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Tina knelt down and passed through the doorway, but only just, and pulled Nick along with her. Her fist closed completely around his puny hand, and it was clear she could’ve dragged him right off the ground like a stuffed animal using just one arm. Doing his best to stumble after, Nick was once again taken to the bedroom, which even to him looked much smaller when there was suddenly a sixteen-foot goddess filling up so much of the space. The bed was less than half the length of Tina’s enormous body, which made Nick halt for a moment. If this fantasy was to repeat, how was that diminutive mattress going to be enough?

This question was answered when Nick was picked up and again pinned to the wall, easily as a feather. Tina’s lips wrapped around his, familiar enough, but the increase in her size meant that the little guy was more wrestling with her tongue than simply kissing her back. It was fantastic. The heat and moisture of her mouth suckling his felt like a preview of things to come. In her recent fashion for getting right to the point, Tina began plucking Nick’s clothes away again, making no efforts to do so neatly or even without ripping them. All the while, he dangled eight feet off the ground, suspended in the redhead’s strong capable hands, and simultaneously rendered nude. His erection was begging for escape by the time Tina peeled away his underwear, and she made sure to toy with his dick still without releasing him from her hard kisses. Her fingers, each longer than his chub, teased and stroked the shaft, which at last was relatively small enough to handle. The rest of him was sandwiched to the wall against Tina’s heavy, globular tits so taut he could scarcely breathe.

Then, lowering him slightly, Tina hugged Nick’s head into her puffy cleavage and pushed his face as far into the fleshy valley as it could fit. Down below, his body was adjusted enough that his swinging hard-on brushed against her drooling pussy. Both of them came more alive at this moment, coating with goosebumps and panting in anticipation. Tina ably performed all the work, clamping his flailing legs together with her thunder-thighs and nuzzling his erection easily into her waiting pussy. As large and hung as Nick was, his entire length slid easily into the tunnel with room to spare. Then, as Tina began to hump him right against the wall, a flood of novel feelings ripped through the six-foot little guy, transporting him into a fetish dream-turned-reality.

The difference between having sex with an eight-foot woman and a sixteen-foot one was night-and-day. Where before Nick could still follow with the rhythm of their intercourse, even while Tina took control, he was utterly no match with this redoubled leviathan of a woman now. He felt more like a ragdoll, though the pleasures and tantalizing sensations were every bit as sharp. If anything, feeling so thoroughly at Tina’s mercy enhanced the already-substantial euphoria of being fucked by a giantess.

“Am I big enough for you now, little boy?” Tina breathed, once she’d pulled Nick’s head out of her tits. “Tell me.”

“Y-Yes! Fuck, yes!” he practically screamed, clenching and writhing with the insane influx of pleasures touching every part of him.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Tina laughed. Their standing intercourse carried on for a while, the ginger giantess apparently never tiring as she continued bumping Nick against the wall. He climaxed quickly, but Tina took her time, nearly erupting with cries and fluid when she was finally satisfied.

It was clear she hadn’t yet had her fill, though, and the girl merely unstuck Nick from his perch in her breasts and threw him back on the bed like a sack of flour. Surprised but still woozy with horniness, Nick recovered just quick enough to see his sixteen-foot partner drawing near. As he laid on the bed, just about level with her shins, he was granted the best view yet of her awesomely astronomic stature. Again she squatted over the bed, able now to straddle both sides with her legs, and sumptuously imprisoned Nick against the mattress with all four limbs.

“Ready for round two, little man? Because I certainly am.”

“Yes. P-Please. Anything you want.”

“Anything I want? That’s an awfully big promise for such a tiny thing as you,” Tina said. She possessively grasped his cock, already firming again against her fingers, and taunted it with her damp, quivering labia. “Can you follow through on that?”

“Of… course…” he gasped, coming under her spell in mind, body, and soul.

“Then say I’m yours now. Not Constance’s.”

“I’m… yours.” Nick could barely speak now as Tina began hammering his dick again, threatening to make the whole bed break under the weight and force of their mismatched-size sex. “Anything!”

“You only have one giantess, don’t you? Say it, little fella.”

“I only have one giantess.” His voice turned to squeals as Tina proceeded to hump and suck them to countless exhaustive orgasms that seemed to last all night, until they finally passed out in the wake of their shared fantasy.


The next morning, Nick awoke alone in Tina’s bed. Upon glancing at his phone, he found a dozen texts and missed calls of increasing rage from Constance, demanding to know where he was. Gulping, but knowing he’d now made a commitment to his one true goddess, Nick got dressed and trundled next door to his own townhome. On the way, he sent Tina a message.

Thank you. I’m yours forever, my giantess. I promise, he said. Bracing himself, Nick pushed through the front door to find his six-foot-three former girlfriend, a shrimp by comparison to his new sexually-charged lover, standing there in a state of understandable fury.

“Where the hell have you been?” she roared, using her two-inch height advantage to glower down at Nick in much the way she did to their neighbor. “I called and texted all night. Who do you think you are?”

“I’m sorry,” Nick sighed. “It’s… Tina, she-”

“You were with TINA?” Constance shrieked.

“She… found out. About me. About my… thing for giant women, and-”

“And she thought she’d try to take you away, just like I told you she would!” Constance scowled. She threw open the door and stomped down the stoop to the yard. Her movement was purposeful and violent, like she’d uppercut the next person who crossed her path. “Well, I guess it’s time I gave her a piece of my mind. No more being nice like usual. I’ll fuck her up if I have to.”

“Wait! Constance, please don’t!” Nick shouted, running after her just as Constance arrived at Tina’s front door. “You don’t understand. She found out about it, and then she found a way to become… one. She’s big now, see. I mean she’s really really big!”

“The only big one around here is me,” Constance snarled as she pounded her fist against the door and continuously rang the bell. “In a minute, you’ll know that for sure.”

Right then, the ground beneath them shuddered. It happened again in quick succession, earth-quaking thuds shaking the entire block of townhouses. Again and again and again. Constance and Nick looked in confusion between one another, then at last down the road between the trees.

“What was that?” Constance yelled.

Overhead of the rooftops and tree-line, even before she was facing them dead-on in the street, they saw her. Tina. All of her.

The red-haired buxom giantess had again more than doubled her height, bringing herself up to a nigh-mythic proportion of forty feet tall: the size of two townhouses stacked atop one another. Her breasts, like hot air balloons, seemed to float on high. That bare bottom sashayed with each concrete-cracking step. Her hourglass shape was now wider even than the individual homes themselves, putting those structures and their miniature inhabitants into the territory of toy-size compared to someone of Tina’s monumental stature.

Transfixed, more in love than ever with the sight of the forty-foot Tina strutting down the street, Nick was essentially hypnotized. He wanted nothing more than to serve and please her forever. Constance, on the other hand, began to suffer a breakdown.

“Holy shit,” she screamed. “Holy SHIT! What did she do?”

“Who’s the big one now, short stuff?” Tina boomed at her rival, planting her hands back on her ample hips for maximum intimidation. Her voice, godlike, seemed to carry across the whole county. “Tell me. How’s the weather all the way down there, Constance?”

White as a sheet, Constance went rigid and fell back in a petrified faint. She lay in the grass, unconscious, totally overwhelmed with terror and shock at the truth of her one-time boyfriend’s claims.

Nick was abruptly left alone at the feet of his ultimate fantasy come to life. Tina stepped closer, causing the ground to quaver with her every stride, until her chosen little man could no longer see her face past the twin horizons of her catastrophically humongous boobs, now like moons unto themselves. Without another word, she reached down and scooped up Nick as easily as a Barbie doll in her fist, and lifted him up to her chest. Giving him a final grin and a wink, the self-made goddess stuffed him into her cleavage, which held him snug, and sauntered off down the street in search of new ways to live out their most erotic yearnings.




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