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[Author's Note: This is a much different alt-universe take on my Time-Out characters, where Scott Stevens' mother Judy has permanently grown into a giant and is legally allowed to eat random citizens alive. If you haven't read the "canon" stories, though, you should still be able to follow along.]

Scott stood on the expansive glass plain of the Stevens’ family kitchen table, not the one he’d grown up with, but that which now occupied the specially-constructed domestic fortress built for his hundred-fifty-foot Sky-Class mother. He wiped his brow, finished dusting the clear surface, and eyed the ladder that would allow him to reach the floor again. Before he could make his way toward it, though, an ominous and all-too-familiar distant rumble of colossal footsteps grew louder and more resonant. Judy turned the corner into the kitchen, and though Scott had become used to the sight during these years of his mother towering over him whenever she entered a room, whether he was shrunken or she was enlarged as of now, he still hadn’t and probably couldn’t ever adjust to the “new, improved” version of his parent that her ascension had created.

Judy, though by no means out of shape or even sub-average before, was a mother of three, and previously had a distinctly maternal figure, a figure which she often concealed beneath professional power-dress skirts and pantsuits; that image of Judy, it seemed, had now been replaced by the sultry, svelte, revitalized giantess who now stood above, smirking at her little son where he was standing on the kitchen table. Her bare toes kicked the ladder away, thus stranding him there as well. Judy gave her luminous golden locks a toss, planted one hand on her bare hip while the other twirled her hair, and adjusted the strap of her silken black panties, one of the two scant articles of clothing she was wearing, while every other square inch of smooth lightly-tanned skin outside her bra and underwear was on display.

Mere weeks into this new living arrangement, Scott had started noticing the change in his mother’s body, and it wasn’t just because he was so creepily intimately familiar with its every contour due to all the years she spent punishing his miniature self using her own feminine form. Rather, she seemed to exude a glow: she was happier, more energetic, and more confident, if such a thing was possible, and the change radiated in her physical shape as well. Regular exercise and a strangely well-balanced diet had worked their magic, but this went beyond just a lifestyle change. That motherly figure had turned trim and more athletic, practically overnight, or at least it seemed that way to Scott as he stood below her and gawked up at Judy’s monolithic progress.

Then, as if to confirm his suspicions, the woman began altering her wardrobe as well, going from those senatorial suit ensembles, to t-shirts and jean shorts, until at last the woman had begun flaunting it all in a two-piece or even just her skivvies, as she was doing now. Her bosom, her bottom, and hips had all become more generous and roomier than ever, while her waist had narrowed just a smidge, coupled with the radically increased tone of her build. Before, as confirmed by the Techilogic lab equipment and occasionally even the boastful woman herself, Judy’s bust measured just under eighty feet around, but it had easily exceeded that figure now, climbing closer to ninety. Even adjusted for proportion to a normal-sized person, she was gifted with some serious melons, and the case was the same below the belt, as she’d developed a far juicier rump, also half a dozen feet wider around, albeit filled in by firm musculature rather than pure bountiful flesh. Her waist, by contrast, had cinched by several feet, yet the definition in her abdomen and hips evidenced that she was no mere twig now, either.

Each of these bodily transformations was advertised in full by Judy whenever and wherever she went, beginning this week, and it didn’t seem she intended to reverse course and cloak her fabulous figure in any restrictive garments again any time soon. A being of her stature didn’t require armor, psychological or otherwise; even mostly exposed, flaunting her goods and soaking up the terrified admiration of her subjects, she was more secure than ever before. Frankly, her son was surprised she hadn’t tried going out naked as of yet, though in his nightmares, he feared the day was coming when he’d watch her nude citadel of a body round the corner, and what’s more, her enchanting appearance would make it a fool’s errand to avoid gazing. All in all, there was no questioning that Judy had become a different woman now, in body and spirit, and if Scott thought his mother arrogant and regal before, he hadn’t seen anything yet.

“Don’t mind me, little boy. It’s just time for my afternoon snack. I have to say, I didn’t used to believe in the diet concept of eating small meals throughout the day, but it really has worked wonders for me, hasn’t it?” Judy said. She brushed her fingers over her bare stomach, next gliding her palm over her bust, which appeared perkier and perhaps even more inflated than before. Next, she unsubtly turned around, giving Scott a full view of her rotund yet tight glutes, complete with a seam of the panties shaping the valley between her cheeks. Her thumb flicked the left hemisphere, causing her whole fleshy caboose to jiggle, and rendering the thin material of her underwear all but invisible as it snugly shaped her re-sculpted form.

“Y-Yeah…” he agreed, averting his eyes.

“Not to mention, all I want now is “small” meals,” Judy continued with a chuckle. She sauntered away from the table with a cocky strut which highlighted her assets. Opening the fridge, she retrieved a glass bowl and set it on the countertop, greedily eyeing its contents. “All in all, this whole situation couldn’t have worked out any better for all of us, though especially me, which I think is the proper pecking order anyway, seeing how much bigger I am than everyone else. Let’s see now, who is going to have the honor of being my snack thistime?”

Scott did his best to keep from watching his mother’s every move as she reached into the bowl and plucked out a small handful of living human beings, all stripped of their clothing and near-unconscious after having been chilled in there for half a day. Still, the act was too shocking to look away from, and the magnetic quality of his mother’s reinvigorated figure acted as a lightning rod for his attention, sick as it was. His blood chilled, though it couldn’t have been as bad as it was for those people that Judy had likely snatched at random off the street, complete strangers to her who had done nothing to deserve becoming the target of her insatiable hunger, stolen their clothes, and thrown them into a frigid bowl for later consumption.

“I think you four will do nicely,” Judy declared. She jabbed at one naked tiny, causing them to tumble back into the bowl atop the pile of their peers, while keeping a doomed quartet clenched in her soft yet overpowering fingers. The woman licked her lips from corner to corner, then drew the handful of morsels to her face and inhaled slowly, likely not savoring the actual aroma, but the experience and buildup toward what had become, Scott guessed, her favorite activity as a giant ruling body. “Now, it’s not like I can just eat whatever I want, whenever I want… well, I can, technically, but if I want to stay in the kind of shape I’ve achieved now - you know, I’m already down to just over one-thousand tons, instead of twelve-hundred, which is nothing to sneeze at - some restraint is required.”

Watching his gargantuan mother playing with her screaming future-food in the palm of her hand, Scott had to doubt that Judy even knew the meaning of restraint.

“They have to be lean themselves, for the most part. A chunky one here or there is fine to indulge, but too many, and I’d just start ballooning in all the wrong places, you know,” Judy continued. Though she was speaking to her son, her gaze was razor-focused on the people in her hands. She pinched a woman’s leg between her thumb and forefinger, lifting the shrill thing up toward her chin. “Like this one. See, Scott, dear, she’s a little plump in the middle, so I can’t just gobble up all of her kind in an afternoon, or poof, my rear end would stretch all the way to the county line.”

By way of visual demonstration, Judy arched her back and let her partially-exposed rump jut out again, then for good measure, gave her ass a little shimmy. Her tiny offspring flinched, but still couldn’t look away, watching the first victim hovering closer to his mother’s parted lips.

“Still, there’s no sense in not rewarding yourself from time to time,” Judy said with a shrug. Then, glancing the little woman’s way once more, she popped her between her lips and sealed them around her fingers, dragging her thumb and index digit back out of the slimy maw, minus the bite-size creature, whose yelps were silenced by Judy’s closed mouth. She swallowed, and hard. Closing her eyes and moaning softly in her throat, enjoying this forbidden body-type as the first phase of her snack, Judy massaged her free hand down from her bulbous chest, along the creamy washboard of her stomach, and down her hips, until she took hold of her ass cheek again and gave it a cellulite-distorting squeeze. “Mmm, yep. Delicious, but I can already feel her making a mark. So let’s go for a healthier option this time, shall we, Scott?”


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