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“Oh, I almost forgot,” Jade said, perking up. She reached into her purse and plucked out a miniature boy, dangled between her thumb and forefinger. “Happy belated birthday!”

“What, for me?” Margot gawked in semi-shock. Instantly the newly twenty-two-year-old perked up, her bold blue eyes bugging. She leaned fast across the couch, both palms out and cupped together to receive her gift from her best friend. “Let me see him!”

“No duh he’s for you. I seriously can’t believe you went an entire year after you grew and you still haven’t tried eating someone,” Jade playfully mocked. Smirking at the tiny creature in her grasp, she plopped him into Margot’s waiting hands, where he was quickly surrounded and overwhelmed by the other giantess’s eager fingertips. “So we’re going to fix that today.”

“You mean… oh!” Margot drawled, finally catching on. Clutching the little living snack, she held him up to her enormous face, grinning and batting her eyelashes in disbelief. “Wait a second… don’t I KNOW him? That’s… that is Conner Olson! From high school! You remember, he was a freshman back when we were seniors?”

“Oh right. Yeah, I guess so,” Jade shrugged, clearly not putting much effort into summoning the memory. The girl combed her fingernails through wavy raven-black hair, stifling laughter at her friend’s reaction. “Did you ever, like, talk to him?”

“Sure! Actually, he was a real whiz at calculus. Kind of a little genius, really. He helped me study a few times, even, since he was ahead of his class,” Margot explained. Absentmindedly, she deposited Conner back in her open palm, pressing the pad of her pinky finger down against him just hard enough to keep him pinned. Her delighted gaze darted back and forth between her bestie and the bite-sized guy trapped under her finger. “He was always really nice. To be honest, I’m pretty sure he had a little bit of a crush on me, too.”

“Who didn’thave a crush on you in high school?” Jade joked.

“Aww, but he was sweet about it. I always thought it was cute seeing him get all flustered around me, even if I didn’t feel the same way,” Margot cooed. Slowly her pinky finger rolled the boy along a fleshy groove in her palm. In time, getting over his fearful paralysis, Conner had begun trying to resist the girl’s powerful digit, wrapping his limbs around it and trying to push away. His efforts were so minimal in comparison to the colossal twenty-two-year-old’s passive strength, however, Margot only noticed it at this moment.

“Please! Don’t do this, M-Margot!” he squeaked, speaking up for the first time. “It’s me! Y-You wouldn’t eat me, w-would you?”

“Did you hear his little voice! Like a cute little mouse. He’s struggling so much, too. Trying his hardest, even, I think,” Margot commented sweetly. The dirty-blonde’s ear-to-ear smile had become irrepressible now, her eyes permanently widened. She briefly softened the pressure from her finger just to test Conner’s performance, only to settle it back over his stomach and immobilize him against her palm again. Her glistening tongue emerged at the corner of her mouth, licking her lower lip in contemplation of the diminutive life form under her fingertip. “Wow, it sort of tickles, actually. This is crazy.”

Conner whined something else incomprehensible, but couldn’t project much, with Margot’s finger bearing down on him and compressing half the air from his tiny lungs.

“Just look at you. Like a kid in a candy store,” Jade giggled. “If I’d known you’d react like this, I’d have gotten you a whole handful of them.”

No, I don’t need a whole handful. At least for my first time. Though… he looks so tasty, I’m starting to think I’m gonna want another one as soon as I swallow him,” Margot said, staring down at Conner in a hungry trance that terrified him so deeply he stopped fighting her finger for a minute. Her tongue curled out of her lips again and left a thin gloss of saliva behind. She jittered slightly now, bobbing on the couch cushions. The giantess let the boy spill between each of her hands, raising and lowering her palms to catch him. “You know, it’s funny. Even though I thought it was cute back when he had a crush on me in school, now that I see him like this, he’s really kind of adorable. Even more than before. Don’t you think?”

“Uh, sure,” Jade shrugged again. “But like, you are gonna eat him, aren’t you?”

“Of course!” Margot replied instantaneously.

“So try him already!”

“Right! Okay, little Conner, try not to squirm too much now, or I won’t get a very good taste,” Margot instructed the pitiful eighteen-year-old. Holding out two fingers, she held down Conner’s arms and legs, forcing him spread-eagle on her palm. Then, lifting him toward her face again, she opened her mouth, exhaling warm spicy cinnamon-gum breath over him. Her sticky tongue crept back over her lower lip, hesitating for a moment before thrusting out against Conner’s torso. The tip of her spongy muscle flexed, sliding along the tiny man’s body multiple times until his clothes were absolutely sopping. She tried him for a full minute, writhing the tip of her tongue on his chest and stomach, until saliva was pooled in her palm around his damp form, before finally retracting back into her mouth. “Huh, not bad! Tastes a little different than I was expecting, but still pretty good!”

“That’s not how you’re supposed to do it, you goof,” Jade chuckled, slapping a hand on her forehead. “Try it again, but on his face this time.”

“His face? Oh, okay. Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” Margot answered, ready and willing to follow her friend’s expertise. She giddily adjusted her confining grip on Conner, using her thumb to pin down everything below his neck, and left the berry-sized nub of his head poking out the top. In a muggy whisper, she spoke directly to Conner: “Maybe this part will taste even better.”

“N-No… no, please,” he whimpered. “I d-don’t want-”

His appeal was interrupted by Margot’s massive, dripping beast of a tongue impacting his whole head at once, focused primarily on his face, as her man-eating friend had instructed. Immediately she began to swirl the slobbery tip in slow dramatic circles, clockwise first then counter, sampling every solitary square inch of the miniature lad’s facial features and horrified expression. Her thumb kept his body totally locked in place, which left his only defense in his ability to crane his neck around to try to dodge Margot’s monstrous tongue, but it was hopeless, as she could follow him so easily with that slab of pink slimy flesh wherever he went.

“Please, Margot! I d-don’t want - ack! - I don’t w-want to die! I’m too - argh! - I’m t-too young to d-die! I d-don’t want to g- pffft! - I don’t want to go inside!” Conner shrieked in between licks, his testimony regularly interrupted whenever his breathing and speaking were blocked again by Margot’s tongue.


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