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“So we’re still on for later tonight?” Brian leaned on the door to the university physics building, trying to hide his anxiety. The young PhD candidate did his best to stand casually, but in the presence of Amy Yang, his twenty-two-year-old one-time lecture student but now good friend, it was tough to stay cool, let alone hide his blossoming feelings for her.

“Yep! I’m looking forward to it,” she replied, clutching a textbook to her chest. She smiled that adorable, endearing smile that always got Brian’s heart to flutter.

Then, adding insult to lovely injury, she brushed her raven-black hair over her ear and winked, even while blushing a precious pink shade. Amy had always been shy, much like Brian, but as the pair spent more time together, even in strictly platonic situations that had steadily become closer, she’d started coming out of her shell. Neither had admitted any romantic inclinations to each other, however.

“Great! So, your apartment, 7 p.m.”

“You bring the pencil sharpener for the study session, and I’ll make the popcorn for the cable movie after,” Amy said sweetly.

“Sounds like a d-” Brian said, but before he could get out the word date, stopped himself. “I mean, sounds good to me. I’ll see you then.”

“Okay,” Amy nodded. For a moment she showed a hint of disappointment at his correction, but quickly reapplied her smile that capped off her ensemble of understated girl-next-door beauty. “I’ve got to get to my last class. Good luck on your project!”

“Thanks, I’ll need it,” Brian amiably replied, hoping to recover from any awkwardness. He and Amy waved goodbye, and at last the twenty-five-year old made his way to the lab, sighing. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to call it a date. He was just scared of spooking the girl away when he couldn’t say how she felt about him, even though Brian himself was hopeful of a relationship with her beyond mere friendship. Either way, he’d have all evening to see where he stood; for now, he had to focus on his magnum opus. The size-changing device.

Brian hadn’t breathed a word of his project’s nature to anyone outside his lab assistants, not even Amy. Despite his modesty, he was confident that the machine was just weeks away from being ready for presentation. He’d already run successful tests which shrunk objects and even living tissue down to fractions of their original size, all without affecting them aside from proportional reduction. The device would have innumerable benefits, solving problems from crowded transportation to world hunger. And proud as Brian was of those potential accomplishments, the truth was that he’d invented the device for one reason alone.

To use it on himself.

For the majority of his life, Brian had enjoyed a giantess fetish, as well as a fetish for certain features especially visible to miniature individuals close to the ground. Though there were many people like him, the difference was that his genius intellect had allowed him to make the fantasy a reality. Brian had no idea how to approach such a thing, but upon completion of the device, his greatest wish was to shrink himself down and worship at the feet of a giantess. Especially Amy.

Brian found himself alone in the lab, which was how he liked it. After triple-checking that the device was powered down, he resumed his previous day’s effort in calibrating the barrel, which required that he be positioned directly in front of the line of fire. So comfortable in his apparent solitude, the young man failed to notice when the machine lights blinked on, or when he was struck by the shrinking beam. Brian did, however, notice when he dwindled rapidly into his billowing clothes, disappearing through the darkness, until he was sprawled in a pile of now-gigantic garments, naked and quavering at what he estimated to be no more than an inch tall.

At first Brian couldn’t help but feel a surge of curiosity and even euphoria, having dreamed of this moment for years. Reality caught up fast, though, and he clambered out of his shirt, bewildered and terrified, and gazed at the cavernous empty lab. What had gone wrong? He didn’t have to wonder long, because as he turned to look up at the towering structure of the size-altering device, his gaze was met by the statuesque and newly colossal form of none other than Olivia Seong: a drop-dead gorgeous Korean-American woman, an utterly ruthless third-year law student, his psychotically domineering ex-girlfriend, and the only person on Earth who knew about his giantess and foot fetishes.

“Oops,” Olivia taunted, switching the device off again. “So that’s what that button does!”

Overwhelmed at the sight of his titanic ex, and completely stunned at what had just happened, Brian stumbled back and tripped over his own shirt. He hadn’t spoken to his ex in six months, and it had been even longer since he’d seen her. It took a moment to convince himself she was real, yet there she was, exquisite and smug as ever, though now quite a bit taller than usual. Could she still be upset about their breakup?

“Sorry about that, Bri. I’m sure any ordinary person in your position now would be just terrified… confused, angry, maybe pissing their pants, if they hadn’t shrunk right out of them. But… you’re not an ordinary person, are you?” Olivia whispered, now glowering down at her ex-boyfriend with a menacing grin.

The dark-haired giantess patted down her skirt and crossed her arms over her supple chest. She sauntered out from behind the machine, one sandal-clad foot in front of the other. Even with dainty strides, the impact of her shoes on the floor and the slap of the leather on her bare soles created echoes and thunderous reverberations that shook her inch-tall audience to his core.

Brian’s jaw hung open. God, she was huge. He had to crane his neck all the way up just to squint at her distant face on high, past the pillars of her bare legs and the dunes of her breasts.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Olivia giggled. She stopped walking when she’d reached his lost clothes, close enough that she could’ve sent them, and Brian, flinging across the lab with one kick. Or, probably worse, close enough that she could’ve lifted her sandal, each now the size of a boat to her ex, and brought it crashing down to stomp him flat into the treads. She didn’t step again, however, but held still, with her hands on her hips and her recently pedicured olive-hued feet thumping in her brown sandals.

“H-H-How…” Brian mustered.

“Sorry, I didn’t quite hear that squeak, since you’re the size of my thumbnail now, but I’ll just assume you were asking some pointless question about what I just did. So, let’s just get that out of the way now so we can get to the interesting stuff, all right?” Olivia balked, rolling her eyes. She tapped her foot once, casting a burst of wind at Brian that made him flinch hard. “It wasn’t easy, but as it turns out, the right amount of legal knowledge and a little flirting with an idiot lab assistant can get you pretty far. I must say, I was shocked when I heard what you were building here. Not shocked that you wanted to make a shrink gun, obviously… I mean, we were together long enough for me to know how horny you get at the thought of being small around big pretty ladies… but shocked that you actually did it! Really, I’m impressed, Bri. You should give yourself a hand. Though I’m sure you already did while thinking about using it on yourself. So, really, when you think about it, I’m just moving things along here for you, aren’t I? Seriously, don’t try to say you weren’t planning on shrinking yourself at some point, just to get up close and personal with a mile-tall woman.”

Brian gulped, unable to look up at his ex any longer. It was just like old times. Nobody could get in his head faster than Olivia Seong. Her intelligence and natural instincts ensured she was going to be a real shark once she became a lawyer, and those same traits were what made her so irresistibly sexy to Brian in the first place. That dominating personality and superiority complex nicely fit his affinity for powerful girls, but unfortunately, while those attributes fed his fetish, they didn’t make for an equal relationship, which was why Brian had ended things one year ago, rather messily at the time, though the dust had settled after. Or so he thought.

“No response, Bri?” Olivia teased. She knelt down, pressing a hand to either side of Brian’s clothes and bunching them together, so he tumbled to the top. “That’s all right. I have to admit, I wasn’t really into the whole giantess-roleplay thing you used to have me do, but… now that it’s not roleplaying, I kinda like it. Actually, I really like it. I like the sight of you down there, I like how helpless and pathetic you are, I like thinking about how it’s going to feel once I’m playing with you. And I’m pretty sure you like it, too, which is why by the time I’m done with you, you’re going to agree to be mine again. Not how it used to be, of course, since I’m going to literally have you under my thumb, plus a few other places, but… mine all the same. Enough chit-chat, though. Let’s get you home.”

Olivia reached into her bag and withdrew a rubber band, dangled from her thumb, while she slowly retracted her right foot out of the sandal. Momentarily distracted at the majestic visage of that humongous svelte ped in motion, one he’d spent many past escapades loving, Brian was shaken from his damningly aroused-if-still-horrified reverie. Did she say get him home?

The giantess reached out, nimbly snatching her inch-high boyfriend between her thumbpad and forefinger before he could even think of running. She was gentle, clearly trying not to squeeze, but firm enough that there was no hope of escape. Indeed, Brian squirmed, but to no avail. Though her skin was soft and plush as ever, it was like fighting an iron vice.

Olivia’s hand lowered nearer to her foot, and only when she began looping the rubber band around her big toe did the little man realize what was coming. Flailing uselessly, he found his vulnerable naked form fitted into the ring and hugged tight against the meaty flank of Olivia’s toe, then for good measure, pinched in place by the adjoining second digit, slightly squishier but no less strong. With that, the girl’s foot lurched forward and re-entered the shoe, now a leather-strapped prison for Brian, who was bound between his ex-girlfriend’s toes. Olivia stood, and after ripping out some random exposed wires from the shrinking device to disable it, strutted across the lab back into the hall with a smile.

For the tiny man between her toes, every step was bracing, discombobulating, but not painful. Like being continually thrown into a pair of damp mattresses. She took prideful steps, hitting the ground bluntly, yet was careful not to clench her toes and risk maiming him. Compromising though this was, nude and tied by rubber to a thick toe, it was clear Olivia had bigger plans than simply quashing her ex to pulp like a grape while she walked. But for what?

Brian’s head swam. He was trapped, not only literally between a pair of pinkish muscular feminine toes the size of overstuffed punching bags, but internally as well. On the one hand, his greatest invention had just been used to render him a defenseless captive in the clutches of an imperious, semi-unbalanced, and likely pissed-off ex-girlfriend the size of a forty-story building, which just might lead to his anonymous death. But on the other hand, these circumstances were fulfilling his every aching fantasy, and he’d never been hornier. This was confirmed each time Olivia’s foot crashed back to earth and he felt his rising member poke into the tender flesh between her puffy toes. Brian had never felt such a combination of fear and curiosity, and all the more self-hatred for that subconscious desire.


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