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“Emily!” I called out again, though she either didn’t hear me or chose not to acknowledge. She reared back up, resting her hands on her knees, and gave me a kind smile. Her face was so high above me, my vision blurred from the distance, and then my focus was promptly shifted to something much closer to me and far more pressing in its danger.

Specifically, Emily’s feet, garbed in black slip-on ballet flats. Though she couldn’t have worn larger than a size five, those two feet, resting just a few inches away from me and bobbing merrily to some unheard tune, were about the size of unmoored yachts next to me.

“I don’t know if you meant you wanted to come out and stay up here with me, but I think this is much better, don’t you?” Emily said.

“It’s okay,” I coughed. “But can I come back up, please?”

“What’s that?” she said, cocking her head and cupping a hand over her ear. “I can’t hear you way down there, little man.”

I took a moment to stay composed, and ignore the fact that this youthful giantess was having such flighty fun at my expense, since she was obviously the one who chose to put me where I couldn’t be heard. Then again, that’s probably what she preferred.

“I said, can I come back up!” I yelled.

“Ohhh, that’s what I thought you said!” she answered, chipper as ever. Her hand didn’t return to collect me, though. “Well, maybe a little later. But I thought you might like to get to know me better from down there.”

“Get to know you… from down here?”

“Yes! Since we haven’t met each other before, and like I said, I’ve heard a lot about you… and about how you like to… get to know the new girls when they start working here. So, I thought I’d show you how good of a fit I’ll be for the office, by giving you what you want!”

Confused, I wracked my brain to find her meaning, but also realized it was pointless. This macabre reality-shifting trend had altered so much of what I knew, very little was recognizable now, from the size of our bodies to the attitudes of my coworkers. Before all this madness started, I would’ve assumed that any rumors Emily had heard meant that I was about to get a first-day-welcome blowjob in the back room, courtesy of that pretty red-rimmed mouth. Yet there was nothing to indicate she intended to give me what I “actually” wanted, since I was now on the floor, though a BJ would’ve been difficult anyway, as she probably would’ve accidentally slurped me inside her dark cave of a mouth in the process of trying to suck my comparatively microscopic dick with those plump, moist lips. So maybe I was lucky.

“What’s that?” I shouted.

“Oh, was it not obvious?” Emily giggled. She crossed her ankles over one another, and let her shoes swing forward a few inches, coming close to punting me with the leathery tips. “You don’t have to be shy around me, Andrew, even though I’m new here. I know how things work. You like to be… down there, surrounded by a certain… part of me. That’s right, I’ve heard all about it. I think you know what I’m getting at.”

I instantly had a flashback to Eve trampling me under her foot just to measure my doll-stature for comparison. That was pressurized torment, and even back then, I was almost the same length as the redhead’s foot itself. Now, looking at Emily’s own, it was difficult to imagine being able to match it in size; at most, I was as long as her smallest piggy-toe.

Was it possible that, along with the latest round of reality-breaking shrinkage, I’d also been cursed by a universal spoken-unspoken office secret that I had a foot fetish? That wouldn’t even be true, as far as I know. The most I’ve ever gotten out of a foot was a half-decent footjob from a hooker once, but I didn’t exactly go searching for more after that. And now, especially following Eve’s callous little game with me pinned beneath her meaty bare sole, I really wasn’t after a rematch, especially with a pair of feet that outmatched me in size and strength like mythical beasts.

I couldn’t help but tremble. Though I’d enjoyed some rare sexual delights during my diminishment, the horrors were really starting to outnumber those treats. Stunned, unable to bring myself to flee, I watched as Emily’s feet nudged together and began to wriggle, muscling their way out of the ballet flats in tandem. Slowly, a wrinkly arch appeared along the black instep of each vessel, followed by Emily’s heels popping out of the back lip of her shoes. From there, it was just a matter of unsheathing her titanic feet out into the open, her happily scrunching toes coming last, and suddenly I was staring up at the two biggest bare feet I’d ever seen hovering just overhead. Shadows danced across her fleshy arches, paler than the rest of her skin, and constantly changing shape as she flexed her soles for air.

“Ahhh… much better!” Emily said. Then, with great delicacy, she set both peds down on the floor, balancing upon the balls of her feet. The thump when they hit the wood floor nearly toppled me, but I managed to steady in time to see ten prodigious, wiggly toes gliding toward me. Finally my survival instinct kicked in, and I turned to run.

I probably only made it five steps before both of those colossal feet overtook me. Her bulbous big toes, pressed up together, worked as battering rams to trip my under-inch body. Once I wiped out, I felt the sudden weight of her pinkish skin, oily and fragrant of leather, pinning me to the floor. I gasped for air, for an instant entertaining the possibility that she’d simply crush me. Emily seemed to be controlling the brunt force she applied to my fragile self, however, and I could tell she was holding back, though still savoring the experience nonetheless, as I could hear her thunderous laughter from between her toes.

“Is something the matter, Andrew? I thought you’d like to meet my feet! They sure wanted to meet you,” she taunted. Apparently Emily, like Eve, had a thing for referring to her feet as separate entities, with an agenda to stomp on me.

I grunted, trying to drag myself out from under the girl’s soft foot flesh, but it was impossible. Emily’s skin puffed subtly as she balled her toes and wrinkled her sole, thus tightening the muscles lined beneath. I could feel that strength pressing on my back, and I wheezed while my lungs emptied, only to be given relief when Emily arched her foot in the opposite direction, softening her toes and giving me a chance to escape. Unfortunately, the wind was knocked out of me, and I simply laid there on the floor, while the new receptionist removed her feet from my back, and instantly flanked them on either side of me, planting them to earth with a hard slap.

The violent vibration of Emily’s bare feet colliding with the hardwood caused me to bounce like a sprig of dust. Then I came to rest at my back, staring up at the enticing yet perilous view of the woman’s statuesque legs, winding up toward the union in darkness under her skirt and panties.


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