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“Yes, yes, I know, you’re very eager to go down by my feet. Mine are a bit bigger than Sarah’s, so you’ll definitely have your fill,” Evangeline laughed; with every moment, her tone became even more like her daughter’s. “However, there’s something specific I want to try. I’ve just come back from a good solid session at the gym, you see, and it would mean the world to me if you could massage my poor tired feet. But I don’t just want you to rub them. I’d… like you to lick them.”

Nadia’s blood turned icy, like someone had poured nitrogen into her veins. For a whole year, she thought life couldn’t get any more intensely tortuous than the mere act of being trampled under a bare sole. This brought the horror to a whole new level. The very idea that she, Nadia, a woman who once lived an autonomous life as an artist and photographer, was now being asked to purposefully lick the sweaty giant feet of this idiotic golden-haired housewife, was just about too much to bear.

As Evangeline’s damp white sock was peeled away from her slender foot, the tanned flesh wet with hard-earned sweat, Nadia gagged and almost vomited. The smell wasn’t necessarily worse than it was before; rather, the transformation of her thoughts was turning the request into a hellish prospect. To endure under them was one thing. To actually have to participate by opening her mouth and placing her very own tongue upon the slick, briny wall of feminine foot skin was quite another. Soon, the other ped was freed of its shoe and sock, and there was a brand-new, stinking set of twin appendages demanding attention below. Indeed, Evangeline’s feet were larger than Sarah’s, closer in size to Amy’s than her daughter’s.

“LICK!” Evangeline said loudly and dumbly, as though speaking to a newborn baby. “I want you… to lick!” For reference, the giant mother pointed from Nadia down to her recently revealed feet, then at her own mouth, sticking out a long pink tongue and curling it upward, lapping at an invisible ice cream cone. “Do you SEE? That’s what I want YOU to do!”

Nadia burned with resentment. She hated being used as a human insole for Sarah and Amy. But somehow, she managed to summon even more ire over being condescended to so thoroughly. It was unfathomable that this woman could so easily scoop up a living humanoid thing she’d never seen before and instantly expect that she’d willingly drink her foot sweat. From the looks of the opulent house, not to mention Evangeline’s makeup, hair, and clothes, she was of the economic upper crust: a woman who expected to be given things without earning them, just because she was rich and important. It made Nadia absolutely sick, and she wasn’t even near those smelly feet yet.

“I’m not doing a damn thing,” Nadia snarled.

“Hmm. You’re making that precious sound again, like a little bird. Maybe you aren’t smart enough to understand after all. That’s what my daughter tells me,” Evangeline said. Her tongue slurped at the corner of her lips, and her eyes glimmered with promise. “I have an idea. Okay. Pay attention now, little one. What I’m about to do to you is what you’re going to do to me, down there.”

“W-What are you doing?” Nadia peeped. She watched as Evangeline luxuriously closed her eyes and opened her lips wide, extending the slimy, muscular snake of her tongue over her teeth. “NO! STOP!”

There was no preventing it. The bumpy tip of Evangeline’s spit-coated tongue lay flush with Nadia’s legs. This kind of molestation was past even what Sarah could devise, and again more in line with Amy’s penchant for testing her French-kissing skills. Yet this was different even from that. A low moan escaped Evangeline’s throat as she dragged her tongue with aching slowness up the front of Nadia’s body. The slippery organ seemed to widen the harder it flattened on the helpless woman, with fat drops of saliva trickling down Nadia’s legs and dripping off her feet.

When the tongue passed her thighs and nethers, Nadia couldn’t help but sharply intake air. The desperate desire for soft human contact had returned, and despite herself, the little woman was angry to realize she was enjoying this, if only slightly. Just for good measure, Evangeline’s tongue remained over the three-inch woman’s crotch, warming Nadia to the core and activating her sensitive zone with the bristling of sodden taste buds. Then, moving on, the tongue traveled further up, compressing Nadia’s breasts just enough to make her exhale again, and then finished by swirling the drool-slaking tip of the muscle around the little woman’s head.

Nadia, mildly dazed and frosted with layers of Evangeline’s saliva, quivered in the woman’s grasp. The greedy yet gentle-fingered giantess slurped her tongue back inside her mouth, and smiled cheekily at the little woman’s apparent reaction.

“I think you understand, don’t you, little one?” Evangeline said softly. She stroked her finger along Nadia’s now-spit-soaked hair. “You’re going to lick my feet exactly the way I just did to you. Be a good little girl, now, and show me that you understand.”

Staid, Nadia was lowered to the floor before the muggy altar of the gorgeous mother’s monstrous feet. Spray-tanned and sculpted by vigorous pilates workouts, Evangeline’s feet lacked the sport-weathered shape of Amy’s toes or the doughy texture of Sarah’s youthful soles. They were enormous, almost magnificent, and if Nadia wasn’t being told to lick them, she might be impressed.

Seeing there was no way out now, the little woman staggered forward, and pressed her miniature hands down against a big toe which was only just an inch shorter than her whole body. After the bizarre gift of that skin-glossing lick from Evangeline’s tongue, particularly over her breasts and nethers, Nadia was surprised to find her own mouth was actually watering. Goose bumps coiled her skin and adrenaline activated in her bloodstream.

“That’s it, now,” Evangeline encouraged from above. She took a swig from a bottle of water, refreshed, and granted Nadia another adoring smile. “Stick out that pretty little tongue of yours, and show me what you can do.”

Beside herself, Nadia paused. There was no other recourse. With the sweaty gridded flesh practically pulsating under her shrunken palms, and gummy sweat steaming up a gamy mist to the heavens, the tiny woman obeyed. She stuck out her tongue, and pressed it against the rounded wall of Evangeline’s big toe. One single lick, and her cheeks flooded with the flavors of Sarah’s mother’s exerted foot: that frothy perfume, sweat like distilled vinegar, and the loamy, lotion-treated flesh itself. A crystal bead of perspiration pooled in Nadia’s mouth.

The liquid went down easier than the diminutive woman expected. Swallowing her remaining pride, as well as another drink of maternal sweat, Nadia got to work. Her insignificant tongue scoured around the bulbed contours of Evangeline’s toe. She traveled into the crevice between, licking and even nibbling the beefy skin, rife with creamy toejam. When she was finished there, she moved to the next digit, treating it with the same affection. She plastered her tiny tongue to every square inch of Evangeline’s feet: every dip, every curve, and every sweaty wrinkle.

Nadia was disgusted. Inside, her baser instincts of defense roared for her to stop, but it was as if she was hypnotized by Evangeline’s eerily calming and loving treatment, offering unwanted pleasure in a moment when Nadia was so starved for kindness that she was willing to debase herself in any way to receive it. There was no fighting back. She would do anything just to be treated softly again.

“Oh, my precious little one,” Evangeline hushed. “You’ve got me thinking. What might Amy say, if her pet were to suddenly disappear? Oh, just think of the mother-daughter pedicures you and your little friend could give Sarah and I! No one would ever have to know…”


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