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“That is so much better…” Stacy sweetly cooed, much as she did in her videos, only now she no longer had a reason to lie. Another smirk crossed her starry lips. “This… is mine. All of it is mine. And so are you, because you have to listen. If you understand that, I give you permission. Now. To tell me that you do.”

There was a momentary pause, and then in a choral unison that felt far better than it ever would’ve hypothetically felt to see her live stream numbering high enough to account for the whole human race, Stacy heard their hive-minded “YES!” chanted meagerly back from within her all-consuming form. Unable to help herself, the girl broke into uncontrollable self-indulgent giggles.

This, she supposed, was one method to find a major audience.

“Tell me…” Stacy questioned slowly, bristling with curiosity, her heartbeat causing the universe to pulsate. “…who is the most beautiful person? Not just alive now, but who has ever existed, or ever will exist?”

The chiming answer came back more immediately this time, the tones from billions of once-independent voices all melded indistinguishably together: “YOU ARE!”

The cosmic giantess’s eyes widened in shock and euphoria over this confirmation of what she’d already strongly suspected, the light of what used to be her more-humanoid pupils shining like a pair of concentrated supernovas. As her heart thrummed fast enough to knock planets clear out of orbit, she ran her space-black tongue around the rim of her solar lips, and in congress with a rising sense of sexual starvation, she could feel her well-practiced YouTube-ready exterior of boot-licking bubblegum-cheeriness peeling away, leaving only the rawer realer “her” that had always existed beneath but, up until now, had no choice but to lie dormant.

“Who is the strongest being there ever was or will be?” she questioned next, idly flexing her altered physiology and feeling galactic-shredding power ripple through her. “Who could crush your worthless fucking lives all at once with one push from her littlest finger?”


“What about the smartest?” Stacy asked, while casually reflecting on the full breadth of universal encyclopedic knowledge of all life forms and timelines now instantly at the command of her brain. Her libido was climbing faster with every question to heights capable of energizing multiple galaxies at once and then drowning them out in the resultant planet-washing tide of nectar. “Who knows everything about every goddamned idiotic one of you? Who could make you all shut down forever using only her thoughts?”


“And who…” she moaned, tenderly gyrating as she revolved in the white spaceless void from her exponentially ramping passion. “…deserves to feel so fucking good for all eternity that she cums every time her subjects use their pointless, squishy, stupid little bodies for the only purpose they could ever have, of serving the most powerful, most brilliant, most gorgeous being – not just in all of creation, but who IS all of creation?”

“IT’S YOU! IT’S YOU!” the collective voice screamed, which blissfully unbeknownst to Stacy, had molded into a parroting hive mind destined only to respond most optimistically to her whim, as blades of grass in a field blustering under hurricane winds. “YOU DESERVE IT!”

“Fuck, yes, I do…” Stacy bleated in a throaty rasp, her cosmic starry-patterned physique jerking now with burbling sensual necessity. She shook her head, welling up with millions of parallel lifetimes’ worth of erotic repression representing all the glory she’d been owed so long, but been deprived by the cruel machinations of a universe that previously wasn’t puppeteered by the correct consciousness. Then at once, seeing the inevitable future in her mind so clearly it may as well have been already transpiring, Stacy rumbled with victorious giggles and carnal revving, the combined spirit of which sent many ancillary galaxies cartwheeling off-balance, while planets containing usable life were still being collected by her rapidly-spreading influence and having their feeble minds uniformly lumped into the giantess-devoted hive.

Stacy’s mighty hand wandered behind her in the bright abyss, then hovering over her immaculately pert hindquarter cheeks, slapped her palm against the pleasantly buoyant cosmological flesh with needful concussion. Then her lips parted again, first uttering another moan, before the former YouTuber who’d become the end-all-be-all sultrily intoned her new reality:

“There will be monuments built to me. Fucking TEMPLES, constructed in my honor. The old faiths will all be burned, ripped from books, their structures brought to ground, for they are all an insult to ME, the only true power of the universe. There will be no more creations, no more works, no more goddamned thoughts in any moment while awake or asleep that are not devoted only to my worship.”

Pausing for lusty breath, Stacy sensed the billions and now-trillions of lives she’d successfully ensnared responding to her call by dropping to their knees in a deep bow. That enchanted solar flare flashed again through her glazing darkened-over irises, wholly intoxicated by the power. Murmuring with belittling laughter, she teasingly addressed them at large again:

“And just what are you doing? Who the fuck do you think I am? Your GOD?”


With the singular dulcet voice of what was soon to be all sentient life forms chirping continuously within her being, Stacy again rocked slowly in the nether-whiteness with a few choice hip thrusts, captivated by her own universal dominance and stimulated to the most soul-inflaming arousal she’d ever felt, or indeed, all life forms throughout all time had ever experienced in sum total. Growling her approving reply, having achieved everything now that she’d ever dreamt of, Stacy’s hand found her way back toward her waist, only this time caressing down the supple star-dotted contours of her thighs, and snaking her quivering fingers toward the palpitating sanctuary of her world-devouring pussy, which she began to pump and stroke using the pent-up energy and need she’d, at long last, shown the rest of existence that she in fact deserved.

“Well, what the hell are you WAITING for?” she demanded with a seductive yet incandescent roar that stretched tenfold across her body like another Big Bang, a snarl of pure degrading hatred for their inferiority poisoning every note. All this while, her hand didn’t cease its tireless clit-assailing dedication, while titillated fluids again unspooled between her galactic fingers. “Keep speaking what you know to be the TRUTH, without ever stopping so long as I let you goddamned live, and then for fuck’s sake: GET… TO… WORK!”

“YES! YOU… ARE GOD! NO OTHERS… ABOVE YOU! WE… ARE… NOTHING!” the chants rang out, while like clockwork, every one of the near-uncountable minds across the universe now officially integrated to Stacy’s mental colony leapt up from their submissive genuflections and efficiently yet lovingly commenced the toil of fulfilling her reverential demands. With so many bodies working toward one cause, shouting proudly all the while of their undying adoration, it wasn’t long before the religious landmarks began to take form, all in Stacy’s name.

“FUCK… YES! I… AM… GOD! YOU… ARE… FUCKING… NOTHING!” Stacy spewed along with them, pounding her cunt using one hand to gushy completion while the other swam through the emptiness around her, savoring and imprinting every precious moment of her ultimate existential achievement. “I… AM… ALL!”




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