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All things considered, being shrunken and briefly imprisoned with Olivia was the best thing that could’ve happened to Brian. Granted, his psycho ex had damaged the shrinking device, necessitating that it be repaired over the next couple weeks by his lab assistants with the creator’s supervision. After fashioning an improvised toga for him to wear, though, and being medically cleared aside from some bruises, Brian was placed into Amy’s care until he could return to normal size. He had requested tamely, not wanting to impose, but of course his selfless and adoring crush had vigorously insisted on watching over him until he could regrow. Following his admittedly erotic near-death experience with Olivia, Brian was encouraged to stop beating around the bush and admit his feelings to Amy.

It couldn’t have gone better. Bashful as ever, she too let her emotions out and explained that she’d been pining over him ever since Brian served as a teaching assistant to her physics class. The moment was much different than he’d imagined, since this conversation was had while the inch-tall man sat humbly in the protectively cupped palm of his immense friend-turned-mutual-interest, but that extreme difference in size only allowed Brian to be more vulnerable, and as a result, the pair had entered into an unspoken proto-relationship during these strange but pleasant days after Olivia’s failed ploy. On the fifth evening, as Amy curled up on the couch with Brian laid in her warm hand, the little guy found himself in yet another scenario he’d never have dreamed of playing out.

“So… it’s called a giantess fetish, you’re saying?” Amy cheerfully asked. It was only her kindness and genuine curiosity in the matter that prevented Brian from dying of shame. He’d never have volunteered this info willy-nilly, but somehow she’d wheedled it out of him, in their joint effort to open up more.

“Y-Yep,” Brian sighed with an uneasy grin. “Y’know, like… giants, except…”

“I got it. Even though I only took that one etymology course,” Amy snickered, but stopped herself, not wanting to appear rude. She stroked her chin with her free hand, while resting her Brian-occupied palm up against her propped-up bare leg, which was gradually sliding out of her skirt the higher it rose. “So… I mean, not to make light of it, but… this is… sort of a good thing for you, then? NOT all that horrible stuff that happened with your ex, obviously, but…”

Brian was warmed at Amy’s earnest attempt to find optimism in this bizarreness. The look on her giant adorable face was so hopeful and non-judgmental, it still felt surreal to be openly discussing this.

“You could say that. Actually, I- well, never mind.”

“No, tell me!”

“I don’t know.”

“Please, Brian?”

“All right,” he said, inhaling briskly. “I… had kind of always planned to try the device out on myself once it was perfected. Not in the way that it happened, of course. Not with Olivia, of all people. But… well, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. And I want the machine to help people, I really do, but I also wanted to be able to… God, sorry, this is weird.”

“No, I understand,” Amy insisted. Her hand jittered beneath Brian with enthusiasm. “You can’t help what you like. And… since you’re so smart and have so many gifts, especially for physics, why not explore something if it’s safe and you want to try it? That’s not so weird.”

The shrunken man was dumbfounded by Amy’s universal sympathy. How was he so lucky to be alone with her now, sharing his most private secrets in total security?

“Anyway…” she continued, her tone turning wistfully serious. “I’m just so sorry that you were taken advantage of like that. It must’ve been so scary for you, trapped there with her, not knowing what would happen. Wait… sorry… I didn’t mean to make you think of it again! Really, I’m sorry, Brian. My point is… I just wish someone nicer was there to help you.”

“Someone like you?” he said, looping his arm in an embrace around Amy’s thumb. He could’ve sworn he felt goose bumps forming on her skin.

“So, why don’t you tell me more?” she blurted, switching subjects out of anxiety, though her thumb hugged him right back.


“Yes. You know, about these… giantesses. What is it about them you like? What, um, do you… picture… happening when you’re near one?” Amy meandered. She twirled a lock of black hair around her finger, attempting to navigate the tricky wording without getting too risqué too fast. However, going by the increased heat and light glazed perspiration of her palm still bowled around Brian, not to mention those goose bumps and the quickening of her pulse felt through her skin, it seemed she was driving at something here, though cautiously. It made her tiny listener feel just as fluttery.

“It’s… a little odd, again,” he said. Still, he’d already said the word giantess. What was the harm?

“It’s okay. You can tell me,” Amy whispered reverently.

“S-Sure. I mean, I like… everything about them, of course, but uh, down lower is more where I… like. Meaning, really down below, by the ground, at their, um…”

Puzzled, Amy wrinkled her button nose and thoughtfully licked the corner of her lip, before her eyes widened. A lightbulb clicked. Her smooth tanned leg, still propped against its opposite, subtly crossed. Her sock-clad foot bowed up, her toes spreading in the taut fabric, as though awoken.

“Are you saying you have a foot fetish, too?” Amy pressed.

“Yeah,” Brian said, hanging his head. She sure caught on quick, even if he was still having trouble showing her his kinky side.

“Hey. Don’t be ashamed or anything,” the girl softly commanded, more exacting than usual. The thumb she had wrapped over Brian’s inch-high body bobbed up by a fraction, pushing its cushiony pass against his tiny chin and encouraging the guy to look up at her again. “It’s… sort of cute, actually.”


“Yeah.” Amy’s smile could’ve melted a glacier. “Would you… want to see, um… sorry.”


“I… was going to say, would you want to… see mine?” Amy murmured. Her cheeks flushed deep rose. Dangling somewhere behind her cupped palm, her ankle rotated, causing her cottony socked foot to revolve and stretch. “I just… want you to feel more comfortable and happy, after everything you went through, and I… just like you so much, Brian, that I thought maybe you might want to, but now I think I’m talking too much, and… sorry, sorry.”

“No, no, I… I do want to,” Brian mustered. He couldn’t believe Amy was the one getting flustered instead of him. “I’d love to.”

Perking up almost instantly, Amy sported a sly smirk. Her hand, previously rested against her bare thigh, shifted further to the side, so that Brian’s palm-shaped platform was now poised mere inches away from the fluffy sock-mass resting across the left knee. He could’ve reached out and petted the fabric. His heart raced into overdrive at this point, closer than ever to the object of his fantasy visions. Amy’s foot was a size-and-a-half smaller than Olivia’s, but somehow more magnificent, knowing they both wished for this to happen.

“Here goes,” she muttered, and picked at the snowy cotton in her fingertips. A slight pull and the whole sock began to unpeel, looking a bit like distorted rushing river water as it swished and tightened around the elegant shapes of Amy’s foot. Her heel emerged, followed by her broad sole and the ball of her foot. At last her toes, mid-wiggle, came loose from the garment, which the girl dropped on the couch pillows. Her skin was slightly darker than Olivia’s, more of a milky bronze, and the underside of her foot was smooth but not immaculate, showing hints of historical wear, probably from the high school track that Brian knew she participated in, though he only found this trait more beautiful and humanizing. Her toenails were colored a candied sky-blue, though the paint was beginning to chip.

He’d seen Amy’s feet from afar before during their study “dates,” but this was the closest and most enchanting view Brian had received yet, and all the more significant because she was fully aware of his interest and awe. The smile remained on her unblinking face, watching him closely for a response. Like it was a work of art, Brian marveled over every detail: the wide supple arch, the textured furrows in the sole, the flecks of athletic abrasions, the dewdrop-shape of her spherical toe-ends. Steadily Amy stirred her foot in a midair circle, granting him more angles to spy, which only fueled and confirmed Brian’s love. This was what he’d been waiting for.

“In these… giantess situations of yours, um…” Amy spoke up after a few silent minutes of observation. Her cheeks were still blushed but she was beaming, clearly pleased with his evident admiration for her bare ped. “…what happens, exactly, when you’re near a foot, like you said? Do you… just look at it, or…”

She was giving him an opening. Brian looked dreamily from the plush sole to Amy’s further-away countenance, then back again. He gulped.


“What happens?”

“I might… touch it, and it might… kind of touch me back, and then… uh, yeah.”

“What were you going to say?”
 “…well, in those cases, the giantess is really kind of a queen to the little person. A… goddess, really. So, something you might do is… show devotion with… worship.”

Worship,” Amy repeated, licking her lips again. Her voice was getting low and throaty, though she still retained her intrigue. “What’s it mean to worship a giantess’s foot?”

“Uh, like… rubbing it, maybe kissing it, maybe… licking it, too.”

“I see,” she breathed. Absentmindedly the girl splayed her toes out and flexed her sole to its smoothest unwrinkled extent, then arched the whole thing to a stippled crinkle of bunched flesh. She repeated the motion several times. “That’s… interesting.”


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