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In the weeks following Dracus’s mysterious breakout attempt, Megan’s life was turned upside down. She awoke from her slumber in a different facility, with a team now dedicated to studying her amazing evolution. Though on the surface she appeared more-or-less the same to begin with, aside from her feet curiously expanding several sizes larger than their usual scale, her entire physiology had transformed. It was discovered that thanks to the bath of chemically-complex monster fluids, plus that electric catalyst, Megan could alter her size at will, almost instantaneously, something she had to learn to control with practice in a cavernous testing facility similar to the one where the two-headed kaiju was kept. With every clumsy practice, too, the woman found her natural height advancing upward, from an average of five-foot-five closer to six feet, and finally peaking two inches over the line; even when she tried to shrink back to her previous stature, her powerful body refused, having proportionally filled in to suit her new much-taller frame, as though she’d always had an Olympic build and a basketball player’s reach, plus the flipper-sized feet to match. The change alarmed Megan at first, but of course this nine-inch growth spurt was the very least of her concerns now.

At first she couldn’t keep herself from growing during adrenaline rushes, occasionally expanding so far that her legs stretched to the furthest walls, leaving crunched-in stamp prints from her elongated feet in the metal infrastructure. Though Megan wished to return to her scientific work, she understood that things were different now, and she just might be required to serve a new function, given that she was a walking deterrent to any new invading kaiju.

To her surprise and dismay, then, after eight weeks confined in the laboratory, once she was finally able to grow and shrink in the blink of an eye, Megan was told she would be relocated to a remote seaside town on the opposite coastline. Here, she would be kept in hidden isolation, ready to be called up to duty if a threat arose which required her gargantuan talents, but until then, she was to lie low. The only rule was no size-switching in sight of witnesses, as any security leaks could create even bigger problems than the next fire-breathing Godzilla-wannabe.

Lodged in a small cottage near the ocean, with all her needs provided for, Megan found herself desperately bored within days. Then after weeks, the loneliness and lack of purpose began to gnaw at her. Most of all, she wished to be useful again, around people, either in a scientific capacity studying the kaiju, or even battling them hand-to-hand, if that was truly the best way to be of service.

Though she’d technically survived a million-to-one encounter with Dracus, a serious blessing, Megan couldn’t help but feel her old life had been robbed from her. Anxious, a bit depressed, and feeling a dire need for something new in her life, the clandestine grower did her best to occupy her time over the forthcoming months with reading, gardening, and walks on the beach, but kept her distance from others, which wasn’t difficult given the low population. Above all else, she made sure to almost never use her powers, except occasionally to grow by a few inches to reach tall shelves in her home when the curtains were shut.

Six months into her standby solitude, however, with no word from her employers, Megan’s patience was wearing thin. She needed a release of some kind, and seeing how she couldn’t work, the next-best thing was the rush of utilizing her size-changing abilities, something she’d found to be deeply pleasurable once she learned to hone it like a muscle. Especially when reaching sustained heights of hundreds of feet tall, Megan had found she experienced euphoria roughly on par with an orgasm, sometimes better, which made those statures tempting, yet incredibly risky.

One early morning, when the sun had scarcely risen, Megan stood on the beach and decided she would treat herself to a quick ascent in height. Just one growth spurt to get that rush and clear some of her gloom, and then she’d shrink right back down. It had been days since anyone came this far down the beach, after all, and even if someone spotted her from afar, it would be simple to deny something so crazy-sounding. So, taking a deep breath, Megan stood with her feet in the tide, letting the sand squish between her toes, and flexed her growth power like she hadn’t for half a year.

Instantly, as though her superheroic anatomy too was starved for the chance to perform its natural function, Megan shot upward like a rocket. In record time, she stood at one hundred and fifty feet tall, with the lengthy slabs of her bare feet weighing down the water-logged sand. The crashing waves now felt more like the lapping of a gentle brook washing over her writhing toes. Smiling and sighing with gratification, the giantess enjoyed these fleeting seconds of rule-breaking she could afford, soaking up every good feeling she could.

After less than a minute, then, Megan opened her eyes again in preparation to shrink back down. Before she could, however, her gaze snagged on the division in terrain between the sand grassland, where she spotted the first other human being she’d seen in days, who of course was staring up at the fifteen-story dark-haired beauty with understandably wild eyes and a hanging jaw. It was a woman, a petite redhead, who took a hesitant step backward upon meeting Megan’s delirious stare. Immediately the giantess’s heart somersaulted and she froze up, paralyzed. It had been a long time since she knew fear, and though there was no physical threat present, immediately Megan comprehended that she’d made a huge mistake. Someone was going to get in trouble for this, and unfortunately it just might be this tiny woman, if the wrong people found out she’d learned of classified information. The damage was already done.

Not knowing what she was doing, but only guessing that this woman had to be dealt with somehow, Megan lumbered across the beach. In just three seismic strides, leaving behind footprints in the sand the size of trucks, she’d crossed the distance and stood over the little stranger. Naturally, the redhead turned to flee, but Megan easily outmatched her pace simply by shuffling one humongous bare foot to the side, blockading her.

“I’m sorry,” Megan boomed with sympathy. “You weren’t supposed to see this. It’s my fault. But… I can’t let you just leave. There’s too much at stake. Don’t worry, I… won’t hurt you. But you can’t try to run. I won’t let you.”

There was no response from below. Again the woman tried to scurry a different direction, appearing like a three-inch doll from Megan’s perspective. It broke the giantess’s heart to have to frighten someone like this, probably making the woman afraid for her life itself, but she wasn’t about to endanger this woman any further, thinking of how the government might react to such a “big” secret getting out.

Thus she expertly swept her opposite foot in, effectively penning the tiny ginger astride sun-kissed insteps. Megan’s toes thumped in the sand, kicking up dust and making it even more difficult for the stranger to try evading the bulky shapes, which were not only massive due to their owner’s sky-reaching stature, but even longer and more expansive, like the feet of the very kaiju she’d tamed, which made her peds the perfect containment weapons. When she had the woman thoroughly trapped, Megan began shifting her bare feet in close, until she had the little thing harmlessly but firmly pinned between them.


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