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Based upon the noises she was making, sleepy sighs and even the occasional lilting moan, it seemed Brian was finally performing to her standards. This had gone on for an hour now, too, and neither had spoken a word in all that time. Olivia’s feet alternated flexing and scrunching her soles, constantly shifting their geometry from taut to stout. Gradually she brought her heels together, then her toes, cupping Brian at the center. Though he noticed the walls closing in, he didn’t slow in his efforts, utilizing his whole body and every muscle to stimulate and grope Olivia’s sole-skin.

Brian was enjoying this; he could admit that much to himself, but he was also hyper-conscious of the fact that at any moment, his ex-girlfriend could lose control and smash him to grisly bits. What was to stop her? That thought pervaded any pleasure he derived, causing the earlier dread to intermingle with libido.

“Start licking me now,” she slurred, clearly in the moment. “And don’t stop until I tell you to, bug.”

Olivia sharply sucked in breath when Brian’s diminutive tongue started lapping at her skin, and her feet briefly pressed together, but she relaxed again when her ex-boyfriend got into the swing. Like when he was just rubbing, he applied concentrated affection to every part of her sole, crawling from the rounded hillock formed by the ball of her foot, along the loping wide-trench arch, to her heel, callused from wearing heels to recent courtroom experiences. This, too, was guilty paradise. Every contour and province of her foot’s underbelly was unique in flavor as well as shape. The silky shelf below the toes was more swollen and saltier, while the muscular slant of her sole was milder and soapier, and at last the heel was tough and just a touch flaky, but still spiced by sweat and that intoxicating citrus-lube. Brian licked and nibbled, kissed and lapped, slaking his tiny tongue over the impossibly huge canvas of dual soles. His hands continued their kneading too of course, and out of necessary closeness to adequately lick and rub, the little man soon found his member being fondled against the living walls of flesh, to which Olivia didn’t object.

Only then did he start to awaken again from the self-imposed trance, realizing how easily he was falling into her traps. She was like a siren, calling him to doom on the shore, and though he adored the immediate fantasy-fulfillment of this madness, could he really give himself to her fully?

“God, this is so much better when you’re this size. Why couldn’t you have invented that thing years ago?” Olivia purred, her palms toying at her thighs, on the verge of stuffing into her skirt. “Okay, it’s time. You’re going to crawl to my toes now, on your hands and knees, like you’re meant to be. Stick that little dick in between, and let my toes fuck you. Then you’ll see. Then you’ll be mine forever.”

Pulse pounding, Brian went stock-still.

No. He couldn’t. He couldn’t give in so easily. He had to fight back, even if the consequences were dire. Dejectedly, he thought of Amy, and how much more pleasant things might’ve been if she’d accidentally stumbled on his invention instead of his diabolical and sexily oppressive ex-girlfriend. Miserable as it made him to think of how he might now never tell Amy how he felt, Brian resolved to stand his ground, or what little remained. Olivia’s mammoth feet separated, giving him a clear path toward her waiting toes for the ultimate hate-fuck, but he didn’t move.

“Did you hear me, runt? I told you to go to my toes and let them have you. It’s what you’ve been waiting for this whole time, and we both know it, so give in. Give in now, before I have to show you my bad side instead,” Olivia grunted, her own sensual hunger now dented. “I’m not screwing with you anymore, Bri. Get over to my toes, now, or be sorry for the rest of your very short life.”

Shivering, laid low, Brian slithered to the front of her feet. As Olivia flexed her pampered toes apart, making ample room for her micro-partner to get busy in the spongy divide between her big and second digits, he paused one last time. This was it. No going back.

“Do it, worm. Now. No second chances,” Olivia warned.

“N-No…” Brian uttered, closing his eyes and preparing for the worst.

“Jesus, I have to do EVERYTHING for myself, don’t I?” she snarked with annoyance. “Fine. Come here.”

Rather than stamp him to mulch, as Brian was expecting, Olivia’s toes instead pounced forth. It took only a second of maneuvering for the arrogant law student to slide her ex-boyfriend’s lower body between her digits and clench just hard enough to activate the pleasure centers in his brain when his blue-balled member was lovingly tugged into a giant foot wrinkle. Then she started to fuck him with her toes, as threatened. It was bizarrely impersonal, the work of a foot-maestro with an end-goal, yet Olivia still knew every button to push, even when so much larger than her chosen slave. Her toes’ infinitesimal motions around his imprisoned cock were precise, rough but not stinging, gentle but never loose. Despite Brian’s lack of motion, rebelliously going dead as a ragdoll in the thrall of Olivia’s toes, it took but a few minutes of cold, calculated pulsating from the young woman’s vibrant foot to pump him to orgasm. He gasped and flopped in her ped’s grasp, unable to pull himself out of her toes’ cruel hold.

“Now you’re mine, and you know it,” Olivia snarled, gleeful and venomous at once. Her hand was now in her panties, fingering herself toward a complementary climax. “But this whole resistance you’re putting up, well… we’ll soon stamp that out of you. Literally. I won’t kill you yet, obviously, but maybe a little beating from my toes would knock some sense into you. Maybe spending the night taped to my sole will help do the trick, too. And the next night, and the next… you get the idea. Not to mention what we’ll be doing every day. You’ll go to every class with me, every shift at work and every court practice, either tucked in my stockings or just tied back to my bare toes. And if you even look like you want to escape… then maybe I’ll have to pay a visit to that Amy bitch you’ve been hanging out with. That’s right, I know about her, and I think she’d look just perfect shrunken and pinched between my toes right next to you! You wanted a giantess, you sad little freak, well, you’re going to get one, all right. Just you wait and see, Bri. I’m your dream come true, and I’m your worst nightmare. I’m-”

At that moment, when Brian was so positive that his life was about to turn into a spiraling tragedy toward eventual snuffing, the clouds burst. Everything happened so fast, the young man could scarcely have described afterward what transpired, let alone what was real or imagined.

The bedroom door sprang open, campus police rushing into the room. They seemed already aware of Brian’s presence, noticing him immediately and separating him from Olivia’s desperate toes before she could exterminate her hostage. On the verge of a blackout from the morbid sprinting and foot-rape, not to mention the mental turmoil, Brian was soon surrounded in friendly albeit humongous helpers. At the back of the group of security and cops, now busy apprehending Olivia, were two faces Brian never expected to see again: his remorseful lab partner, whom he later learned was blackmailed into divulging the shrinking machine, and Amy Yang.

She was here. The woman who had Brian’s heart, which he only fully realized after emerging from this life-or-death game. Amy stood above, even more beautiful when viewed from so small a scale: cute, unassuming, and so effortlessly elegant. After the initial shock of seeing her dear friend so tiny, tears welled in her big eyes and she quietly insisted on holding Brian during the law enforcement frenzy. None of the fear that Brian experienced in Olivia’s haunting presence was felt now, and he happily hopped into Amy’s open palm; if anything, the girl seemed more apprehensive than him of this arrangement. Instantly Brian felt comfortable and secure, soothed by the contact of her hand beneath him and her sensitive finger draped over his back for balance, as they watched his crazed ex brought to justice.


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