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When her appetizer was ready, Ruby sat at the table with a glass of iced tea and reached back toward the ant farm. This time, John got to witness the monumental effort which was so simple for Ruby: the spires of her fingers pried the towering wall away, and exposed her pets to the open air again. Wordlessly, the woman brought her palm to bear beside the path again; all present loaded back up again.

“I believe I’ll be dividing you up again before I put you to work. Let’s see, how about the half of you who were on my left foot walk to my fingers, and the rest of you move back to the center?” Ruby instructed. Throughout the ordeal, her voice was cheery and kind, like a schoolteacher giving directions to her students. The group obeyed, splitting in half. John was jostled about by the crowd onto the platform of fingers.

“Now come here, dears. I know it’s difficult for you to do much on your own during this particular task, but just be your best, and I’ll have you out once I’ve finished my toast. And then perhaps there will be a reward, yes?” Ruby continued. She tapped her chin inquisitively, all while her opposite hand hovered at the level of her chest. John himself was a matter of inches away from the ripe mound of her dune-like areola. “In fact, let’s make it interesting. A reward will go to whichever half of you can do a better job of cleaning me up. I know it’s only three o’clock, but I was out all morning and, well… it may be a little moist. So keep that goal in mind while you work. See you soon!” With this last declaration, Ruby reached forward and grabbed the first miniature crowd of quarter-inch men in her fingertips.

John was wedged against the broad, rubbery pad of Ruby’s thumbprint. He dared not open his eyes for fear of the plummet below. However, there wasn’t long to wait, because the next thing he knew, the woman was lifting her opposite arm up, exposing her pale, creamy-smooth armpits. The recently shaved curve below her shoulder held a gleaming sheen. True to her word, Ruby was moist in the pits, and John was given firsthand proof of this when he and the rest of the men were tucked heartily into the crevice, then sealed into wet darkness by the descent of Ruby’s bicep over her left armpit.

Now, John yearned to be back under Ruby’s feet, kissing and sucking the sole in worship for all he was worth; not because he actively wished to repeat this act, but because that display was a cakewalk compared to this newest misadventure. While there was a general sense of mounting B.O. behind the floral perfume down around Ruby’s toes, it was more clear than ever now that she’d been out and about in the pre-summer heat before picking up John for her collection. If her feet were a little stinky, then the dark purgatory of her armpits was absolutely rancid.

Armpit flesh on all sides adhered to John’s body and kept him entombed amongst the spiced, sharp air. In the darkness, he’d lost track of his fellow workers; it was only him now in the void of smelly skin. What little warm oxygen there was to breathe was so tainted by odor that every gulp of air John drew ended with a hack. A thin greasing of athletic deodorant was a distant memory, and though a comfort in such disgusting circumstances, that fresher scent was no match for the overpowering sweat-leeching pores of the damp, slimy pit.

Then John remembered her instructions. “Clean.” He didn’t need a demonstration this time to understand what was being asked. A true reward would be to return to his full size and run away as fast as he could from this dastardly giantess, but he doubted that would be the outcome. Still, it made sense to stay on the good side of a woman with the power and will to place helpless shrunken men anywhere on her body she chose. There was no way to move his arms or legs, which were immobilized by the closed walls of Ruby’s arm and torso. His only recourse was the use of his mouth.

Regretting it with his every atom, John opened his lips and started licking the supple skin. The combined taste of sour milk, old meat, and gritty earth itself coursed down his throat. Beautiful as Ruby was, like any human being, she had her vulnerabilities: those places upon the stunning façade which made her just as much a regular person as anyone. The pungent zest of her swampy arm pits was a prime example. John choked back his revulsion, though nausea wracked his body, and soldiered on. What would his friends and family think to see him now? He could only twist his head by a few degrees, but he did his best anyway, to let his tongue sop up as much of the sweaty slime as possible. The rest of his “team” had better be working just as hard, he thought; he wasn’t going to put all this work into worshiping a damn stranger’s putrid pits just to miss out on the reward.

Semi-drunk on sweat, time passed into a gelatinous abstract for John. How long did it take Ruby to finish her tea and tuna? Occasionally the squishy compression of pit flesh shifted slightly; whether it was due to the other tinies somewhere within the darkness struggling to worship, or simply Ruby reaching forward on her plate to take another bite of toast, John couldn’t say. All he knew was that he felt like a shipwrecked sailor when the sunlight at last streamed back into Ruby’s pit. After he’d been so thoroughly molded into the clay-like walls, John was surprised to find he stayed glued in place when Ruby lifted her arm. Above and below, the rest of his team were just as stuck to her skin, and looking equally exhausted.

Ruby took her time removing the masses of shrunken men from where they were fastened like decorations to her armpits. She licked the toast crumbs from her fingers, turning her digits sticky, and then reached into her pits. With the softest of touches, Ruby’s saliva-tinged fingers managed to collect each marooned man and deliver them back to her palm. After she’d emptied both armpits, Ruby had a heap of seasick people piled in her hand.

“Congratulations, everyone from my left side,” Ruby announced, though her voice was softly muffled by a bite of tuna toast still between her cheeks. “You definitely did the best job of drying me out. Not perfect, but better than the right. No offense to the other boys, either, though; you put in an admirable effort, but still, it’s the lovelies from my left pit which have earned their reward.”

John sighed with relief as he savored the reintroduction of fresh air to his lungs. That was his team, all right. The putrefied stink of Ruby’s pits still filled his airways, and the ruinously salty perspiration which he’d licked up weighed like a rock in his stomach. But at least they’d won.

“And now, here’s your prize. Enjoy, please,” Ruby commanded sweetly. Her mouth puckered briefly, air swished, and then a masticated asteroid of chewed-up bread and fish slumped in a spritz of spit from out of her full lips. The half-eaten bite, which had the combined mass of all the shrunken men and then some, landed with a squelchy plop into Ruby’s palm. “Remember now, only the boys on my left side are allowed to partake in this meal. The rest of you will just have to wait. No cheating!”

Dumbfounded, John stood up and followed uncertainly after the rest of his team, who were already sprinting toward the juicy tuna-lump. This? This was his gift for all that disgusting work he’d just done? It had to be some sick joke. The worst part was that the other little men didn’t seem to take offense. They were already scooping up handfuls and choking down scraps from the giant, stench-ridden hill of Ruby’s unwanted food.

“Eat,” one of the men from nearby hissed at John.

“What?” John was shocked to hear the first word from one of the others; he was starting to think they were mute.

“Eat now. You won’t get another chance until later.”

“Oh, thank God,” John laughed with relief. “Listen, maybe we can figure out a way to-”

“Shut up,” the man responded coldly. “Just do what she says, and eat.”

Feeling as though he’d been slapped across the face, John was too discouraged to do anything but listen. He approached the incredible mound of mushy, saliva-drenched, fishily-aromatic “reward.” Shrugging, he peeled a piece off and started to chew. After however long he’d just spent licking and drinking up Ruby’s armpit sweat, he couldn’t exactly demand gourmet options. The reward was as expected: gross, but edible and even fulfilling, especially when he tried not to think about where it had come from.

“Good boys,” Ruby said, and licked up the large remainder of tuna after the winning side had their fill. She slurped down the lump of food with one easy gulp. “I was thinking I’d like to take a little siesta before I get started on making dinner. And I have the perfect way for you all to help me unwind from such a long morning of searching for the perfect addition to my farm.”

After making this announcement, the towering brunette rose from her chair and winked at the crowd in her palm. Though she wasn’t looking directly at him, John wondered if the gesture was meant for him especially. Guiltily, he had to admit she could still ably charm him, despite the torments she’d put him through in the span of an hour and a half. No wonder she had so many men as her personal pampering pets, and what’s more, no wonder none of them seemed eager to revolt.

Suddenly Ruby was on the move. Her grand strides made everyone upon the perch of her palm sway. John was feeling especially vulnerable up here, despite the wringer he’d already been put through which tested the limits of his body and soul. If she went much faster, the group of shrunken men could just blow away like dandelion seeds; a few might land in the meaty sanctity of Ruby’s tits, yes, but it wasn’t likely that most of them would survive any kind of drop otherwise. Though he didn’t feel good about it, John was at least glad to be amongst the crowd, so their bodies could help break the force of the whipping wind.

In the master bedroom, Ruby wasted no time in spreading herself smoothly across the length of the four-poster mattress. Not even bothering to pull the sheets up, she cradled her collection of ant-men just below her chin. She smiled with almost maternal affection, and her hot breath fogged in the bowl formed of her curved fingers. John wiped his brow from warm condensation, and struggled to stay on his feet with the constant rolling and shifting of the fleshy terrain.

By steady measures, he came to accept that whatever was going to happen was going to happen. None of these men would be doing anything to help him get out of Ruby’s whims. Her desires were the law in this house. Reluctantly, he elected to play along, as long as was necessary to stay in one piece.

“No competition this time around, loves,” Ruby announced. At this proximity to her mouth, every syllable was made tangible by a release of muggy fog descending around the group. All of them, John now included, listened with rapt attention. “I’ll just be taking a quick, lady-like power nap. While I do… well, I’m sure you can figure out my expectations for you based on your surroundings alone. You’re smart boys, after all.”

Ruby’s fingers gathered around the dog-pile of shrunken men, and by the friction of her skin and the keratin scoops of her crimson-painted fingernails, she ensnared a few like sprinkles from a cupcake. The hand disappeared from view behind the horizon of Ruby’s shoulder, out of John’s sight; he couldn’t anticipate exactly where they’d gone, even though instinct was already shouting the answer at him. When Ruby’s fingers returned, he wasn’t made to wonder long, because she captured John and half a dozen others in her grasp. They crossed over her shoulder, flew along her back, toward the pearlescent valley of bountiful flesh which was Ruby’s ass.

At the crest of each thick-skinned hill, multiple scattered quarter-inchers were already at work. Along the tight pathway of her crack, though, the next handful of workers was sprinkled single-file for worship duty. This was where Ruby’s fingers parted, and left John and his coworkers between the shadowy twin mountains of her buttocks. As soon as they touched the wobbly ground, the others dropped to their knees and commenced the same kiss-and-lick song and dance of before.


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