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Nadia was certain her heart was on the verge of giving out for good as she stared in slack-jawed shock at the sight of ten monstrous, marshmallow-toes bobbing in the forested grass of the gigantic garden. The intelligent young woman had already been in a state of depression these past two months since the disappearance of her beloved Matt; now, she was faced with a set of circumstances which threatened to simply shut down her vitals.

There was no possible explanation for what Nadia was seeing right now, yet it was no dream or hallucination.

“No… freaking… WAY!” the blonde giantess squealed with unmitigated delight. Her lilting voice boomed across the landscape of the garden. The 150-foot eighteen-year-old cupped her hands over her mouth as she stared down in wide-eyed wonder at the naked, three-inch Nadia currently standing before her feet.

Wearing a pink tank top and scant denim jean shorts which displayed her youthful, ample thighs in the summertime heat, this towering beast of a girl bewildered Nadia. The woman never could’ve conceived of encountering a living humanoid creature of such scale, yet here one was, and looking just like an average teenage girl, if it wasn’t for her massive height. With tactile energy, the bulbous toes of the girl were in a frenzy, pinching blades of grass into the crevices between. Almost like a dance.

Nadia lurched, unable to speak. Her knees wobbled, and she anticipated she would faint. She didn’t have the strength to try fleeing.

“I just can’t believe it,” the giant blonde whispered as she bent down to her knees for a better look at Nadia. She reached out a gentle hand, poking the nude woman full in the stomach with her enormous thumb. “I found another one of you! I’m so happy. I’ve wanted a sister for Boogie as long as I’ve had him. Now, you two can both be my pets!”

Another one? Sister? Boogie? Too many words were making no sense to the woozy Nadia. However, her attention did snag on the word “pet.” Surely this adorable young stranger couldn’t be thinking of something dastardly? After all, Nadia was a helpless and naked wanderer. And the girl, despite her terrifying size, had a kind face.

Nadia screamed as the titanic teen’s palm extended toward her. Lacking the fervor to sprint away, the woman was easy prey as the giantess’s muggy palm pad closed around her. The fingers came fast behind, tightening at the knuckles, until Nadia was firmly embalmed inside the seemingly not-so-sweet girl’s fist. Movement was impossible, outside of wriggling against the doughy cylinder of hand flesh; the musculature which guided those grabby fingers was far too much for Nadia to fight.

Wow,” the giantess gawked as she held her newest prize up to her face. The girl exhaled, her wintry gum-scented breath cooling stickily on Nadia’s bare form. There was genuine admiration seeping from the girl’s cute countenance. Her fingers uncurled from their imprisoning stance, but Nadia was still cupped possessively onto the platform of palm skin. “You’re amazing, little woman. So… beautiful. Like a model! Awww. Look at your shiny black hair, and your teensy-tiny blue eyes! You’re a princess. A super-puny little thumb princess that I can fit in my pocket, but still!”

Yet again, Nadia was thrown for a loop. The last thing she was expecting to receive when she was grabbed by this beastly teenager was compliments. Frankly, from the looks of those flapping lips talking a mile a minute, Nadia was anticipating being tossed over the bottom row of teeth and down a slimy gullet. She was still too horrified to speak.

“My name’s Sarah,” purred the godlike teen. She batted her eyelashes and grinned ear-to-ear, perhaps intending this to showcase her friendly side. “What’s your name, tiny one?”

This was her chance.

“My name is NADIA!” the woman reported. She parsed her words slowly, just in case the excitable amazon had trouble understanding. “I just woke up out here. I don’t know what’s happening, and… please… you’re scaring me. I’m afraid you’ll drop me, and I could be paralyzed, or worse. So, if you’d be so kind, I would appreciate you putting me down, then calling emergency services right away-”

“You’re exactly like Boogie, except prettier, cuz you’re a girl!” Sarah interrupted loudly. “You make all the same super-cute little chirps. Maybe you two can talk to each other, and be best friends and brother-sister!” While her soft hand remained steady beneath Nadia, the fingers of her opposite appendage were busying themselves exploring the tiny woman’s shape. Clammy thumbpads and boldly poked index fingers shoved Nadia about.

“What? No, listen to me,” Nadia sputtered. She threw her arms up in a useless attempt to halt Sarah’s caressing, but only succeeded in intensifying the physical examination. Unwanted fingertips swabbed up and down her body. “STOP that! I haven’t given permission for this, and while I’m glad you want to help, I will not let you continue treating me like this.”

“Meep-meep-meep! It’s a little song you cuties sing to me all the time, and I LOVE it so much!” Sarah responded. By now, she’d stood up and begun the stroll back toward the front steps of her house. All the while, the blonde continued massaging Nadia between her palms, combing her hair with delicately poised fingernails. “I think you and Boogie and I are gonna get along sooooo well. Just wait until I show you where you’re gonna be living from now on.”

“This is INSANE, now for the last TIME, put… me… DOWN!” Nadia roared. As both painter and photographer, as well as a fan of intelligent discourse, the woman was as free-spirited as she was open-minded. However, there came a point where even she couldn’t keep her cool. That point was now, when a teenage giantess had her easily ensnared her in perspiring hands and was ignoring her every attempt at release.

“Awwww… you must like being held by me, huh? You sound so excited, like a happy hamster!” Sarah commented. As she stepped over the tiled threshold of her house into the hallway, she paused by the stairs, which led toward the sanctuary of her bedroom. The doe-eyed blonde gazed dreamily at her newest pet. She raised her palms as though drawing a drink up toward her puckered lips.

Nadia noticed the oncoming calamity of the kiss too late to resist. Not that she could’ve climbed away, with Sarah’s fingers walled in around her. The girl’s generous, spit-glossed lips opened up, expelling hot air and a loving murmur when they made contact. Instantly Nadia was pinned down on the mattress-plain of Sarah’s hand. The pressure of those wet, pillowy lips only mounted by the second. Nadia thrashed and wrestled the best she could, but there was no earthly way to push away Sarah’s affectionate gift of damp smooches which hammered down with adoring vengeance. Several crystalline strings of drool draped over Nadia, sopping into her clothes, and gluing in her hair.

There you go, little one. Mommy just wants you to know how much she loves you!” Sarah cooed. She used her fingers to pet Nadia again, which inadvertently smeared the spritzing of saliva thoroughly around her disgusted three-inch form. The dark-haired victim writhed, but halted her fight at the mention of one particular word.


“I’m gonna need something to name you, though. You’re too cute and beautiful to not have a good name,” Sarah muttered as she marched up the stairs. Her pudgy bare soles smacked authoritatively on the carpeted slats.

“Why are you doing this?” Nadia moaned, no longer expecting an answer. She trembled, not from pain but brain-numbing hysteria. Never could she have prepared herself for that repulsive, minty-fog make-out across her entire body.

As if the answer would be found hidden on Nadia’s body, Sarah rotated the woman around, upside down and right side up, like a doll. The girl emerged in her pink-themed bedroom, and from the first step inside, she halted. A grin lit up her face.

“I KNOW! Queenie is your name, cuz you’re too beautiful to just be a princess. But with the ‘ie’ at the end, cuz you’re precious and tiny and I’m gonna keep you forever.”

What?” Nadia wormed for her life, but Sarah’s fingers were already binding her down.

“Now, first things first,” Sarah sighed. “Let’s get you out of these clothes. You’re beautiful, Queenie, but your funny things you’re wearing aren’t very good. You’d be so much better without them. And I have some adorable things for you to wear instead. Pink is more your color. You’ll see!”

Nadia’s protests devolved into screeching. She was laid spread-eagle across Sarah’s palm, and in a flash, her arms and legs were clenched gently in the girl’s enormous fingers. Expertly, the teen started tugging and ripping Nadia’s tissue-thin garments away. The inevitable was already clear to the tiny woman; if she couldn’t escape being grabbed, nor the saliva-storm of that puffy-lipped kiss, there was no way she could avoid this robbery of clothing and dignity.

Her clothes, the last vestige of humanity, were stolen and tucked in Sarah’s pocket. Nadia wept bitterly once she was rendered naked in the girl’s hand, though the self-centered giantess least stayed true to her word and produced a set of bubblegum pink-colored clothes suited to a three-inch person. They itched, and looked terrible, but Nadia was only desperate to cover her body again and scrape together some humility.

“Just like I thought. You look perfect!” Sarah complimented. She planted a single musical kiss on top of Nadia’s head, then walked to the closet. The doors swung open. “Now that you’re in your new clothes and have your new name, you can meet your new brother Boogie. I’m sure he’ll love you, too!”

After such a startling series of violations, starting with being grabbed by a giant, suckled by greedy lips, and stripped naked in hand, Nadia thought she was finally through with surprises. Yet again she was proved wrong. Because a foot in front of her face was none other than Matt, wearing hand-stitched doll clothes, and poking his equally shrunken head out of the mouth of a black ballet flat on the shelf.

“BABE!” Nadia shrilled. She flailed her arms in Sarah’s controlling grasp. “What the hell is going on?”

Matt looked just as dumbstruck; he stumbled backward in the leathery opening of Sarah’s boat-sized footwear.

“NADIA!” he croaked, like he hadn’t spoken in a long time. His hair and beard were getting shaggier, and shadow ringed his eyes from exhaustion. He trembled with need to reunite with his girlfriend, reaching out his arms across the vast gap between them.

Sarah observed their tweeting exchange with wild joy in her luminous eyes. Her fist still hovered too far away for Matt and Nadia to touch.

“Awww, you like each other already!” Sarah crooned. “I knew I was gonna have an amazing day when I woke up this morning. Now Mommy has two wonderful little pets: Boogie and Queenie.”

“What’s happened to us?” Nadia cried.

“I don’t know. I’ve been here all this time, wanting to get away, but-”

“All right, now it’s time to teach Queenie how to recognize her owner!” Sarah announced, cutting off their strained conversation. Instantly the little man’s face went ghostly at this statement, and Nadia couldn’t understand why. But she was also afraid to ask.

Sarah reached into the black flat and plucked Matt out by his leg, dangling him from her gingerly compressed thumb and forefinger. Then, with one shrunken pet-prisoner in each hand, the golden-haired teen happily skipped toward her bed.

“Matt, help me,” Nadia begged.

“I will,” he lied. “We’ll find a way to get out, babe!”

“You two are lucky it’s so hot out, and I was walking around in the garden all morning,” Sarah said. She sat on the edge of the heart-decorated bedspread, and rubbed her balmy soles into the rug. Her sweat-frosted toes, still striped with blades of grass from the yard, scrunched and flexed on the fibers. “Cuz there’s lots of nice warm smell for both of you to eat up down there, so you can learn to know and love me even more, Queenie!”

“What’s she talking about?” Nadia hissed at Matt.

“Just hold still. Don’t fight back,” he warned her. “It’s easier if you just hold your breath and wait.”

What?” Nadia’s question was answered almost immediately, though, as Sarah lowered her hands toward the floor.

Each of Sarah’s pink, grit-speckled peds arched up on the balls of her feet and made room beneath. Her toes turned pale, balling against the meaty island of her flesh below. Self-assured and giggling all the while, Sarah deposited Matt underneath one summer sweat-glossed sole, and Nadia the other.

The little woman attempted to clamber away as soon as the giant fingers released, but it was too late; the beefy mass of Sarah’s damp, raunchy bare foot dropped upon her. The heft of skin and muscle was unfathomable. Earthy, sour perspiration sopped into Nadia’s clothes and body. She opened her mouth to scream and a stinging droplet of foot sweat slurped down her throat.

“We’re like one big happy family now,” Sarah hummed. She ground her soles from side to side, languishing in goose bumps from the relaxing squirms of her shrunken pets wedged beneath her rubbery insteps. “Mommy can’t wait to show you all the games we’re gonna play!”


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