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Hysteria unfolded in the streets of every nearby city, which had sustained only minor damage so far from the traveling aftershocks of Tara’s stampeding peds, but which understood that for girls of that size, it would only take two or three steps for the ashen skies to be replaced with delicate miles-wide landmasses of foot flesh coming swiftly down upon them. As it turned out, however, being individually pulverized under each of the girls’ plush-peach asteroid-sized toes might’ve been a tamer climax to this bizarre day, compared to the devastation wrought when Laura jumped at her friend and brought both their bodies crashing down.

Like a pebble dropped in still pond waters, only taking place in rocky earth, a rolling ring-effect was created that began from the expansive impact zone where Laura and Tara fell; cities all around them, though not even directly touched by either giantess yet, were assaulted by literal land-ripples like twenty-foot-high speed bumps. In seconds, city blocks were rearranged as buildings wobbled like dominoes and everything on the ground, including cars, street lamps, and citizenry, were popped up into the air or flung away by the force of the undulating ground. The witnesses who managed to survive this destructive first effect couldn’t tell whether what they experienced next was the sonic boom-like thwomp when the girls hit the ground, or the ultra-fast dust cloud spreading away from the titanic beings and shrouding every nearby city in blinding airborne grit. All around the matching chaos of cities adjacent to the tumbling blonde-and-brunette goddesses, emergency sirens blared, car horns went off, and random voices cried for help while trapped under debris.

Everyone in the broad vicinity could only hope the girls might be rendered unconscious by this cataclysmic descent, but even though the mere acting of falling had caused so much hell, they may as well have just taken a hard landing in the grass like schoolchildren during a playground game. Then the frenemies began to tussle, grunting and rolling about as they wrapped their limbs around one another and tugged at hair, causing yet more havoc to unfold across the state as their four peds bounced and kicked at the ground, while their palms thrashed and occasionally smashed another city into the creases of their hands. This, unlike Tara’s earlier cruelty, was unintentional, and the giantesses were only focused on each another, slapping and even clawing at their cheeks, until the natural ferocity and toned physique of the brunette allowed her to dominate the battle. Pinning Laura to the ground and knocking the wind out of her, Tara straddled her friend and held her arms down, claiming victory and by proxy also the future unraveling of all civilization beneath her feet.


“Okay, don’t get back up and hit me again, Laura, or I’ll break your stupid nose! Got it?” Tara sighed, standing over her weary friend with her foot planted triumphantly across the blonde’s stomach. “You’re my bestie, and I reeeeally don’t wanna make a bitch out of you, but you’re being seriously annoying! All I’m trying to do is have some fun, and especially cuz I don’t think there’s any way to undo this, we might as well try to enjoy ourselves a little! So, are you gonna admit I won and quit trying to stop my awesomeness, or am I gonna have to slap you again?”

Groggy from the fight, Laura meekly wrapped her hand around Tara’s bare foot, while the loser’s entire body coated in the dust of scorched earth and demolished buildings, and probably endless splatted-flat humans. It was no use. Being less of an athlete than Tara, Laura didn’t have a hope of preventing the girl from crushing international capitals like anthills. Suddenly, despite her sadness for the doomed micro-denizens below soon to meet their demises in the grooves between Tara’s toes, the blonde began to agree with the more aggressive giantess, if only about the futility of trying to reverse this insane rising. Could her father, who’d accidentally transported major cities into the sweat-sticky insole caverns of his daughter and her friend, really fix all this, or was he just in over his head? Laura loved her dad to death, but finally realized for the first time that perhaps there was no turning back. Maybe, in a sick way, this was meant to be.

Whether by the actions of Dr. Weaver or universal fate itself, then, Laura learned just how destined she was to grow, when out of the blue, her already-mighty figure and hers alone expanded to unfathomably gigantic proportions. Tara, remaining at her comparatively-shrimpy size, could no longer overpower her friend with a foot, and toppled like a tiny doll off the bigger giantess’s torso. Gasping, Laura felt the curve of the Earth deepening against her back, the ground splitting and other cities vaporized into particulate by the speed of her omnipotent ascension.

When her upward rise halted at last, the cosmos-spanning blonde watched the blue-green marble of the Earth, the size of a candy piece now, rolling on its axis toward the mouth of her gravity-less sneaker. Rather than rescue it, she smiled, and raised her leg toward the globe, spreading her digits and consuming the tiny sphere in the eclipse of her foot, then guided it all the way into her shoe like a toe-ring gem. As she tightened the sneaker laces, then, with her body immersed in the sparkling marvel of space, Laura let herself experience true ecstasy at the sensation of Earth quivering them squishing to a mossy stain painted on the inner hemispheres of her toepads.

Maybe Tara was onto something after all.


THE END (for now)


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