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Nick had never experienced anything like this, either. Though his dynamic with Constance often meant she took the lead during sex, Tina was not only taking the lead, but actively controlling and using him exactly to her wishes, like only a true giantess could. He couldn’t help but groan, doing his best to keep up with Tina’s thrusts but for the most part simply being along for the ride. Her fluids dribbled down his shaft each time she slid up and down again. The mattress trembled from the sheer force of Tina plowing Nick into the blankets.

After the little man came, they gently parted, but held close together. Nick still couldn’t get over the fact that he’d just been fucked by a giantess, and found it difficult to tear his eyes away from Tina’s amazing naked form reclined beside him, her flaming red hair draped provocatively over her perspiration-glazed tits.

Just then, however, Nick’s phone rang, and the pair were snapped out of their fantasy bubble. He answered, and from the way he spoke Tina knew it was Constance on the other line. She smiled, knowing she’d just claimed her nasty neighbor’s man, at least until she saw Nick stand up and hurriedly start putting his clothes on. He apologized, explaining that Constance was unexpectedly heading home soon, and that he had to meet her. Though he seemed reluctant, Nick left his nude lover alone.

Dumbfounded, the giantess sat at the edge of the bed, unable to believe that somehow she’d just been walked out on. Even after she’d gone through the trouble of unlocking this enchanted secret, growing herself into the goddess she and Nick both wished for, still she hadn’t succeeded in luring him completely away from Constance. Eight feet tall and a bust to die for, yet still it wasn’t enough. Sad at first, Tina was energized again when she bowed in front of her vanity mirror for another look at her spell-sculpted body, more perfect than any Greek deity statue. If Nick wanted a real giantess, then he was going to get one.

Tina picked up the enchantment again, more determined than ever. Taking a deep breath, she knew there was no going back. The spell was spoken again, more self-assured than the first time.

Without delay, Tina felt the tickle beneath her skin again, followed by the same mind-blowing expansion, only in double the quantity of before. The change happened so fast and aggressively, she could actually watch her arms and legs lengthening, her breasts swelling yet again, and the floor seemingly falling further away. Her rear end grew into a bona fide bubble butt, bouncy and tight, the size of a car trunk. That F-cup chest had developed to some unclassified alphabet size, with her perky bountiful tits inflating to boulder-scale. Her assets were massive and spacious as could be, but each part of her had grown, and it showed. Every bit of toned musculature had become further chiseled and immaculate, not merely athletic now, but a warrior’s physique. Passing through a doorway earlier would’ve simply required she stoop, but now there was no way through without crawling on her hands and knees. Tina stopped her second growth spurt at no less than sixteen feet tall, towering over everything in the room.

Before, at eight feet, Tina still felt some connection to the size of a human. Now, truly overgrown well-past a height that could even be conceivably reached by any other person, Tina was something beyond. Even her furniture, previously small but functional, looked like a bunch of doll’s playthings now. These twenty-foot townhouse ceilings, once so far above that Tina couldn’t even touch with a pole, were just barely high enough to contain her new size, and certainly within touching distance. She was colossal. And she was overjoyed.


The next day, back home with Constance, Nick received a text from Tina.

Hey, Nick. I hope things won’t be weird after yesterday. I was just wondering if you could come over and help me with my shower? I think there’s something wrong with it. Please come right over if you’re able, she said.

Nick, although nervous, had been unable to think of anything else except the sight of Tina’s titanic eight-foot form hunched over him on the bed, making his naughtiest desires come true. He didn’t know what to expect, but as a friend, he felt some obligation to help. Without telling Constance where he was headed, he agreed to Tina’s request and stepped outside with his handyman toolbox. The neighboring townhouse backdoor was unlocked, so Nick entered and made his way to the bathroom.

When he turned the corner around the jamb, however, he walked right smack into a soft yet firm and peachy pillar that rose two full feet above his own head. Bewildered for an instant, Nick looked down and discovered a gigantic foot at the base of the object which he now realized was a leg, or more accurately, Tina’s eight-foot-long leg, which put her full naked stature at no less than double that immense figure.

His jaw hung comically open. The shorter man, feeling belittled like he never had in his whole life, slowly looked along the dizzying length of Tina’s legs, past her large rosy pussy at the union of her beefy thighs, up along her muscled midriff. While trying to make eye contact with her, Nick was stuck momentarily on the overhanging visage of her absolutely mountainous breasts, so buoyant and voluptuous that they blocked the view to her face. That trademark ginger hair hanging in elegant streams down to her tits, however, made it clear Nick was in the right place. When he backed up against the bathroom wall, he could finally see Tina’s face beaming victoriously at him below.

“Sorry about that, little man,” Tina teased. She poised with her hands on her hips, swaying gently back and forth above him. Her tone was throaty and resonant, echoing through the whole townhouse and cutting Nick to his core. “I almost didn’t see you down there.”

Speechless, Nick could only shake and blink, sporting a hard-on almost instantaneously.

“Nothing to say? Well, that’s all right. I was hoping for a real reaction,” Tina said. “In case you were wondering, there’s nothing wrong with my shower. Actually, I might be too tall to use this shower anymore. No, I asked you back over because I’m… hungry, Nick. Down here. And I need someone to satisfy that hunger.”

For demonstration, Tina’s fingers parted her labial lips, revealing her cunt’s opening, now more than wide and deep enough to fully receive her lover’s above-average cock. Nick gazed numbly into the honey-laced orifice above his head.

“Could that be you, little one?” Tina whispered. “Are you enough man to handle someone like me? You did last night, but things are a bit… different now, as you can see. I just hope you can keep up. What do you think?”

“I… I… oh, God…”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Tina snickered.


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