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The ensuing panic party offered a hearty first course for Astraea, who rippled with ambrosial tingles, though the real treat was the reaction of the people in her hand, appropriately the most terrified of all. Their view into that well-known mouth, up the slippery bridge of her tongue and toward a destiny in her gullet so many fellow citizens had faced over the years, was enough to make these eleven as potent in their horror as the rest of the club members below combined. Shuddering slightly from the thrill, Astraea retracted her monstrous organ back between her lips, murmured with street-quaking chuckles, then finally lowered her hand back toward the roof, dumping the traumatized contents into the deep end from a safe height.

“Oh, yes, that’s a very good start,” she purred. “Thanks, everyone, for a little taste of the high life. Well, at least not as high as… never mind, I’m sure you’d rather just get back to soaking up sun and wiping your tears with hundred-dollar-bills. Stick around, though. I just might be back to see you again, depending on how much of my appetite I can fill elsewhere. In case you haven’t heard, though, I’ve got a lot of room in here. So don’t worry about losing your spot.”

Astraea massaged her sculpted midriff in circles as she backed away from the roof, with her talkatively-grumbling tum still displayed in all its tan glory roughly at the level of the pool club. This final glance down at her audience, combined with her lip-glossing tongue and tone of total conviction, provided a nice flash of apprehension for the road, before she continued gracefully barefoot-thudding between city blocks.


A university professor walked along the school’s green space, but paused to study the bronze triple-scale statue of the institution’s founder which sat at the center of the city campus, just like he did every day as a form of reflective decompression. When he took a step to move on, however, the spires of thick shadows striped across the memorial art and grounds. Startled into tripping over, the professor jerked the other way, and found himself looking straight up at a peachy line-textured palm expansive enough to rip the whole Classics department off the university block single-handed. Astraea’s fingers extended overhead, with the spiraled index and thumb pads coming together as they descended perilously near to the professor. Yipping, and knowing he hadn’t a prayer of outrunning a pinchy fate between the silver-maned giant’s digits, the man dropped into a pitiful cower, teary-eyed and whimpering.

Yet he wasn’t flattened between rounded walls of enclosing finger flesh for delivery to her digestive tract. Instead, he heard metallic groaning, then a pop, and dared look up at where the founder’s statue was, or rather where it used to be, as the giantess had just grabbed it instead and pried it loose with greater ease than a toothpick in wet batter. Despite the bronze figure being 3-to-1 in scale, it still was hilariously dwarfed in the tan leviathan’s surprisingly-dainty grasp, as the professor watched it soar along with her mighty hand several hundred feet back into the air.

Without delay, Astraea pursed her hunger-moistened lips and popped the man-shaped memorial into the space between, nudging him fully inside using a delicate pinky finger. Having inserted the statue fully, she hunched yet lower to the ground, ensuring the professor could not only see her cheeks inflating and remolding while she swished the bronze hunk about her maw, but hear the gushing of saliva with each revolution. She didn’t swallow, but stuck out her tongue, with the statue cradled on the end, the object itself the comparative size of a baby carrot for her. Only then did those crystal-blue eyes of hers focus instead on the little man, at which point she extracted the statue from her tongue at such a meaningful pace that, with only a deliberate gesture and a few strings of saliva, Astraea silently communicated exactly what the professor was already thinking. Planting the metallic surrogate back on its pedestal, except upside-down and dripping with drool, she let her fingers hover another moment over the greenspace and the lone professor, again making him wonder whether her sucking on the statue was a substitute for him, or just a preview before the real feeding.

“All yours, teach,” Astraea said, sliding her glistening tongue across her top row of teeth, then ascended out of the crouch back to full height. For all two steps it took to exit the campus, she experienced a profound fear-burst, proving she’d been right to single him out. Though he didn’t show the same hysteria of the others, he was a little terror factory unto himself.

It was both a blessing and a curse to locate such treasures in the city, as Astraea couldn’t help but think of the missed opportunities. Were it not for Mitch, she’d be the owner of a very convenient at-home garden of especially-fearful whelps who could provide her with a boost just by opening their box and licking her lips in their full view, perhaps occasionally eating one just to keep them guessing, before sealing them again in darkness to stew.


A crimson-chrome street racer drifted around another curb, then sped down a straightaway at over 100 MPH. Having lost the cops several minutes ago, she was free again to enjoy the road for her favorite adrenaline-spiking sport, particularly now, when the traffic had dwindled to almost nothing. These were absolutely ideal driving conditions, allowing her to hammer the pedal even more, or at least she believed so, until the reason for the depopulated streets revealed itself in the form of Astraea literally putting her foot down.

Though the Apex settled her weighty sole too in good time, the first contact, and reason the racer came to a grinding halt that nearly flipped her car, was actually the hundred-story invader’s big toe impacting like a slow-moving meteor. The meaty bulb of her digit came down, flushing from deep-tan to pale pink due to the pressure of acting as a roadblock. Concrete crunched under that silken curve, and right as the racer went into a tailspin, Astraea plopped the rest of her titanic piggies down, skillfully creating a parking space out of the fleshy V-crevice between her two largest toes.

“Sorry, pedestrian crossing. I have the right of way,” the giantess thundered down to the speed-nut at her foot. “You leave me no choice but to make a citizen’s arrest. Which means I’ll have to impound this noisy little thing.”

The car bonked into the tender mocha valley, and recovered quickly, but well before the awestruck thrill-seeker could zip out in reverse, Astraea casually closed her toes together. The smooth shafts compressed, softly enough that the vehicle was spared totaling via smushing just yet, though the racer heard some of the engineering buckling, and let loose a blood-curdling yelp unlike any she’d made before. Though not even a high-speed police pursuit could make her sweat, seeing those gigantic walls of toe skin closed in, until only a strip of light entered through the sun roof, broke through the mental barrier and caused the racer to experience years of suppressed life-or-death uncertainty at once.

As a result, Astraea threw her head back and moaned even louder than the griping from her unsated stomach, her body awash again in goose bumps that bristled all the way into the toe vice clutching a tiny car mere pounds of pressure away from imploding. When satisfied, she flexed her digits out at once and let the hunk of mostly-scrapped hardware, along with its shaken passenger, hit the pavement. Just like that, then, Astraea arched her heel up and kept right on walking over her.

“Don’t worry, that should buff right out. Just slow down a little next time, won’t you?” she whispered over her shoulder. “I really do my best not to step on too many of you, what with it being much more useful to gobble you up instead, but I can’t be held responsible for what happens to your flashy toys if I just happen to be strolling along, mostly-minding my own business, when you drive right into ME. Yes, I’m better than a human in just about every conceivable way, but I’m not a psychic, either.”


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