned into stuff. Down at her feet. Or at least I was, b-but I’ve only been this way for an hour, and it was all a huge stupid mistake! She’s been stepping on me and making me clean her toes and I don’t know what else she’s going to do. Please, you’ve got to turn me back, or at least make the transmogrifier put Ashley back to normal!”

“Okay, okay, hold up. Let me get this straight…” Shelley sighed with a grimace. She massaged her forehead in thought, cocked her head at Cody, then spoke in a pointed whisper: “You… have a kink for getting shrunk around feet, and… becoming furniture, or whatever… and you used the transmogrifier on Ashley without her permission, just so she’d become your perfect giant fantasy domme lady. But now that you’re actually getting everything you ever wanted, you’re chickening out?”


“That… is… the most… hysterical thing I’ve ever heard!” Shelley squealed, abandoning her serious murmur by breaking into stomach-clutching chortles. She didn’t just laugh, but rocked in her seat and slapped her palms on the nonhuman terrain of her friend’s footrest body. Of course Cody had no reply. “Oh, you hilarious little freaky-deaky. You literally tried to use your fiancé like a giant sex toy for yourself by messing with her brain, and you seriously think you don’t deserve to live with the consequences?”

“Shelley, please, I know it sounds bad. I feel fucking terrible about it, honest, but-”

“-but what? You said it’ll only last for the weekend. Maybe you should just suck it up and learn to be careful what you wish for?” she interrupted, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. A sly smirk crossed Shelley’s lips rather suddenly, then, which previously would’ve made Cody feel safer, but now his insides only twisted further, especially as the giantess proceeded to lean back on the sofa again and lift both meaty slippery nude soles over his helpless face again, framing her distant smile for him between her comparatively-enormous feet. “This does give me a pretty good idea, though. Maybe if you’re afraid that things will get dull just spending the entire weekend like this with Ashley, I’ll offer to take you off her hands for a while. Of course, I’ll still make sure you don’t forget the big important lesson in all this. I think it would be pretty funny to see you as a pathetic little doll-boy running around by my feet, which I’m pretty sure you’re into anyway, since I felt you licking them before like a horny little creep.”

“T-That was just to get you to notice me!” Cody sputtered, right as Shelley’s arches slapped firmly down against his face. Now that she was aware of him, too, the blonde could more efficiently ensure that every square inch of the ottoman-hybrid’s countenance was buried skin-to-skin under a crushing ceiling of her grunge-coated rosy-white sole flesh. Sealed tightly in immobile oxygen-deprived darkness, Cody could only pleadingly quiver against the pressure from Shelley’s feet, which tremored gently as she carried on giggling at his self-wrought misfortunes. The saddest part of all was that he couldn’t even completely blame her for taking Ashley’s side in this mess, regardless of her usual friendship loyalties.

“Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that,” Shelley chuckled. Her voice was muffled for her friend by the constant softening and pulsating sensations of various muscle groups in her sodden soles pushing down on different regions of his little face each alternate second to see the effects, but he got the frightening gist. “Look, Cody, I’m not gonna hate you for this or anything. Everybody makes mistakes, and everybody gets caught with their pants down sometimes. You just happened to do it in a REALLY embarrassing way, and you also took advantage of Ashley. The important thing, though, is that you actually serve the time when you do something wrong. Also, it’s just a nice bonus that I think it’s going to be so freaking hysterical to get to screw with you under my feet, which I’m definitely not going to wash yet. Because I’m pretty sure all I have to do is convince new meanie-pants Ashley that I’m going to treat you like shit scraped off the bottom of my shoes, and she’ll let me borrow you. Don’t even try to talk her out of it when she gets here, either, or maybe I will get my hands on that transmogrifier, and I’ll turn that “weekend” of Evil Queen Ashley into a “week.”

This threat was more than adequate to keep Cody from offering any further appeals from under her imprisoning soles, right as Ashley marched back into the room.


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