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That elegant finger was still swirling itself on Matt’s stomach, toying with his legs and flirting with the possibility of tickling his crotch. By the smug smirk on Sarah’s pouty lips, it seemed she was thinking that way, too. However, when next the eighteen-year-old's digit rose toward his head, Matt acted, impulsively and with nothing left to lose. Latching his jaw as far as he could around the rounded bulge of her fingertip, he bit hard. In that instant, when in surprise rather than pain, Sarah withdrew her hand from Matt’s tiny body, he made his move.

Awkwardly, the puny man stumbled down the hillside of Sarah’s breast, running over the crest of her shoulder, then plunged into the grass below. The landing was rough, but he took off as soon as he hit earth. Sarah, bewildered by her pet’s nibble, was pushing her sunglasses through her blonde locks for a better look at her fingertip, but by then, Matt was in the wind. He took long strides, hardly conscious of his rapid breathing, until he’d made it to the garden.

This is it, Matt thought. This is the end.

He sprinted between the green flower-trunks, feeling a bit like Jack wandering through the giant’s cloud kingdom at the top of the beanstalk. There was a gutter pipe in his peripheral, running alongside the neighbor’s house. If he could just take refuge inside there for long enough that Sarah lost his trail, he’d have a shot at liberty and maybe, with a stroke of insane luck, tracking down Nadia. Abruptly, the brilliant hope of his future, a real one, came flying back in full force. Matt wanted this more than anything he’d ever wanted in his whole life.

“Oooh, Boogie! You’re such a funny little thing, wanting to play hide-and-seek with Mommy out here! Well, you better hide good, cuz I’m gonna find you and take you back, you just wait and see. Hmm… where, oh where, did my precious little Boogie go?”

Flower stems bent and cracked as Sarah’s powerful hands came crashing through the overbrush. Between the leafy poles, Matt saw her massive form looming and lumbering in search of him. Those opal-blue eyes darted curiously. Grass blades bowed between her scrunching toes as her sole came down hard in the soil, mashing it flat, and clearing away debris. There was something violently unsettling about watching that godlike teenage body deforesting the garden with such raw strength and impunity, and knowing it was him, and only him, she was looking for. Little else in existence could make him feel so truly small and helpless.

Matt’s top running speed was a pathetic match for Sarah’s quick eyes and sharp reflexes. The shadow of her fingers collided with his limbs, and that blossoming hope of escape was squelched in a single diabolical instant as the girl’s warm hand cinched firmly back around her three-inch toy, caging Matt between her digits and lifting him up into the air.

He was so close.

The way out was there, right in front of him for the taking, and it was gone now. Tears flowed freely down Matt’s cheeks before he even noticed, so deep was his distraught downfall into newfound depths of misery. He was swaddled roughly against Sarah’s pillowy palm and her generous fingers, delivered directly in front of her elated face. There was that all-to-familiar smile, glistening teeth and puffy pink lips glossed with cherry spread, and bookended by those relentlessly cute dimples. Such joy and pride packed into one innocent grin, and yet in this moment, Matt had never felt more animal hatred for any being in the universe.

“How could you just give her away?” Matt croaked as his self-appointed teenage goddess gripped him in front of her astronomic face. “Nadia isn’t some thing. She’s not a doll, or a toy, or an insect, she’s a human. A HUMAN. And so am I, you colossal fucking bitch.” Hyperventilating, Matt felt the buried emotions of a whole year of softcore torture rising to the top like vomit. “What gives you the right to choose what happens to me, huh? Who made you the goddamn queen of the world who gets to pick who gets to live a real life, and who becomes your fucking toe-scum? Do you ever stop to think, for even a fraction of a fucking SECOND, what you’ve done, and what you’ve taken away from me? And for what? For fun? Because you want a fucking hamster? I mean, are you actually insane? Is there even a single cell of your disgusting body that isn’t devoted entirely to your own wants and needs, instead of someone else’s? Is there a goddamned HEART inside that chest, or is it all just fucking rainbows and cupcakes, like what’s in your empty fucking SKULL?”

Reaching the finish line of his rant, Matt heaved wearily in Sarah’s gigantic fist. Surrendering himself fully to her powerful grasp, there was nothing left to be said. He’d fired on all cylinders and given her the most candid piece of his mind. If she couldn’t hear him now, there was no chance of ever establishing communication.

The adolescent royal’s face trembled, blinking rapidly, her lower lip quivering. For just a shining second, Matt thought made he’d gotten through to her at long last, and she was processing the pain and suffering in his voice, mulling over her own sins: coming to terms with all she’d done to ruin most of his life and torment what was left.

“T-That…” she murmured. Moisture welled in her crystalline eyes. “That w-was… the… cutest… effing… thing… I’ve… ever… SEEN! Oh, come here, Boogie. Mommy’s gotta kiss her little baby.”

Like the hammer of injustice, Sarah’s spongy puckered lips rained down with furious love not yet witnessed by the little man entrapped in her hand. That ringed mouth collided over Matt’s head, bludgeoning with near neck-breaking speed, but parting just in time to catch his cranium between her lips. She slurped the little man’s head right inside her mouth, followed by the top half of his body, as her fingers fed the hapless pet into the squishy maw. Passionate suction squeezed Matt into the undulating tube of her flapping cheeks, her tongue spiraling around him in a dance as she showered every last drop of affection she could. Outside, Matt felt her happy tears dripping down from above and splashing down into her fist, sopping his already-slippery limbs while his torso was consumed into the mushy, strawberry-gum-flavored darkness.

It was clear that Sarah hadn’t absorbed a single word of his rage correctly. Instead, she’d interpreted his outburst as the single greatest show of love for her he’d yet expressed. It was fitting, really, after a year in the girl’s clutches, that his most important message be read in the exact opposite context. A final plea for help was taken only as worship.

Her slobbery kiss continued for several minutes as the bikini-clad Sarah hunkered down in the grass, letting her languid legs slide through the rummaged garden. While she continued smooching with pulsating lips and a ravenous tongue, her ever-probing fingertip wandered between Matt’s legs. Even in the sensory deprivation tank that was her suckling mouth, Matt was startled and anguished at this gymnastic multi-tasking. He couldn’t even offer the feeble resistance of fighting off her digit with his pansy arms; she had him at her complete mercy, with his top half swabbing her inner cheeks and graceful pink organ, while her finger toyed and teased his vulnerable dick.

Matt screamed and cried, violated in body, mind and soul. He whimpered for Nadia through the abyss of space and time, knowing she could never hear him as long as he was teetering on the edge of nonbeing within Sarah’s grateful make-out session. Sarah was coming very close to kissing him to death, literally this time. The throes of his infinite hell-nightmare were blissfully unknown to the teen queen, of course, who enjoyed herself, sunning in the summer glow, kiss-sucking her beloved pet and forcibly pumping his miniature cock between the velvety pads of her fingertips.

“Oh, little tiny Boogie… my precious sweet thing… you have no idea how good you are to me. You’ve made me the happiest Mommy in the whole wide world. It’s just you and me now, Sarah and her Boogie, together forever and ever. I may have been dumb and given Queenie away, but I’ll promise you something, Boogie. I’m never letting you go, as long as I live!”

With that, the last bastion of Matt vanished into himself; Boogie was home to stay.


THE END (for now)


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