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John had to pause, if only for a moment, to appreciate the mind-boggling insanity of his new surroundings. Even when Ruby first approached him in the coffee shop, he’d admired the pert mass of her derriere, and that was just from the quick glance before his attention refocused on her alluring words and actions. Yet here he was now, half the length of a human thumbnail, and deposited where the sun didn’t shine, all for the glorification and relaxation of a woman who still probably didn’t even know his name.

The air was predictably stale and dense with odors both earthly and unearthly: the starchy aroma of that panty string riding up Ruby’s crack all day long, combined with the grit and congealed sweat of running about all morning looking for potential shrunken slaves, and finally the unmentionable and unholy reek wafting from her anus just beyond.

John staggered to his haunches as others crowded around to make room. Ruby was still sprinkling her human toys across the ample real estate of her butt. The expectation was indeed clear: yet more gratitude shown through physical labor and snogging with the giant brunette MILF’s ass crack. Likewise, John wedged himself deeper in line of the valley and pressed his lips against the nearest rounded bulwark of skin. Beyond, several workers concentrated on the puckered orifice, rimming Ruby as a team effort, which was assuredly what it took to clean the whole portal.

The woman’s palm dug into her left cheek, spreading it as wide as possible while she sprinkled in the final round of mants. Then, with her hands emptied, Ruby yawned deeply, stretched her arms and legs, and rested her cheek on the pillow. Meanwhile, her cheeks collided gently back together, without the force of her hand separating them, and once again John and the others were sealed in a flesh sandwich of ass cheeks.

Like the conditions in Ruby’s armpit, the smell and heat amplified with the darkness. As John kissed the unwashed skin, he was pretty sure he could make out the ghostly incense of Ruby’s last meal, released almost as a vapor from her hole. The urge to become sick was becoming more insistent with each new task, but John held firm, pinched his nostrils closed, and kissed the inner embankment of tush meat like his life depended on it. God, to go back in time and try to do all this over…

From above, Ruby snored peacefully, with only the occasional whimper, like she was having a very good dream. This passage into slumber did have the benefit of muscles loosening around her cheeks. Her whole body had relaxed. A little more light made its way into the valley of her ass, and the stagnant effluvium was tempered slightly by clean air. Not much, though, and only through focused sensory deprivation was John able to keep a clear and conscious mind on the job without becoming ill or just downright fainting. The little man was beside himself. This winnowing of stink, topped off by the sour flavor on his tongue now, was worse than anything he’d experienced in that armpit; once again, the giantess’s continuing demands kept on surpassing the disgust and horror of the last act. That little mound of puffed skin which made up her anus, John decided, just might be his undoing.

In a show of divine mercy, though, the nap came to an end after an hour had passed. Ruby yawned and stretched again, cooed happily with comfort, then pried apart her cheeks again. High on the fumes from some of Ruby’s sleepy and thankfully-tasteless wind, John was hardly aware of her enormous fingers passing through the valley again. Even when he was collected amongst her long red fingernails again, he only half-noticed. It took several sustained minutes of fresh oxygen pumping into his lungs to put him even remotely back on the same plain of reality he inhabited before being reduced to a quarter inch high.

By the time he stabilized, however, John was faced with a new impending challenge. Not a word was yet spoken by Ruby. As usual, her voluptuous body language said much more than her sensuous teasing. With her back propped against the headboard, Ruby had spread her thick legs wide, as if her feet were hooked into stirrups. While one hand was busy somewhere at the union of her luscious limbs, her other palm was cupped just below the level of her stomach.

Her belly button stud gleamed with promise, as did Ruby’s radiant grin. For a few minutes, she allowed the weary and stench-bombed tiny men to regain their bearings. Then she exhaled, moaned a little in the back of her throat, and raised her voice.

“That was absolutely splendid, all of you. Thank you so much for being so wonderful to me. I knew I could count on you to take care of your loving goddess,” Ruby slurred. She almost sounded a little drunk, but John hadn’t seen her take a drop of liquor; something else was possessing her senses now. “I’m sure my lovely lady lumps aren’t always the most pleasant of abodes, so I thought I’d fix up a reward for everyone this time, which would be most beneficial to not only you, but me as well. In fact, it might be mostly my benefit. But we’ll just keep that between us.”

Ruby’s giggling rumbled her entire body right down to the palm platform where John and company stood. Down below, her opposite hand was moving faster, doing God knew what. At least that was what John told himself; the upcoming trial was already clear to his subconscious. And after the rigorous torture of being gassed time after time while he licked the trail to Ruby’s asshole, John was pretty sure he could handle just about anything.

“Be good to me again, my loves,” Ruby proclaimed in earnest, and with the finality of her tone, it was clear her speech was complete. All that remained was action.

Then her palm lowered a few inches, not only revealing that her opposite hand was currently engaged in spreading the already-lubricated flaps of her labia, but also the monstrously furry forest of her pussy itself. The carpet indeed matched the drapes; soft, curly, surprisingly well-maintained and groomed brunette pubic hair decorated her entire vulva like a set of luxurious curtains. The nearer Ruby’s fingers dipped to the holy grail of her body, the more like a jungle the mound became to her quarter-inch toys.

John was shoved forward by the motion of the crowd. They knew their roles already, and there was nowhere else to turn. So he followed down the decline of flesh as Ruby poured them all directly into the fluffy cushioning of her womanhood. They scattered like fleas in midair, spread thinly through the velvety tangle of hair. John sunk into the curls and became instantly lost among the chocolate-hued ropes.

The smell was sharper in his mind than anything he’d yet perceived. It beat out Ruby’s sole, her pits, and even her ass for sheer muscularity of its stench. The haze rising from her slit was elemental and animalistic, almost sweet, yet with a dash of alcoholic sting setting John’s senses alight. It was unquestionably the most powerful thing he’d ever experienced, and what’s more, despite the stench’s overwhelming nature, it was also hypnotizing him into dedication. For it was painfully, heart-breakingly, wonderfully satisfying in every sense, and John didn’t want it to end.

This wasn’t just a post-nap fingering. This was the gospel of the Goddess Ruby. And John was now a full-blooded follower.

After Ruby’s preliminary fondling of her labial lips, a hearty river of pre-cum already trickled through the muff. A sticky line trailed over John’s body, binding him deeper into the forest, until he sunk down to the level of tender pink skin. More and more ejaculate splurged forth through the undulating opening. Ruby’s masturbation resumed with energetic fury. Soon John couldn’t distinguish up from down, nor the skin of fingers from the skin of pussy. All he could determine was that he was being stirred into the damp-matted jungle of pubes with such hunger that if the act carried on much longer, he would surely pass out.

The moaning from on high became as a deep-throated choir of one. Ruby was crying out with the pleasurable agony of delaying her orgasm, flicking the fleshy nub of her clit and letting her fingers wander ever-deeper into the sloshing tunnel. As tiny people adhered to her fingers, they, too became instrumental in her stimulation, with some of the men being left in the steaming darkness of her cunt for seconds at a time before her jutting fingers reappeared inside to retrieve them. John soon found himself resigned to this fate, and entered Ruby’s vagina multiple times, always watching the mucky pube forest melting from view into blackness as he was cast into the sticky oblivion.

When Ruby’s climax was imminent, to the tune of her desperate moans, wave after wave of nectar crashed over John’s body. On the final plunge, the woman’s deluge flushed him clean from the cavity and back into the sopping mat of pubic forest. Like a battlefield, the glistening surface of Ruby’s three-story-tall womanhood was strewn with twitching bodies: spent, and nearly unconscious, but all alive. This fact surprised John more than anything else as he drifted into a defensive sleep. The entire mant farm would live to serve another day. And another, and another.

“Oh… my…” Ruby breathed, still recovering from the sexual trauma. She licked her lips, and stirred her finger back through the cum-soaked pubes, gathering quarter-inch bodies with each rotation. A wet kiss expelled from her lips. “Thank you, my dears. That was even better than last time. What, oh what, would I ever do without you boys? And… John, darling? Welcome to your new forever home.”

So she had remembered him after all.

John gazed up into the titanic face of his owner from the sticky perch of her finger. Maybe, in her own twisted and egomaniacal way, Ruby really did love each and every one of her pets, him included, enough to preserve them despite the tribulations she pushed them through for her own selfish pleasure. Maybe this wasn’t a hell. And maybe this beautiful, mad, glorious gift of a giant woman was the Goddess he’d been waiting for all along.




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