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Tony was roused from slumber by the sensation of warm breath washing stickily over him, then upon blinking, discovered a giant hazel-green iris studying him from up-close. Startled, he was serenaded with thunderous yet lilting giggles from his friend-turned-roommate-turned-something-else, the lovely dark-haired giantess angel of indulgences Shaina.

“Sorry, did I scare ya, little birthday boy?” she boomed. Resting her cheek on an upturned palm, she laid on her stomach while overlooking the guy’s comparatively doll-sized mattress.

“Not at all,” he sighed, contented now.

“It’s just that you were sleeping through the whole morning of your special day, you goofy lazy-bones, and I couldn’t wait any longer to give you your present. I’ve been planning on it for weeks.” Shaina playfully tapped her fingertips around the sides of Tony’s bed, then plucked his covers away and sidled her soft digits up against his sides, massaging his legs and then venturing higher. “Can you blame me?”


“Didn’t think so. Aren’t you going to ask what I’m giving you?”

“I can’t wait,” Tony said, and though he replied cheekily, it wasn’t a lie. He divided his attention between those giant elegant lips exhaling comforting mugginess while she spoke, and her fingers already itching to play with him. Feeling Shaina cradling him across her digits, Tony relaxed into her grip. “So, what… is it?”

“That’s the beauty of it, actually. In the end, it’ll be you giving me something for your birthday. A LOT of somethings, really. But I think you’ll be glad to do it,” Shaina cryptically explained. As she teased him with that widening grin, she casually began picking at his pajamas, slipping his pants down and then tugging the shirt over his head. Stopping short of stealing Tony’s boxers yet, she laid her pinky finger against the half bulge in his pants and shared a knowing look with her tiny FWB. “You and Tony Junior are going to have a party all day long in your favorite place on Earth. In fact, the party’s not ending until it’s time for bed again, and I’ve got a feeling you’re going to be tuckered out by then.”

Tony’s eyes bugged and he rippled with goosebumps, already imagining the limitless possibilities. Though it wasn’t difficult to guess that Shaina had something sultry in store, given that they’d both been enjoying certain intimate privileges for a while, usually his trips into her seductive maw were punctuated by breaks for his safety and her amused taunting. Then again, he trusted the giantess so completely that she could’ve vowed to keep him between her saliva-coated jaws for an entire week, and he’d have still hopped into the slimy blackness with a smile on his face.

“Hmm, looks like the other party guest hasn’t quite shown up yet. Hold on, let’s send him a formal invitation,” Shaina cooed, still circling her fingertip around Tony’s crotch. She winked, then dragged her tongue around the pink rim of her lips, glazing moisture and treating him to the accompanying gurgles.

When she’d completed licking two laps, Shaina opened her mouth completely, but with aching slowness, so Tony’s attention was fully enraptured by the time he could see all the way to her uvula. Light shown within, refracting through slippery strings of drool hanging among both rows of pearly white teeth; her meaty tongue, as usual, tessellated between clenching plump at the base of her mouth, and extending its bud-riddled mass forth from the tepid darkness. Those gooey inner cheeks which would soon suckle Tony’s naked body expanded in tandem with Shaina’s smile.

This did the trick, and then some. Without even having to touch him for confirmation again, Shaina robbed her roommate of his underpants, leaving him naked and twitching with arousal in her palm.

“Poor birthday boy,” she swooned. “You’re not even at the party yet, and already you look like you’re going to explode like a little confetti popper. Well, you can’t be late. The games are about to start. C’mon in.”

Tony couldn’t have been more excited as Shaina, just as gleeful in this mutual sexual power trip, raised him toward her plush lips, licked them once more in anticipation, and then inserted her wiggly nudist roommate into the humid strawberry-scented cavern of her mouth. Typically she’d place him directly on the flat of her tongue, but keep the oozing organ motionless for a while, and let the suspense build by salivating and undulating her cheeks around Tony. There was no such foreplay today, however. Immediately her tongue flexed and pointed to receive the guest of her mouth, who found himself nakedly straddling the hot slick serpent like a wild bronco. Hunching forward and grappling with the beloved shape of Shaina’s tongue, Tony’s erection was wonderfully assaulted by the pulsating red flesh of her energetic tongue.

The speed of his finish was almost embarrassing, though at this point, the pair had become a well-oiled machine with complementary talents. As a result, Tony moaned and then spasmed against his friend’s writhing tongue within the first minute of his entrance, before Shaina even had a chance to fully seal her lips. Her laughter rumbled all around him, while his “gift” was deposited onto the spittle waterfall leading down her immense gullet. It wasn’t mockery on her part, however, but merely her savoring of his taste and helplessness, a sentiment Tony shared as he hugged her tongue during the orgasmic aftermath.

Showing off her dexterous control again, Shaina curved the edges of her flattened organ and scooped her friend across the center, his body by now frosted completely in her syrupy fluids. Then she pressed him immediately into her left cheek, gently smothering and grinding him between two spongy curved walls of froth-riddled mouth terrain. Adoring this treatment, Tony let it happen, gasping breaths when he could, and otherwise allowed himself be fully submerged in the soupy, squishy, sweet-smelling miasma of Shaina’s hungry orifice. He went limp as a ragdoll at first, especially because the explosiveness of that first climax had taken the energy out of him, but also knew that his roommate enjoyed when he responded to the behavior of her mouth by squirming in faux-rebellion, even though he wouldn’t have a prayer of actually opposing the giantess’s will. Gathering his strength, Tony thrashed against Shaina’s cheek, and was treated to more giggling before her sloppy tongue coiled around his legs and flung him against the opposing wall.

For fifteen glorious minutes, she swished him about in the rising tide of her spit, wrestling Tony with her tongue and hugging him against buoyant inner cheeks, and even sucking on his whole body like a jawbreaker, though never so much as laying an incisor against his vulnerable self. It really was turning into the greatest birthday party he could remember, and they’d barely begun. The experience was so overwhelming, locking Tony in a trance of hot, wet, suctiony sensations from every angle, that he was back to a full-mast stiffy before he even realized his arousal had recovered. In fact, Shaina seemed to catch it first, because her passenger noticed it most of all when her gyrating tongue rammed his legs apart, wedging itself between, so his quivering hard-on was nestled against her lubricated taste buds again.

Incredibly, this round went quicker, and Tony didn’t even have the boost from being undressed and flirted with by the girl first. They just went right to business. She simply fitted the malleable beast between his splayed legs, curled the tip up against his stomach to keep him posed in prime humping position, and then activated the micro-musculature of her tongue so exquisitely that it felt to the little guy like he was being expertly played as a musical instrument. Certainly he moaned enough for Shaina to hear from between her lips. Despite the first cum happening so recently, the party was just getting started, and Tony desperately finished against the sopping slab.

The hours of the day passed quickly, and rightfully so, because Tony was having the time of his life. Shaina carried on with her daily activities, but never disengaged the promised land of her mouth from pleasuring its miniscule occupant. Most surprising of all, though ultimately inevitable given the giantess’s skill at manipulating his fetishistic body, Tony never really slacked in his pace, cumming multiple times per hour, and reaching personal records for sexual endurance. Yes, the inside of his roommate’s mouth was his favorite place to be, but even Tony believed before today that he had physical limits in his adoration of her mouth. Now, he wasn’t so sure. Every fresh occasion was unique and seduced him all over again, whether Shaina positioned her tongue such that her horny little rider was jacked against the wall of her cheek, or even teased with slipping toward her esophagus, only to be slurped back to the center for a thrumming saliva-soaked finale.

It had been such a long time since Shaina spoke directly to the man in her mouth, because their erotic language didn’t require much actual talking, that Tony was pleasantly startled again when her tongue and jaws synchronized into speech all around him.

“Getting hungry in there?” she asked. The words were muffled, given the body blocking her articulation, but her message carried nonetheless. “Cuz I am, just thinking about the cake I got you. My mouth is absolutely watering. I’ve had a lot of frosting today, but I don’t think a little more will hurt. Wanna try a piece?”

At this point Shaina opened her jaws wide, momentarily blinding her soggy tongue-dweller, then showed him the enormous chocolate cake below, with a slice already carved out and resting on a plate. Wiping spit from his eyes and crawling to the edge of the girl’s tongue like a wakeboard, Tony began firming between the legs all over again from the mere sight of her giant fork chopping out a hunk and raising it toward her mouth. Just as he’d hoped, she wasn’t going to wait to remove him and cut a separate piece for him. They were going to share, simultaneously, while he swam in the same space she was about to use for mulching and liquefying the sugary brown fluff.

His entire body tingled with euphoric desire, and the cake wasn’t even past her lips yet. Tony backed up as her fork was inserted, but there still wasn’t enough room for both of them. The chocolatey lump plopped in the middle of Shaina’s tongue, half-covering the birthday boy. Immediately the heat of her swampy tongue began to melt the hunk into sludge, especially when she pushed it to her teeth, whereupon the dessert was ground into complete mush. The scent was intoxicating, and only improved by the extreme conditions inside Shaina’s mouth. As sodden crumbs rained down from her jaws and were tossed about the darkness, Tony snagged several and wolfed them down, finding the chocolate was infused with his friend’s drool, which he didn’t mind. In fact, it drastically improved the taste in his opinion. Delighted murmurs rang out from Shaina’s throat, though not just for her craving of the cake.

Tony was quickly getting turned on again by the combined tactile joys of feasting on spit-softened cake while getting washed and smeared by sugary slop and the giantess’s pithy flesh alike. Even while turning the cake to pulp, Shaina noticed his arousal, and replied by cramming her tongue hard back between his worming legs. After a few pulses, she pinned him to her cheek and sucked the succulent cake crumbs from his plastered body, then sweetened the bite for herself with more of the little guy’s “frosting.”

Only with great caution did Shaina finally dispose of the cake down her throat, swallowing it with ease, since all her tooth-gnashing and suckling had practically turned the cocoa goodness to a pure liquid. Never once did he feel in actual danger of being gulped down the tunnel, however. When it was just Tony alone in her mouth again, she remedied the situation by introducing the next even-more-generous chunk of cake, and repeating the same marvelous process of licking, cleansing, and pumping him to completion while mired in a mess of birthday pastry.

When night fell, or at least as far as Tony could tell given his limited access to light whenever Shaina shoveled in more cake, the little guy was close to unconscious in the best way possible: fatigued and invigorated like he’d never been before, and that was saying something, considering the fun they normally had. Letting him drape lengthwise up the tract of her muscle, the giantess stuck her triumphant tongue all the way out of her mouth and peeled the naked little saliva-sponge off its sticky runway.

“Looks like somebody partied pretty hard in there,” Shaina whispered, cupping him in her palm. “Then soft, then hard, then soft, then hard again… whew! You must be exhausted.”

“Y-Yeah, but… it was… amazing.”

“Oh, I could tell. But I’m glad you liked your present. Do you realize how much of you I swallowed today? It tasted even better than the cake.”

“Thank you, Shaina.”

“Of course. It’s my pleasure,” she warmly replied. “So, I guess it’s fair to say that was your best birthday ever, huh, tiger?”

“Are you k-kidding? That was the best DAY of my life, period!”

“Thought so,” she smarmed, lapping her gleaming tongue around the crescent of her grin one last time. “Well, maybe we’ll just pretend it’s your birthday again sometimes. It’s not like we need a reason to play, after all.”




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