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Brandon felt his knees turn to Jell-O. He gripped the nearby railing of the walkway, the only thing keeping him from staggering to the ground. His every nerve was alive and hyper-sensitive with marrow-chilling anxiety, and possibly terror, depending on whatever happened next. When he woke up this morning, he wouldn’t have dared dream he’d be in this position now. After all, he only knew a couple of giants, acquaintances at best, and had made a special point of staying well away from them since. Yet here he was.

Kaylee, all four-hundred-and-fifteen feet of her, crouched over the building where she’d cornered Brandon as soon as he emerged. Her shadow bathed the entirety of the structure, and one of the angles of her svelte and feminine form was visible from just about any window; a dark skirt and deep-crimson top hugged the curves of her slender shape. She made no sudden movements, delicately brushing her wild golden locks over her ears and flashing Brandon a reassuring smile; still, the gesture could only be so comforting when a beautiful face scaled to the grandeur of a billboard was currently hovering a stone’s throw away from the young man, her blue eyes focused squarely on him. Her adorable dimples deepened, and lips plenty wide enough to gulp Brandon inside spread into a grin, displaying her pearly white chompers.

“Hi, Brandon!” she boomed, though her intent was to keep her volume to a polite indoor-voice. “Funny running into you here, huh?”

Brandon flinched at the first phrase, as it seemed to confirm his fears. His grip on the rail was giving out. What did she want with him? Sure, she was cute, but she was also big enough to crush a car as easily as a soda can.

“Um, h-hi Kaylee,” he mustered.

“Sorry if I surprised you,” she responded, seemingly reading his nerves as awkwardness rather than fright. The girl raised a hand and gently flattened her palm against the side of the building a little ways above Brandon’s head. Fingers as long or even more so than his entire body drummed on the brickwork. For Kaylee it was just an attempt to appear casual in an environment not tailored to her massive body, but to Brandon, it was a spooky reminder that with one swipe downward, the giantess could have him wrapped up in her fist. He shivered, though Kaylee didn’t notice.

“Don’t worry about it,” Brandon said. “What’s, um… what’s going on?”

“I was hoping I could… talk to you about something,” Kaylee said, her cheeks blushing an obvious pink. There was honest-to-God bashfulness in her tone, and she averted her gaze briefly, batting her lashes. “Would you mind if I picked you up?”

Brandon’s blood turned winter-frigid. He eyeballed that enormous hand above, still clutching the side of the building. In all likelihood, she was strong enough to rip the place right off its stone foundations without even breaking a sweat. Then he looked back at Kaylee, saw the determined conviction in her expression, and felt there was no real option.

“Okay, s-sure.”

“Great! Just hold still, and I’ll be extra careful with you, I promise,” Kaylee vowed. That hand left the wall. Her fingers uncurled, light glinting off her nails as her creased palm suddenly gave way above. She lowered with the promised caution, until Brandon’s entire body was faced with the soft wall of her vertical palm. His whole view was blocked instantly. Then, the gentle spires of those fingers curled in tandem around the back, encircling Brandon into the fleshy confinement of Kaylee’s ever-so-carefully closed fist. Only his head still poked out the top.

The young man felt his feet leave the ground, the plushness of Kaylee’s hand squishing around his entire body, and wind whistling by between the cracks separating her tree-trunk-like digits. His heart thundered like never before. Whether it was vertigo or just fear, Brandon couldn’t say, but he was so light-headed he might have been on the verge of passing out by the time Kaylee had lifted the comparatively little man up to the height of her sunnily smiling face.

“Well, that’s better, isn’t it? I never want to force people to yell just so I can hear them,” Kaylee said, returning to full height. Her fingers rippled softly at Brandon’s back, briefly embracing him tighter into the fold of her closed fist. With her opposite hand, she brushed a few stray blonde strands out of her crystalline eyes. “And you can probably hear me better, too.”
 “Yes, I can,” Brandon choked out. For an instant, he struggled against the python-like coiled fingers, until it became clear they weren’t budging. His breathing nor his speech was actually impeded by the grip of Kaylee’s warm hand around his body, but his mental state rendered him as putty. “W-What… w-what, um, d-did you…”

“Oh! Sorry, I almost forgot. You’d probably like to be able to move around a little,” Kaylee said, rolling her eyes at her own habit. Turning her hand over, palm to the sky, she unraveled her fingers from around Brandon’s body. “Here ya go.”

He sprawled in the center of Kaylee’s pale palm, momentarily staring in disbelief at the intricate detail of the crisscrossing lines and infinitesimal skin cell geography texturing her skin. This didn’t seem real. Here he’d never even been within ten feet of a giant before, and now one had actually plucked him off the ground as simply as a feather, and was holding him in her hand.

“T-Thanks,” was all Brandon could manage.

“No problem! Anyway, it’s more private up here, and, uh… it would be kinda embarrassing if I just went shouting this out to everybody down there,” Kaylee continued, her gaze darting intermittently at the distant ground. Brandon didn’t dare peer over the curved edge of her gangplanked fingers, for fear of nausea contributing to the paralysis he already felt at being cradled by a giantess in the first place.

“What is it?” he asked. The sooner they got through this, the better, as far as Brandon was concerned. Thus far, he had no reason to believe Kaylee intended him harm, but then again, who was he to predict the feelings of this godlike woman whose footsteps rivaled seismic activity?

“Well… I, uh… I’m not really quite sure how to say this,” Kaylee said, just as skittish as before. She shifted her weight from foot to foot on the ground below; if it wasn’t for her skyscraping height, she might’ve been mistaken for an introverted schoolgirl. “I practiced in front of a mirror a few times. That probably sounds dumb, and… I already wish I hadn’t said that. Wow, okay, um… here it comes, Brandon…”


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