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Matt and Nadia held hands tightly, quaking in their hand-stitched pink doll clothes. Each shrunken prisoner was paralyzed to the carpeted terrain of Sarah’s bedroom floor. Before them was the altar of a titanic pair of Birkenstock sandals, each one occupied by a foot so gargantuan that they made the eighteen-year-old’s petite peds look like a toddler’s by comparison. Those feet were trembling just as much as the three-inch captives, but more for reasons of unadulterated excitement than the gripping terror Matt and Nadia felt.

Like a gladiator’s sandals, those Birkenstocks contained an intimidating and storied history. The dark leather was battered from infinite wear and reeked even at this distance from old sweat soaked and integrated into the very fibers of the shoes. Her feet, too, bore the texture of experience; the fleshy occupants of the sandals were tanned and lightly weathered by frequent sun-kissing, not to mention callused from vigorous athletic activity. Which also explained the unholy smog of briny, cheesy air wafting from the girl’s flesh.

“Oh… my… effing… GOD!” Amy squealed. The brunette amazon, towering over their heads at a staggering six-foot-one, jittered with glee and clutched her cheeks in her palms at the mere sight of Sarah’s pets on the floor. Her pretty face belied a sturdy, broad-shouldered frame. “They are sooooo adorable, Sarah! Like, it’s so amazing you just found them, walking around your yard!”

“I know, right? So lucky!” Sarah cooed. “It’s like they were just looking for me, their Mommy, to find them and take them home forever, where they belong.”

The blonde appeared beside her friend from around the bend of the bed, and suddenly Matt and Nadia were walled in by a pair of giantesses and their happy feet. Though, with the comparatively short Sarah standing beside the lanky Amy, the puny couple had to remind themselves that their owner was still gigantic enough to stuff either of them in her shoes.

“It’s just nice you found them, right?” Amy boomed. Slowly, she squatted down, arching her long golden-tan feet within their leather Birkenstock confines. “What if they’d stayed out there, and something bad happened to them, instead of you finding them?”

“Oh, no no no! Don’t say that!” Sarah moaned, her voice cracking. In distraught response, her toes white-knuckled the carpet fluff. “It makes me too sad to think about if anything horrible happened to Boogie and Queenie.”

“Sorry, sorry!” Amy laughed. “Now, come here, you two.” She reached down, and prodded a finger into Nadia’s chest, knocking her over. She did the same to Matt, rendering both shrunken individuals on their backs. Once the helpless pets were down, her slender fingers followed, simultaneously pinning them each; her thumbpads anchored over their stomachs, threatening with the strength of her hand, but not pressing down.

“Careful, Amy!” Sarah said with concern, but also cracked a smile. She, too, squatted over the floor; abruptly, Nadia and Matt found themselves on their backs, staring up from between the profound canyon formed of the athletic brunette and ditzy blonde’s giant bodies, each hungrily eying the pets like kids in a candy shop.

“I just had to make sure they were real,” Amy snickered. “And they are.” However, her fingers didn’t let up their hold on the pair; Nadia, in particular, was starting to run low on oxygen, courtesy of the humongous teen’s burly thumb jamming on her lungs.

“I told you!” Sarah said defensively, then turned her piercing brown-eyed gaze back to the shrunken playthings cowering between the feet of herself and her friend.

“Yeah, I guess you did. And they are suuuuper cute. Like little babies, almost.”

“They’re Mommy’s little babies, aren’t they? Oh, aren’t you? Yes you are!” Sarah’s voice turned from cutesy to puppy-dog saccharine. The sweet-hearted giantess lovingly combed across Nadia’s hair with her fingernail, while Amy continued holding her down, then did the same thing to Matt. The hapless couple wasn’t sure what made them sicker: the dank aroma steaming from Amy’s Birkenstocks, or the sound of Sarah’s voice chiming up another octave as if they were infants.

“So what do you do with them?” Amy asked.

“What do you mean? Play with them, love them, kiss them…”

Kiss?” Instantly Amy’s fingers ceased pressing on Matt and Nadia, and instead fastened around the latter’s left leg. Screeching for help did Nadia no good as she was dangled up into the air by Amy’s rough, unpracticed hand.

“Let her GO!” Matt coughed. “Nadia, don’t struggle!”

“Yeah! They love it,” Sarah explained. “They move around a lot when you do it, cuz that’s the only way they can do it back to you.” In demonstration, she captured Matt in her fist and brought him up to her own plush pink lips. Then, puckering up, she buried his face into her moist mouth, practically suckling his skull all the way over her jaws. A pop of the lips, a spritz of saliva, and Sarah withdrew her pet.

“OhmyGod, that’s sooooo adorable. I gotta try it with this cutie. I kinda wanted to kiss her little head as soon as I saw her,” Amy said. She followed suit, and plastered the upside-down Nadia softly against her undulating mouth. As predicted, the little woman thrashed in protest, which only caused Amy to smooch with greater intensity; the suction halted the rebellion quickly, and soon there was nothing for the victim to do but absorb the heat and saliva. Spicy cinnamon gum wind stung Nadia’s nostrils.

The teens sat cross-legged on the bedroom floor, quietly kissing their chosen pets for several sustained minutes. The only sounds which could be heard were those sloppy lips popping and smacking, plus the occasional distressed whimpers from Matt or Nadia, which Sarah explained as their secret creature language showing their joy at being kissed.

“…but kissing isn’t all we do…” Sarah said coyly, and both Matt and Nadia’s hearts sank. They knew what was coming.

“Oh yeah?”

“You wouldn’t believe how much these two looooove being around feet. Being under ‘em, between toes, inside shoes, anywhere they can smell ‘em for a super-long time,” Sarah said perkily. She set her legs in butterfly formation, so her pale soles were clasped softly together.

“Well, why didn’t you say so?” Amy gasped. Already, she was desperately prying her smelly Birkenstocks off her summer-sticky peds; the damp imprints of her foot’s shapes were tattooed on the worn-down insoles. That sight made Nadia ill, as did the release of additional odors and vapors which were previously encased under Amy’s meaty sole. The sharp air, repugnant and sour, made Nadia’s eyes water.

Sarah, with her soles wedged together, greedily tucked Matt into the fleshy valley of space formed between her low arches. The little man struggled to clamber back up, but was only pushed deeper, until he was entombed on both sides by the teen’s pudgy insteps.

Nadia, meanwhile, was faced with the far worse prospect. She was set back on the carpet and pinned down again, while Amy’s left bare foot reared up like a panther about to pounce. With monstrous toes waving “hello,” the brunette squished the hefty meat of her sole right down atop Nadia’s helplessly trapped body.

Air rushed out of Nadia’s lungs, and was quickly flushed back full with rotten, salty fog so humid that the girl’s odor itself was practically tangible. Amy’s appendage was so broad, so strong and contoured, that Nadia was pretty certain it would’ve been larger than her own foot by a couple inches, even at her full size. In her current three-inch scale, though, it was no simple body part. Amy’s foot was a beast unto itself: writhing, twitching with muscle beneath the bronze-tanned surface, and glistening thanks to an even frosting of exquisitely bitter sweat. 

“Oh, she feels sooooo good down there, Sarah!” Amy sighed wistfully. Her ankle pivoted, scrunching her wrinkly sole harder down on Nadia’s body, until her giant fingers fell away, and there was only the unrestrained weight of an unclean teen’s sole grinding the poor woman down into Sarah’s carpet. The gesture pounded so deeply that Nadia feared she might soon either break through the floor or ethereally integrate into the supple, oozing flesh of this giant foot.

The girls carried on their respective games: Sarah, with Matt pinched between her clamped soles, and Amy, letting the dimpled shape of her entire languorous foot rub to and fro over Nadia. After a while, they switched toys, and Sarah took her Queenie while Amy took Boogie, but shortly thereafter, they swapped back, much to Nadia’s disappointment.

She’d hoped she might become numb to the stench and slime of Amy’s foot, but this wasn’t the case; if anything, the pestilential flavor gained strength with time. Every breath Nadia gulped was tainted with the chemical warfare of Amy’s grimy, toejam-splattered skin; try as she might to keep her lips and nostrils covered, it was impossible not to accidentally imbibe several burning swallows worth of feminine sweat which leached from the teen’s foot on every caressing pass. It was enough to make Nadia want to vomit.

“Well, they’re both really fun to play with, Sarah, but… this little tiny woman, especially…” Amy sighed. She grasped Nadia’s head with her forceful finger pads and shoved the tiny captive’s neck between the parted vice of her toes. “This is really awesome. I don’t even want to take her out from under my foot.”

Nadia recoiled at this mention alone, even as she was being assaulted by a headlock of Amy’s gritty toes. If she didn’t get a break soon, she was liable to lose her sanity.

“You really like her that much, huh?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah, I really really do,” Amy confirmed. She embraced Nadia’s head with those toes, pinching so hard that the miniature woman was briefly deafened and discombobulated, as well as nauseous from teenage perspiration. “I… think I’m almost kinda in love with her a little bit. Not weird, but you know… like, I love how she feels down there sooooo much, that I… I just can’t help…”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Sarah said. The girl compassionately laid a hand on her much-larger friend’s shoulder, while prying Matt out from between her own creamy soles. “I’ve been their Mommy for a while now, and I love them so much. But… I also want other people to know how happy a pet like this can make you. Especially when you feel them wriggling around under your foot inside your shoe. It makes you feel loved back sooooo much.”

“I bet,” Amy said dreamily.

“So…” Sarah said, with a regal nod. “Amy, I want you to have Queenie. To keep.”

Through the shell-shock of those mythic tan toes turning Nadia into exhausted mincemeat, the little woman went rigid. What did Sarah just say?

“OhmyGod. You’re joking!” Amy shrieked with elation. Her eyes immediately welled with joyful tears at the gift. In celebration, her toes tightened around Nadia, dragging her across the carpet toward the shored battle stations of her Birkenstocks.

“NO!” Matt roared as he dangled from Sarah’s fingers. “NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT! NADIA, DON’T GO IN THERE!”

“Thank you sooooo much!” Amy wept, kissing Sarah’s cheek in gratitude. Meanwhile, her prodigious foot was re-inserted beneath the rancid leather straps, with Nadia rolling head-over-heels the whole way as her body was pancaked into the grungy insole by that unearthly teenage arch. “I promise you, I’ll take extra good care of her. I’ll feed her, and give her baths, and carry her around with me, and you can visit any time you want to put her back under your feet. You know, just as long as she’s not underneath mine when you do!”

The blonde and brunette shared hugs and laughter, lording over the human toys with hardly a glance. Sarah talked through every fun activity she’d discovered using the shrunken slaves, while Amy listened intently so she could try them all later. Matt continued swinging and screaming from between Sarah’s fingers, ignored except for the occasional tickle and slobbery kiss.

Nadia, meanwhile, was muted to the rest of the world beyond Amy’s celestial foot, the ancient Birkenstocks, and the ghostly aura of soupy, sweaty musk which infected every atom of the little woman’s form. She found the strength to cry again, her tears intermingling instantly with Amy’s pooled perspiration, and felt a wretched void opening within her soul.

Would she never awaken from this nightmare?


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