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“Good. Now, just hold still, please… I’ll be gentle, just like I’m going to be when I take you inside,” Elise vowed. Her tongue peeked from the corner of her lips, sliding luxuriously from one edge to the other and glossing her mouth along the way. When she’d finished, the giantess’s vision narrowed to focus on her target, and she leaned in again, this time not with a closed maw, but wide open, her tongue flirtatiously reaching for him. The damp, serpentine muscle slaked so lightly across Marcus’s face that he barely felt it, left only with a layer of sweet-smelling spit glued to his cheek.

The next round was more tangible. Stronger than a flick, Elise’s rubbery red organ clasped the little man’s whole head and firmed at the touch, oozing saliva down his neck. After a bizarre massage, she pulled away only for a moment, before applying the whole flat of her extended tongue to not only Marcus’s head, but his chest and abdomen as well. His earlier shivers became full-body spasms of need and pleasure, which gave Elise momentary pause, but when Marcus leaned willingly into her strong tongue, she happily carried on licking him. With enough of her muscle extended out between her lips, soon the tiny fellow was thoroughly outmatched by the sheer mass and power of Elise’s tongue, but he wasn’t intimidated, and allowed it to explore his every surface. The girl spared no feature, either, paying particular attention to lapping her best friend’s miniscule face, but also dragging her steaming tongue down his back and front, around his legs and arms, and even taunting his nethers. Goopy saliva dripped down his every part; his body, warmed inside and out, couldn’t stop from quaking each time Elise’s benevolent tongue slathered his body again for a fresh sample. All the while, the giantess couldn’t suppress a giddy smile, and when finally she pulled the great gooey beast back inside her mouth, it was clear neither party was especially ready for the taste test to end.

“W-Wow…” she breathed. “You taste… I mean, I expected it to be nice, when I finally got to try your flavor, just because I wanted to eat you so bad, but… you taste even better than I could’ve imagined.”

“Yeah?” he peeped, unable to keep from smiling himself.

“Yes, really,” Elise promised. She licked her lips again. “My only regret is that I know no one else I ever eat in my whole life will have a chance of tasting this good, or meaning this much to me when the time comes. But… sometimes you have to save the best for first.”

“Sometimes you do.”

“Well. Speaking of time, it’s ours now, Marcus. Are you ready?”

“Yes,” he said, and meant it, at least enough. “I’m ready.”

“Okay,” she sighed, flashing him one more of those winsomely magical smiles. Her eyes all but sparkled. “Come here, now.”

Marcus shut his eyes. Even without sight, though, he could feel the shadow overtaking him, the muggy heat and familiar aroma now an all-encompassing atmosphere. A bit like strawberries. When he opened one eye just to make sure, he realized that Elise had opened her jaws as far as she could, and clamped them down over her palm, completely coating her tiny friend in balmy darkness. Then, when her tongue came for him again, it wasn’t just to lick, but to collect. The monstrous thing scooped cautiously between his legs and spooned him onto the bulwark of her tongue, before her teeth clacked together and her soft lips closed shut. He was in.

Undulating cheeks closed in from either side. Tossed like a cork every which way, but not harmed due to the spongy terrain and moat of saliva pooled at the base, Marcus was fondled into the walls, with Elise’s tongue rising to curl around him in between. When she hit a rhythm, those cheeks began pulsing in and out like a beating heart, and the living meal realized she was sucking on him. Hard, necessary, hungry. The pressure intensified, yet still avoided inflicting pain. Rather, Marcus’s every move became a product of Elise’s mouth taking control and ownership of him as she imbibed his flavor. Bubbly froth rose around his hips, while the giantess’s tongue-tip wound its way again between her friend’s slippery legs. All the overwhelming sensations, the lack of oxygen and humidity and fruity aroma, coalesced now into the feeling of Elise’s tongue pumping against Marcus’s crotch.

It wasn’t long before his member was standing at full attention, since the licking from earlier had already warmed him up nicely. Elise, impressively, in spite of their incredible gulf in size and strength, used her tongue with the sensitivity of a lover who shared Marcus’s exact stature. She licked and slurped, alternately between flexing her tongue and letting it turn squishy against his hard-on. Almost as if she intended to relax him one more time before the end. Bucking his hips around Elise’s tongue, with the giantess only too glad to indulge and squeeze him harder against her tastebud-stippled muscle, Marcus came hard. He cried out ecstatically into the dark void, feeling utterly at peace, and went limp as a ragdoll. Only then did he feel himself being carried along his friend’s tongue toward her gullet, though he couldn’t see it coming in the blackness. A second later, he heard rumbling from deep below, followed by a wet gulp and the gushing of saliva to lubricate his descent. Esophageal muscles cuddled around Marcus for a last hug on his journey toward his newly advanced relationship with Elise.

“Mmmmm… oh, wow. Thank you, Marcus,” Elise murmured. She didn’t know for certain whether he could hear her, but she had to say it aloud, if only for the hope. Her palm hovered at the level of her neck, tracking the motion of the small yet important lump in her throat making its way down. Shortly after, when the girl was certain her meal had splashed down into her stomach, she pulled up her top, and placed a hand over her abdomen, stroking circles around her belly button. “Thank you so, so much. That was so good. If… you can hear me in there, please know that this is the best birthday present I’ve ever gotten from anyone, and it’s the best one I’m ever going to get, either. This was exactly what I wanted, exactly how I wanted it to happen. And it was perfect. Just like I always wished. I love you too, Marcus, and I’ll never forget you as long as I live. Sweet dreams.”




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