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Tina stood on her tip-toes to reach the latch of the townhouse mailbox. She had considered asking for a lower unit, but the petite four-foot-eleven redhead had her pride. Balancing on the balls of her feet, Tina fumbled for the mailbox door, just barely unable to pull it open.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, a large hand appeared above Tina and flipped the mailbox open with great ease. Even without turning around, the little woman knew who that hand belonged to, along with the toned model-esque body to which it was attached. She heard a soft laugh behind her, as her helper’s much-taller form stepped near, cornering Tina against the mailbox rack.

“Need a hand there, short stuff?” Constance asked. Tina’s towering six-foot-three neighbor smiled as she spoke, but her voice was callous and arrogant. The black-haired amazon clearly enjoyed talking down to Tina in such playfully derogatory terms, especially given how often she did it. Fit and rippling with athletic muscle earned from daily jogs, Constance was physically imposing enough on her own, before her attitude was even factored in.

“Sure, Constance,” Tina mumbled. She watched as the woman easily reached into the mailbox port and pulled out all Tina’s post.

However, rather than handing the items directly to the puny redhead, Constance turned Tina’s mail over and began to read: one of many little shows of power Constance seemed to enact on Tina whenever they crossed paths. Not quite antagonizing her, but also making no mistake about who was the big one of the two.

“Bills, bills, bills. I sure hope you worked hard enough to pay all these, or they’ll switch your lights off, little one!” Constance chuckled. “Oh, and a letter from your mom, it looks like! I’m sure she just wants to tell you to keep doing your best, even if you can’t quite reach your own mailbox. Maybe you’ll be tall enough someday to make it… but probably not.”

Reluctantly, Tina faced her passive-aggressive neighbor, and waited silently for the girl to finish amusing herself with her bullying tactics. It was better not to even reply and risk a worse conflict.

Things had been tense between Tina and Constance ever since the short ginger moved to the townhouse complex, arriving in a new city after an ugly breakup. Constance had been polite to Tina at first, and the woman’s almost-as-tall boyfriend Nick, at six-foot-one, had always been nothing but kind to their new neighbor. In fact, he’d become a real friend to Tina, unselfish and funny, and combined with his natural attractiveness, the redhead was glad whenever she had the chance to be near him.

Things took a turn, however, when one day she wandered past their house one day and peered into Nick and Constance’s kitchen window. The shade was up, and just as Tina glanced inside, Nick walked by, fully in the nude. The sight had startled her, and instinct told her to look away, but instead she stopped dead in her tracks to admire the sheer enormity of the man’s cock, not even erect, yet thick and hung all the same. Instantly stirred, Tina paused for a minute, watching Nick obliviously move about the room in the buff, and especially watching his desirable member dangling between his legs. She was so focused on this surprise peep show, she didn’t notice Constance jogging up the path.

“Did you get a good enough look, shrimp?” Constance scowled, not bothering to hide her malice. She crossed her arms and stood like a sentinel between Tina and the window, making the smaller girl blush red. The atmosphere of this beautiful, sweaty Amazonian goddess fuming over her was enough to make Tina want to run away, but the humiliation kept her rooted to the ground.

“I’m… s-sorry. I was just, um, walking by, and-” Tina stuttered.

“You were just walking by, and thought you’d get a nice long look at my man? Here’s a word of advice, little girl: don’t go trying to ride the rides you’re not tall enough to handle,” Constance said. She waved her hand dismissively. “Now get out of here, shorty.”

As a result of that cripplingly embarrassing episode, Tina had resorted to silently allowing Constance to take out her possessive insecurities on her whenever she wanted. Even if it meant she had to suffer the loss of privacy and height-related jabs as Constance went through her mail. Finally, probably growing bored of this, the woman handed Tina’s belongings back.

“Here’s your junk, kiddo. Let me know if you need help reaching the doorknob of your house, too,” Constance snarked, then turned and walked back to her townhouse: apparently she hadn’t even come out for her own mailbox, but simply to emotionally torment her neighbor.

Tina sighed, feeling smaller than ever, and retreated back to her townhouse. Alone, she counted through her mail and pondered how someone as cruel as Constance was fortunate enough to land a guy like Nick.


“I’m telling you, babe, she’s creeping on you. Why do you think she walks by the front door so often?” Constance insisted. She cuddled up next to her boyfriend on their bed, kissing his face and massaging his chest. “That little runt wants a look.”

“Oh, Tina’s fine. She doesn’t mean any harm,” Nick said.

“You might think that, but I’ve seen the way she stares at you. And you know she’s got to be thinking about a rebound after she got dumped or whatever. I don’t like the idea of somebody skulking around after what’s mine.”

“I know you don’t like it. I hear the way you talk to her whenever you see her, going on and on about how short she is and asking how the weather is down there,” Nick said with some sympathy, though he couldn’t help but chuckle too.

“Don’t pretend. You know it’s funny.”
 “I can’t help it. I think it’s hot when you talk like… that… but still, Tina’s really nice,” Nick said, casually fondling his girlfriend’s half-bare body and giving her enormous DD-cups a squeeze. “She wouldn’t go around trying to steal people’s boyfriends. Although I also think it’s kinda hot seeing how jealous you get.”

“Jealous! I’m not jealous of someone like her. There’s no competition there. Yeah, whatever, she’s busty, but I mean… look at me,” Constance said. She pulled her bra away, grinding her meaty tits against her boyfriend’s face.

“Exactly right,” Nick laughed. He lapped at her nipples and pulled Constance close. “She’s got nothing on you. I like my busty ladies tall.”

“Plus,” Constance whispered coyly. She rolled over, hooking Nick with both legs, and arched up over him on the mattress. “Do you think she’d do thisfor you?”

Giddy, and increasingly horny, Nick shut his mouth while his girlfriend made herself as tall as possible. Constance planted her hands on her hips, swaying sexily from side to side, letting her liberated breasts and perky ass shake a bit for her audience below. Then she stooped slightly, emphasizing the simulated height gulf between the prostrate man and his gargantuan woman above.

“What do you think you’re doing down there, little-tiny man?” Constance swooned, getting into role-play mode. She licked her lips and toyed with Nick’s hair. “You ought to be careful. You never know when a big ol’ giantess like me is gonna wander by, looking for an itty-bitty person to play with. I might’ve stepped on you if I didn’t see you down there with your dopey smile and your hard-on.”

Sultrily giggling, Constance nudged Nick’s standing erection with her heel, but carried on with the giantess-playacting by dancing for him, stomping all over their bed and giving him looks at her luscious assets and aerobic-toned shape. Her man savored the show with wild eyes, stroking himself now and practically salivating over his fetish-feeding goddess. Once neither of them could handle the strain any longer, Nick living out his fantasy and Constance loving her role as the big one, they fell upon one another and commenced vigorous, fluid-spewing sex that rattled the bedroom walls.


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