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Given that she’d worked in a secret underground government laboratory for four years, researching methods to combat and copy the DNA of bloodthirsty building-sized kaiju monsters, Megan Branson truly believed she couldn’t be surprised any further. After all, when giant earthquake-causing beasts were so routine that they actually became second nature, barely noticed day-to-day despite their incredible scale, it would require something utterly cataclysmic to throw off the status quo.

Yet that was exactly what happened for Megan one day in the middle of a standard fluid extraction from Dracus, a silver-scaled humanoid-dragon hybrid creature twenty stories tall. The eerily-manlike bipedal monster’s bodily fluids were highly valuable, with a variety of purposes for biochemical and weapons advancement, and Megan had overseen these procedures for two-and-a-half years, without a single hitch: Dracus was sedated, restrained in place, and usually did little more than grumble while samples of its blood and reproductive materials were drawn out in hoses.

The first sign of trouble came from the blaring alarm, but there was no time to react before the monster ripped through its titanium binds like aluminum foil and gobbled up the workers on the scaffolding around it, while Megan and the others looked on in horror. Then with breath like a volcano, the beast cooked its prison cell, while batting down the charred remnants with its fists.

In the span of seconds, the containment facility was in flames, and the bulletproof glass separating Megan and her team from Dracus was cracked with a single blow from the kaiju. The extraction hoses came loose and began shooting virile monster ejaculate every which way, but this was the least of their problems.

Bravely, Megan evacuated all her subordinates while the lab crumbled around them, preparing to leave only when she was alone, but it was too late. The window blew out, with nothing separating her now from the ruthless city-wrecking monster which she had come to view as little more than a tranquilized zoo animal, yet in this moment saw more human aspects in its eyes, such as recognition and resentment. It knew her as the face of its captivity, and wanted revenge; Megan’s blood turned to ice as she saw a cruel smile cross those long jowls. Ready to settle the score with its captor, Dracus advanced with fangs bared and its head drawn back to strike. But before it could, however, the out-of-control hoses turned on the lab and began spraying streams of collected monster fluids straight over Megan, more than enough to drown her. Machinery shorted out and an electric shockwave consumed the room, killing the lights except for the smoldering fire from the kaiju’s throat.

Then the monster, of all things, was startled by a deafening gasp, followed by the pounding of ginormous feet. The walls and ceilings were destroyed, letting in the sunlight from above the underground lab and giving Dracus the chance to crawl out. Just before it could, though, a titanic human hand reached from the darkness and grabbed the beast by its tail like an unruly puppy. The smoke cleared and Megan, now standing at one hundred feet tall and still growing, appeared from the shroud. Try as the kaiju might to clamber up the wreckage toward daylight so it could find the nearest town to wreck, the brunette giantess refused to loosen her hold. What’s more, she was winning this tug-of-war. Though she was left naked, still spattered with monster’s potent sperm, Megan’s immense formed bulged with athletic musculature. She gritted her teeth, dug in her heels, then just as her curvy figure swelled magnificently to over two hundred feet, she grabbed the monster around its midsection and tackled it into the fiery debris.

Not understanding what was happening to her, and operating on pure instinct, the woman heroically gripped the beast around its neck, squeezing and preventing Dracus from blazing again. Then, prying the heel of her lengthened bare foot down against its ribs, she proceeded to use her awesome strength to grind and stomp the creature deeper into the facility, ensuring it was weakened and buried enough in the remains to prevent it from escaping the smoking crater of the research lab and harming anyone else.

Just as she arrived at three hundred feet tall, not only comically dwarfing the once-terrifying humanoid-dragon monster, but standing so tall her head now peeped above the ground again, Megan stopped to catch her breath, standing victoriously atop Dracus. Despite her enormous stature and matching might, however, the experience was psychologically and physically exhausting, and once she was certain the silver anthropomorphic beast was subdued, the giantess staggered dizzily to the side. She just managed to pull herself up to terra firma, standing in an open field beside the crumpled entrance to the research base, before shrinking rapidly back to normal height and then passing into a fatigued coma, lying in the dent of her former thirty-story colossus size like an oversized snow angel.


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