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Or rather, as the man steadily came to comprehend with great trauma, he’d been shrunken by another degree of one hundred. In effect, he was now a less-than-one inch man by comparison to his previous less-than-one inch size. Which meant that Julie’s finger was plenty large enough to contain his speck-scaled body. When he looked up again at the beautiful yet planetary sight of Julie’s victoriously grinning face, so monumental in scope it practically made him feel like a bacterium by comparison, it set off an existential crisis in Jake’s tiny head. Crying and screaming out of instinct wasn’t even enough. He wanted to implode.

“No… n-no… no…” he muttered like a broken record. It didn’t seem possible.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Julie squealed. She blew him another kiss, the wind from which nearly toppled the hyper-small man upon the horizon of her fingertip. Then, reaching through the materials situated on the scanning room table, she placed a mechanical bud in her ear.

“You… you SAID!”

“I know what I said,” Julie sighed. “I hope you don’t feel misled, Jake. Really. I hated to have to trick you like that, but let’s face it, this would all be for nothing if I couldn’t watch and enjoy every single second of every single part of making you my meal. It would just be a big waste! So, that’s why we’re in this room. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to hear or understand a single thing your cute little self was saying, now would I? But, thanks to all these great inventions that you made, I can hear and see you!”

She was right. Jake peered around the staggering country-sized room, seeing his naked body displayed up on the many televisions for Julie to witness. He trembled, feeling simultaneously humbled and humiliated, but also more terrified than ever. All the hope he’d been feeling for just a minute was robbed, and even more painfully than the first time. Before, Julie was merely a giantess, but now she was truly a goddess.

“This is the end now, Jake,” Julie declared with booming authority. The reverberation of her kind, melodic voice flooded the room and made the little man feel strange comfort, even though he knew he was about to be gracefully destroyed. “I guess you couldn’t learn to enjoy this quite as much as me, but I suppose that was inevitable. After all, like I said, I’ve been thinking about this since I was a little girl, waiting for the perfect opportunity and the perfect tiny person to swallow, even though it didn’t seem like it would ever be real. Well, now it is. I have everything I ever wanted, right here. Right on my fingertip. You’re going to help me fulfill my deepest fantasy. So, thank you, Jake. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

The girl’s show of gratitude was deeply sincere, and even proven by a teardrop in her own eye. She wiped it away, then lifted her upturned index finger back toward her face. Jake couldn’t see her entire lovely face any longer, once it became so close and so unbelievably massive in his visage. For an instant, he considered trying to run to the rounded edge of Julie’s finger and leap to his probable doom, but the nearer he came to her hypnotic lips, the more distant it seemed, as though he was continuing to shrink even now, bringing him even further from freedom.

Thus, Jake stood still, resigned to his fake, sopping in his own tears and Julie’s spit. He weathered another puff of sticky exhaled air, then waited while Julie opened her lips to speak to him. Even in defeat, he tried one last time:

“Don’t d-do this, Julie. Please. I… d-don’t want to be eaten.”

“Goodbye, Jake. I’ll never forget you as long as I live,” she vowed. “I hope you don’t resent me for this. Just know you’ve given me the greatest gift in the history of science or humanity. This, right now, is the best contribution you’ve ever made to the world, and I mean that. More than all your other discoveries and trinkets and inventions. Now, come inside my mouth please, little one, and become a part of me.”

Jake shut his eyes and waited, feeling shadow and heat enveloping him as Julie wrapped her lips around her finger. They softly closed on her digit, then began to slurp upward, until her mouth had cleaned the entire length of her finger. Once he was clenched between walls of puffy pink flesh like a stray crumb, Jake understood fully his time on earth was finished, but his voyage through Julie had only begun. The girl’s island-sized tongue swiped over her lips, kidnapping Jake on a tidal wave of rippling tastebuds and sucking him into the balmy space of her mouth.

Within, Jake was lost to blackness and senseless void. He was vaguely aware of being glued to Julie’s tongue and tossing from one corner to another as she tasted him, but other than that, he was powerless. There was nothing now except the eventual lurch toward her throat. Moisture, heat, and musk all melded into one slippery reality.

Outside, though, Julie had expertly programmed the scanning room to lock onto Jake as its target, which provided her with a clear view of his tumultuous fate. She saw him on the TV screens riding the roller coaster inside her mouth: bounding between her undulating cheeks, swimming through a river of syrupy saliva, and nearly getting chomped to grit between her molars. She couldn’t help but smile and laugh at these amusing sights, which in turn made the carnage between her jaws even worse for Jake, though she was careful not to let him be harmed; her teeth always stopped just short of chewing him, and her titanic tongue rescued him just before drowning in the moat of phlegmy saliva at the base.

Julie slumped into a chair, as her knees had gone weak from the drama and final success of her master plan. Everything she’d ever hoped for was happening right here in front of her, and best of all, the scanning equipment was recording Jake’s journey, which would allow her to re-watch it and experience the whole affair again whenever she liked. Still, the girl knew that this moment now, when she was actually swallowing and digesting her lab partner, was significant, and couldn’t be repeated, no matter how realistic the video footage was. This had to be molded into her memory.

So, she placed both hands reverently over her cheeks, feeling closer than ever to Jake, and waited for the accumulation of saliva to reach a high enough level. A fresh round of goose bumps painted her skin, and a deep spiritual gladness filled her heart. She was happier than she’d ever been. Moreover, there was a stirring in her soul she’d never before experienced. Julie lusted for the climax of this choice like nothing else. Again she smiled and swished Jake around behind her lips. After a few minutes, thanks to her salivary glands and the tantalizing tastes swirling around inside her mouth, her spit had risen like a flooded river, and was only spurred on as her tongue splashed through it all, with Jake’s body adhered in the center of her dripping red muscle.

Then, gathering all the rising quantities of saliva within her hungry maw, Julie ladled Jake into the center of her tongue, pushed him along the gooey stream, and gulped.


In an instant, half a cheek of whirlpooling saliva was flushed past her uvula, and the shrunken man along with it. Intently, without blinking, Julie studied the screens all around her. She watched the realization overcoming Jake’s soggy face, even as he was blind in her throat, that he was at last being dragged toward his destiny inside her belly. She watched the roaring spit ocean overtake him, winnowing toward the opening of her throat. Concurrently, her own fingers caressed down from her cheeks to her neck, going along with him every step of the way.


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