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Tony, still having trouble believing his luck no matter how often this activity was allowed, crawled delicately over the soft terrain of his roommate’s lovely smiling face. Shaina was laying back on the couch, motionless except for an occasional twitch in her cheek or the curve of her happy lips subtly changing the plush ground beneath her little explorer. Though she wanted to keep him safe while playing around like this, Tony also knew perfectly well that Shaina wasn’t above some intentional movement as well, just because it made her giggle to feel his tiny arms and legs scramble to rebalance himself against the bridge of her nose.

“Has anyone ever told you how much you tickle, mouse-boy?” Shaina whispered, speaking gently enough that she hardly had to open her mouth, though it nonetheless made Tony wobble as he crept over the giantess’s forehead.

“Um, not too often,” he chuckled. “Mainly just you.”

“I figured. It’s just because nobody else but me has this kind of patience to let you use their face as a jungle gym.”

“Right. I, uh, can get off now if I’m making you itch,” Tony said, turning serious.

“Oh, relax, pipsqueak. When are you gonna learn I’m just teasing? I get a kick out of this too, tickles or not. Although…” Shaina explained with a roll of her eyes. “…I’m sure you could “get off now” if you wanted to.”

Tony gulped, feeling a shot of electricity in his bloodstream at this not-so-coy hint. Shy as he was, it was tough for the young man not to still fear irritating his gargantuan friend, even though climbing around on her face should’ve been low on the list of concerns, considering they’d already crossed the social barrier of him masturbating inside her hot steamy mouth. As she spoke, he watched her lips puckering and flapping to murmur these deprecating flirtations at him: the tender pink flesh lightly moistened, always delightfully mushing and stretching into grins.

“Y-Yeah… probably.”

“Bet you’re wondering why you haven’t been invited into my mouth yet, huh?”

“Oh, no,” he coughed. “I… didn’t want to be rude.”

“There you go again, goofball. Always so polite, when we both know the things you like require you to drop the manners act and, you know, get a little wet,” Shaina said. “And the reason I haven’t invited you in yet is because we also both know that you can’t last three minutes once I pop you inside.”

Flushing red, Tony prepared to reply, then realized he couldn’t really argue that point. In fact, that time was probably being generous. Still, he was relaxing now, getting into the spirit of Shaina’s affectionate taunting, so he played along.

“I beg to differ,” he dramatically scoffed, making his way back to her cheek so they could meet eye-to-eye.

“Yeah?” she laughed, batting her eyelashes so they fanned the little man’s face. “Well, care to put your money where your mouth is? Oh, sorry. I mean where mine is. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna actually make you place a bet, but we are going to have a little game.”


“Obviously. Since you’re getting too big for your britches on me, it’s time to remind you who’s the small one around here,” Shaina said, winking, and suddenly her fingertips were pinched around Tony’s sides. She lifted him over her face and proceeded to expertly probe and pluck his clothing with her fingernails, forcing his shirt up and over his head while sliding his pants down his legs inch by inch. “You’re not gonna need these, of course. We won’t know for sure who’s won the game if I can’t feel Tony Junior’s reaction.”

“M-Makes sense,” he muttered, unable to keep from shivering at how pleasant it felt to have those thick yet cautious fingers undressing him one article at a time. Despite being the size of a building compared to her roommate, Shaina was precise as she was kind-hearted under all the jokes, which meant she could peel his clothes off like a doll’s and not only make Tony feel totally at ease, but even enjoy it, like receiving a massage before the main event.

“Here’s how it works. This’ll just be a nice little cat-and-mouse contest. I’m the cat and you’re the mouse, in case you were confused about that,” she said. Punctuating this announcement, Shaina lowered his miniature shirt over her gaping maw and let it flutter inside, catching it on the slippery flank of her massive tongue and gulping. “I’ll put you on the floor and I’ll count down from two hundred, since those little legs of yours are going to need a while to get away, and then I’ll come after you. And I will catch you. But because the game won’t last long if I don’t handicap myself, I’ll only use one body part to get you. Then we’ll just see how long you really last.”

So transfixed by Shaina as she explained, Tony almost dumbly asked which body part she meant, before witnessing his jeans being dropped into her mouth. A pant leg hunt out the corner of her lip, but she slurped it back inside like a noodle and swallowed again. Then he felt silly for even wondering. His underwear too vanished into the slimy blackness of her throat, tiny as a table scrap, and Shaina seemed to get particular satisfaction out of ingesting the last of Tony’s outfit, leaving him even more helpless and bare than he already was, though the little fellow was also incredibly eager now.

“Ready? Good, because I am,” Shaina said without waiting for an answer. Her hand lowered slowly off the couch and down to the floor, where she placed him. Chilled, and already missing the comforting warmth of his roommate’s fingers on his naked body, Tony was spurred into action upon immediately hearing the countdown begin: “Two hundred… one hundred ninety-nine...”

Slightly panicked, and a bit aroused, the man set off running. Predictably, even at his fastest sprint, it hardly felt like he was covering any ground while surrounded by the immense mountain range of living room furniture suited to an enormous giantess. Going under the dining table would be pointless, as Shaina could just crawl after him, and getting off the floor to hide in a coat or a drawer was out of the question.

In the center of the room, Tony halted to catch his breath. His time was quickly running out as Shaina laid on the couch with her eyes closed, but Tony was no closer to finding a good spot to hide. When Shaina was down to the twenties, her tiny roommate darted straight back where he’d come from and dove into the shadows beneath the couch right as the girl finished and slammed her foot back to the floor with an intimidating thump.

“Ready or not… and I’m sure you’re not… here I come!” she giddily proclaimed. From there, Shaina began shuffling slowly around the room, peeking into the nooks and crannies of the living room. She lifted pillows and nudged aside shoes, all while watching the ground with feline intensity. “Gosh, what am I gonna do with you when I catch you, huh? Probably nothing you’re not going to love, but who knows, right? After I find you, the game is pretty much going to be over, because all I’ll have to do is lean way, way over and vacuum you up into your favorite playroom. Mmmm. Then you’ll just have to hope I don’t find you too delicious with no clothes on, Tony, because the real climax might not be you busting it to my tongue, it’ll be me making you into an after-dinner snack. Cats are known for playing with their food before they finish it off, you know.”

All of this commentary was making Tony tremble from the natural anxiety of being hunted by a giantess, though sexual thirst was quickly winning out. He watched her from as close to the edge of the couch as he dared venture, until Shaina’s search brought her back to where they’d started, and he retreated under the center again where she couldn’t possibly reach her jaws, even though part of him was tempted to surrender ASAP and accept the “consequences” now.

“Well, this is a cheap move,” Shaina grumbled once she was crouched with her cheek to the floor, squinting into the darkness at her nude escapee. “Why did I make this so hard for myself? All I’d have to do is reach in there and scoop you out. Hate to say it, but this mouth of mine’s too big to fit all the way in there. Oh well, a rule’s a rule. Okay, plan B then.”

At this point, Shaina slowly opened her pretty lips, gradually granting Tony a full view of the saliva-shimmering interior, from her pink tastebud-riddled muscle to the squishy cheeks to the gleaming white teeth. Even at a distance, the mini-man could feel the fog of her muggy breath rolling under and clinging to his nakedness. Slowly her tongue emerged, alternately flexing and flattening itself while a crystal dribble of spit hung like a necklace from both sides.

“C’moooon, Tony. Come get it,” Shaina purred with a lullabied lilt in her voice. “Get it while it’s hot. You must be cold now, without your cute little clothes, which tasted pretty yummy by the way, and while you’re standing down there in the dust. All alone. There must be freezing drafts. Seriously, doesn’t it sound so much better to just give in and come into my mouth, where it’s warm and wet and soft, all the things you like best?”

Tony shivered again, though ironically more from horniness than the cold. Regardless of how badly he actually wanted to heat up, though, the lure of Shaina’s words and the sight of her beautiful open mouth were almost enough to make him start walking straight toward her like a wind-up toy. Still, the game wasn’t over, so Tony held his position.

“Only here’s the thing,” Shaina throatily whispered. “I don’t think I’m going to have to chase you down and gobble you up myself. No, no. Once you’re out of there, you’re going to offer yourself to me. Willingly. Yes, I’m going to wait for you to put one of those precious little arms into my mouth. To give me a sample. Then I doubt I’ll be able to resist tasting the rest. And once you’re in, your ass is mine. Like I said, three minutes is all I need before my big ol’ strong tongue drinks another win out of you.”

Tony was almost buckling at the knees. It was physically impossible to refuse her now. Clumsily he marched out of the darkness, up to where Shaina’s open mouth waited. She had him dead to rights from the moment the game started, of course, and so it was only natural for Tony, shaking and dizzily erect, to insert his tiny arm into the giantess’s smiling orifice. Immediately her lips slapped shut around his arm, holding just firmly enough to keep him in place, while suckling pressure increased around his limb and her tongue-tip massaged, as a preview to what it could do with his member. The strength of the slobbery pull increased, until Tony’s feet left the ground and he was suspended only by Shaina’s mouth. His arm was sucked inside up to the shoulder, and from there it took just one peaceful slurp to imbibe the rest of him.

Inside, Tony was instantly clobbered by Shaina’s tongue, which wasted no time on buildup, but crammed itself directly between his legs and forced him to ride the gooey organ like a bronco. His dick pulsated against the rubbery dampness of its surface. Wanting to please his friend by playing along still, however, Tony fought his instincts and wiggled away. Splashing into the saliva-pool just past her bottom row of teeth, the little man bobbed and weaved in the hot airless void. Despite not being able to see her tongue coming for him, he could hear the squelches echoing, and so each time Shaina attempted to slide her red muscle astride Tony’s legs again, the lubrication allowed him to slip away. She occasionally pinned him to a cheek but never held long enough to lick him to completion.

Though she giggled, Shaina seemingly grew bored of the foreplay and opened her mouth. Then her tongue tubed around Tony, forcing him head-first toward the light. While coiled in her spongy muscle, the “mouse” was squeezed out of her lips like a push-pop down to the level of his chest, at which point Shaina promptly cinched her soppy pillowed lips back around her toy’s torso to keep him in place. With his legs still wriggling within her balmy maw, and his body rigidly pinned at last, her tongue suggestively slid its way back into place, curling around Tony’s legs and lapping his thighs before finally letting the whole oozy red serpent pry apart his limbs, leaving clean access to his junk, which Shaina began triumphantly fondling with her tongue’s tip.

Letting his head roll back while a moan escaped his throat, Tony looked to the distance, and realized his roommate was standing in front of the mirror, so they could both enjoy the visual of the game as well as its sensations. Her hypnotizing eyes maintained steely contact with his the whole time. It was peculiar, seeing the image of the gorgeous ear-to-ear-smirking giantess reflected in the glass, looking almost-average sized without a point of comparison, until Tony noticed his own pathetically tiny visage, nothing more than a naked human-shaped morsel hanging powerlessly from between those immense glossed lips like a lollipop stick. Then it became easier to remember who was small and who was unthinkably humongous here, which was precisely the point of the game, or at least one of them.

The “other” point was being vigorously worked on now, while Shaina kept Tony fixed at the center of her mouth, half-in and half-out, despite all his kicking and groaning. Her beastly tongue, though burly enough to flatten the little man alone under its drool-laden weight, was also capable of such surprising delicacy, which Shaina demonstrated by using her oral organ to simultaneously spread Tony’s legs apart and oh-so-gingerly lick his erection up and down, victoriously tempting with that ultra-soft tongue tip bathed in juices, until the little fellow could endure no more, and cried out while spasming and spurting into the greedy flat of her tongue. She kept right on sucking, vibrating her tongue against his quivering lower half, until Tony had finished wailing and cumming.

“Two minutes, fifty-seven seconds,” Shaina mouthed, with him still pinched between her sticky lips, before slurping Tony’s whole body back inside the hovel all over again and coiling him into another embrace with her tongue. “Told ya.”


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