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Amy, with plans to leave Nadia in Sarah’s care while she went away for the weekend, was brief yet emphatic in her goodbyes. The lanky brunette entered the backdoor of the house, peeled Nadia out of her sweaty shoe, French-kissed her head, then left the hapless little pet in the kitchen, without a chaperone.

Nadia shivered, naked and cold, on the expansive surface of the kitchen countertop. Even the lingering goo of Amy’s saliva dripping down her back didn’t keep her warm. Her mind raced to possibilities of escape, yet up on the clear marbled plain, there was no way down from this formidable height.

It was inevitable. The eighteen-year-old would appear any second from her bedroom, and probably go into hysterics while trying to decide whether she wanted to smother Nadia in kisses or posit her head between her giant toes. At this size, there was so little choice involved in one’s fate. Nadia was simply destined to be a victim, it seemed, for as far forward as she could imagine: used again and again as a toy and human-gerbil for air-brained adolescents with an obsession over pampering their feet.

A door slammed from somewhere unseen, followed by confident footsteps of rubber-platformed gym sneakers. Instantly, Nadia assumed it was Sarah. She recognized the sound of that self-assured gait, or at least she thought she did. When a giant figure appeared in the doorway, it most certainly was not the giddy young mistress of Matt and Nadia’s lives, but in fact, an adult woman. Though Nadia had never seen this forty-something buxom blonde silicon valley-type before, one look at the woman’s face told her exactly who she was.

“HELP ME!” Nadia screamed to Sarah’s mother. For a full year, her cries for aid had been exclusively interpreted by Sarah and Amy as pleas to be massaged along a grimy feminine sole. Perhaps an actual fully-developed grown-up, like Nadia herself, could understand her language. “Please, can you see me? Over here!”

“Oooohh, now what’s this?” Sarah’s mother murmured. She gave her spaghetti strap exercise top a tug, patting down the tight-fitting mesh cloth, and marched over to the countertop. With her luscious blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, Sarah was indeed the spitting image of this giantess, and what’s more, it was clear exactly where Sarah got her high-pitched and bubbly speech style.

“Listen to me, please. You have to help me,” Nadia whined to the towering torso of Sarah’s mother, who actually appeared to be listening. Once she started rambling, the confession came as well as the tears. “For… for an entire year, this girl… Sarah… she’s kept my boyfriend Matt captive, wearing him inside her shoes, and me too… he’s just like me, we s-shrunk, somehow, and appeared in your garden. Please, you have to do something. You have to make Sarah let him out. She uses us like toys, to do whatever she wants with. She gave me away, like… like I was a thing, and I’ve belonged to Amy for months now, suffering under her. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t-”

“Well, aren’t you just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen?” Sarah’s mother boomed.


“My name is Evangeline, little one,” the woman declared; she drummed her manicured fingernails on the countertop by Nadia’s tiny feet, patterning a clacking noise with each repetition. “I knew my daughter had one or two pets, but I have to say, you’re even more adorable than she’s made you sound. Why don’t you come here, so we can get better acquainted?” Those fingers rose up, the wide fleshy bulwark of the palm incoming.

“NO!” Nadia sprinted off in the other direction along the countertop. She knew it was useless to flee. But perhaps, this woman, ditzy though she sounded, might take pity when she saw how much fear she inspired. “DON’T PICK ME UP!”

But she was disappointed. Evangeline’s maternal hand met Nadia’s bare back, and her elegant digits curled around, sealing the little woman up into a gentle yet firm fist. Nadia’s dangling feet left the safety of the counter as she was lifted up to the lovely blonde titaness’s face.

For a minute, Evangeline simply turned the tiny naked woman around in her soft fingertips, observing her pale form and wild hair. There was a mercurial glint in the giant woman’s eye: she was appraising, making judgments, all without speaking.

Nadia squirmed, but to no avail, as she was powerless against the strength of those long phalanges. She was held a few inches above the woman’s fashionably glistening cleavage which poked through her exercise top. An aroma of foggy perfume and flowered deodorant suffused with the undeniable odor of ladylike perspiration swam in Nadia’s airspace. The smell was different than the flavors she experienced under the other girls: Sarah’s sweat was sourer, and hinted with fruity soap, while Amy’s fluid was earthier and bitter from all her athletic training. Evangeline’s scent was mature, almost refined, but no less brackish at this range.

“You really are something, aren’t you?” Evangeline commented, talking more to herself than Nadia. It was becoming obvious she could only hear the meep-meeps as well from Nadia’s mouth. Either that, or Sarah’s entire social circle was made up of cold-hearted task masters. “Your little body is quite beautiful. I’d love to feel you, if that’s all right.”

Curiously, Evangeline’s delicate pinky finger caressed up Nadia’s leg. She didn’t wait to decide whether it was “all right” or not. The fleshy tip circled on the little woman’s stomach, then quietly massaged each of her bare breasts, before combing a fingernail with utmost care through her long hair. Almost as if she was grooming a doll.

“Please… s-stop it, now,” Nadia protested, but without screaming. She half-heartedly put her hands up in defense, but was no match for Evangeline’s giant fingertip as it explored her body, patting her butt cheeks and soothing her thighs. Eventually she just went limp and allowed the giantess to caress her body from head to toe.

The pathetic part for Nadia was that this was the kindest touch she’d received in months; while Sarah was well-meaning, she was youthful and spirited, and didn’t know her own strength, which led to many drowning kisses and overzealous toe beatings. Then of course there was Amy, the selfish grit-coated warrior-woman, who was more concerned with using Nadia as a sweat sponge than treating her with tenderness. By contrast, even if she was being intrusively violating on the little woman’s naked body, Evangeline was at least doing so without intention to harm.

Maybe things could be different now. Maybe, if Nadia endeared herself, Evangeline would see fit to keep the shrunken woman for herself. This wasn’t ideal, of course, but it was far better than being in Amy’s soggy leather Birkenstocks.

“My daughter told me something interesting, little one,” Evangeline whispered. She boldly placed her finger between Nadia’s legs, fondling her inner thighs, then stroking a line up to the woman’s neck. “She tells me you and the other little one are very fond of a particular place.”

Or maybe Evangeline was exactly like her daughter after all.

“N-No…” Nadia croaked. She shook her head and waved her arms dramatically, hoping body language might carry the message. “NO! We’re NOT!”

“I thought it was really adorable to hear. That you and whatever-she-calls-him enjoy being near her feet. You know, it makes Sarah feel so loved to know that she can be a place of refuge for her pets. Even if it is a somewhat strange thing to enjoy, but who am I to argue?”

“We DON’T!”

“Now, you can’t speak, so I’m not sure if you’re too dumb to understand what I want from you,” Evangeline continued. She stroked her chin in thought, then sauntered over to the nearest kitchen chair. Taking a seat, the woman crossed one leg over her knee and commenced unlacing her tightly-bound sneakers. Still, Nadia remained clenched in her opposite hand. “So I may have to do a slight demonstration for you.”

“Don’t put me down there,” Nadia mumbled, shaking her head and miming in the direction of Evangeline’s socked foot as it emerged from the shoe, wafting wretched steam and smoky sweat. “Please don’t. I don’t want to go.”


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