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A few days later, Trish wandered through the antique corner shop down the street from her apartment. She’d never paid attention to the place before, until one evening a few weeks back, while walking along and daydreaming idly about what it would be like to outgrow her shrimpy height. The girl got so lost in thought, she entered the store without even thinking about it.

With her power fantasy still on the brain, she happened upon a back room, with old cases of trinkets and rusty jewelry. Then, Trish chanced upon a lonely necklace. It was tasteful, with a silver sheen and a brilliant emerald gem. The thing was lovely on its own as an accessory, but then Trish read the paper label folded on the jewelry stand. Most of the lettering was worn away, but what was still there intrigued her:

WISHING AMULET. While wearing, twist the gem twice and make a wish in deep concentration. Only deepest desires will do. Note to shoplifters: Must be the owner for wishes to work.

Could it really be that simple? The little redhead squinted into the mysterious jewel. It didn’t look so special. Still disbelieving, the next thing Trish knew, she’d put the necklace on layaway. Real or not, she couldn’t live her life not having found out for sure.

Tonight, the day before Nick’s birthday, she’d finally arrived to pick the beautiful object up for her own. Maybe it was a silly idea to believe in, but Trish had decided it was fate she ended up in that shop while wishing so deeply for the chance to outgrow her boyfriend. A little faith couldn’t hurt. Plus, if the necklace didn’t work, there would still be plenty of birthday fun to have, even at her current somewhat-disappointing height. She may not have liked being small, but she knew how to use it. After making her purchase, Trish put on the necklace, letting the jewel settle comfortably between her breasts, and walked home with a song in her heart.

Once back in her apartment, Trish sat curled up in the center of her spacious bed, cradling the amulet gem in her hands, and wondering if she’d just wasted her money on a foolish hope. However, with nothing left to lose, she twirled the emerald twice in her fingertips, shut her eyes, and cleared her mind of all distractions. Then Trish focused as hard as she could on the mental image of herself, growing, stretching out, becoming bustier and stronger and more godlike every moment. She imagined the space around her comparatively shrinking, reducing from her rising vantage, until everything around her was a diminutive shadow of its former self: including Nick, who still looked every bit as hot and appealing to her in the vision with his tight chiseled body and gorgeous face, but who was different by the rather significant fact that he now was the one who had to crane his neck to look up at Trish.

Smiling to herself, fully immersed in the world of the wish, she savored the idea of his reaction to her newfound mass and stature. She thought of how much fun it would be to look down on Nick for once at the relative size of a child, like he did now to Trish. Perhaps she’d pat his head, make a few size-related puns, and ask him how the weather was down there. But of course, despite all that playful domination, taking firm charge of the relationship, Trish would still desire to make love, now that she would be the larger and more powerful one in bed. What fun it would be to throw Nick around, pin him down, make him cry out for release, and then gift him all the pleasures he was giving back to her. Just picturing the things they’d do together, serving and pleasing every square inch of one another’s bodies for the sake of this dramatic and sexually fulfilling shift in their relationship. Trish felt herself getting wet, and having reached the end of concentrating on her deepest and most desperate wish, just as the instructions stated, she slowly opened her eyes, praying up until the last second that it would come true.

But it didn’t. Trish looked around, wilting at the realization that her bed was still too big for her, and that she was still just a lowly four-foot-ten. Not a single inch had added to the ambitious redhead’s meager height. She almost wanted to cry, but Trish supposed it was silly to feel disappointed over magic. Even so, the wish had become so vivid in her mind, it was tough not to be let down, like waking up from an amazing dream. Groaning, she pulled up the covers, still wearing the amulet, and drifted slowly into a reluctant sleep. In the morning, she’d have to plan a whole new birthday present for Nick.


Hours later, when sunlight spilled through the bedroom curtains, however, Trish awoke to more pressing concerns. With her eyes still closed, the girl was startled at the feeling of her bare feet hanging off the mattress end, curious how she’d managed to slide so far down. Even stranger, though, was the fact that Trish’s head was still resting on the pillow by the headboard. Reaching out to either side to stretch, the redhead was shocked as her palms easily gripped both edges of the mattress. At this final revelation, her eyes snapped open, and Trish was faced with the truth that her body now spanned the majority of the bed, at a stature nearly double what it was before.

Her wish had come true in the night.


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