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“Oh, my, would you just look at how much bigger this thing is than my poor greedy ex-husband?” Angelina giggled, tracing her fingers over Andy’s meaty shaft and then pinching her thumb and index apart for a size comparison with Carl. At best, the shrunken victim’s height matched only the width of his competition’s mast. “What I wouldn’t have given for this kind of instrument on little Carl here back when he was a big tall man. Can you imagine how much more fun we could’ve had, dear, if you were more well-endowed? And no, I’m not talking about your money. Maybe things would’ve turned out differently between us, if you were born with something more useful to me. Likewise, I could’ve returned the favor to you. These hands weren’t just made for drowning you in my milk, you know. Oh well… at least someone will get to enjoy the full extent of my talents.”

Angelina lapped the sticky flat of her tongue across her palm for moisture, then laid it down against the thickest portion of Andy’s fleshy pillar, causing him to intake air with desire. Her fingers curled as far around his member as they would fit. Then she proceeded to pump, using her spit as lubricant and guiding her clenched hand along the entire bar of his mutated penis. This required throwing her whole body into the motion, which the woman was only too pleased to do.

She violently jostled her floating tits the whole way, causing them to squishily clash together like jumbo water balloons each and every time she plunged her palm down Andy’s cock again. The man himself had to grip the edge of the table to keep from buckling under the combined luxuries of being masturbated and witnessing his greatest wishes come to life. When at last Andy reached orgasm thanks to Angelina’s dexterous fingers, as it was already so close from a protracted session of fantasy-fulfillment, he howled and stained the wall with a graffiti-quantity of his seed. Nevertheless, Angelina’s concentration was never broken from the fraction of a man she’d half-drowned and stranded on a pink plastic chair.

And Carl only wallowed, with gummy milk drying on his skin even now still causing him to shrivel closer to a speck of dust. The very-real threat of shrinking to nonexistence was consuming him. There was no more room to fool around here. Though he’d never taken his bitchy spouse seriously for the entirety of their relationship, he could see when he was outmatched. Granted, Carl fully intended to use every resource at his disposal to make Angelina and Andy pay just as soon as he was safely back to size. But, for now, he’d have to play possum, and live to fight another day.

“OKAY, ANGELINA!” he crowed. “Okay, you win, you win. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. Whatever I have, is yours, just… don’t do this anymore. P-Please.”

However, his ex-wife was only partially listening, as she busied herself squirting breastmilk into her empty wine glass. A slight purple tint from the last dregs of alcohol were quickly overpowered by swirling dairy. She easily filled the glass close to the edge, then set it down on the table.

That was curious, Carl thought. It wasn’t like she or Andy would be stupid enough to drink from that, and why pour it, when she could just squirt him directly?

Still without answering his pleas, Angelina worked on freeing her ex-husband from the rubber binds. Her gigantic fingers felt so powerful, prying the tenuous cords away and plucking the bite-sized man out from under their thrall. She cradled the milky creature in her palm as she carried him closer to her. Carl watched the approach of her waxen monolithic tits with a newfound terrified respect, as they practically rivaled the size of Mount Rushmore now as far as he was concerned, and the rich liquid coursing within was even scarier.

“Let’s hear it then, darling,” Angelina said. “Cough up every number I’ll need, right here and right now, or you’re taking a little swim. Andy, honey, would you be so kind as to pull up the accounts?”

Carl trembled, peering over the side of the peachy platform that constituted his wife’s flattened digits. The milk in her used wine glass seemed to twist at will like a whirlpool. He didn’t need her to tell him twice; he was already prepared to give her everything and more, following that last extended stream.

Once the giant cuckold had the tablet set up, Carl rambled off every account number and password he could think of, including those Angelina probably didn’t even know about, just for good measure. Over twenty tense minutes, Carl’s ex-wife took control of his treasures one after another, and her mood was demonstrably improving. At last, when the financial reserves in his memory were exhausted, the shrunken man slumped to catch his breath.

Carl was defeated, and it stung like little else in life to know his assets were about to be drained, but surely not as badly as it would sting to shrink between the creamy molecules of his own ex-wife’s nipple discharge.

“We’ve got a green light on all of them,” Andy said.

“That’s everything?” Angelina asked.

“That’s everything,” Carl confirmed. “I swear. If you b-believe nothing else I’ve ever said to you, Angelina… believe that.”

“You know, darling, for once, I actually do! I really, truly do,” she sighed contently, puckering her lips and blowing her ex-husband a kiss, right before tipping her hand on its side, causing Carl to tumble head-over-heels toward the waiting glass mouth of the milk-filled wine glass. “And now, to show you my appreciation, baby, take a nice refreshing soak in the pool.”

Carl screeched all the way down, then splashed unceremoniously into the off-white depths. By standing on his tiptoes, he could just barely managed to push himself off the slippery bowled basin of the glass, and keep his head over the surface, but not for long. Already the man could feel his body altering, thanks to being submerged so thoroughly in this demonic milk.


“I said a lot of things, my precious little dear, but so did you, so here we are now,” Angelina shrugged. “Believe me, I know far too much about you and your thirst for retaliation to leave loose ends after such a big payday as this. You should be proud to have taught me such a valuable business lesson.”

Devoid of responses, Carl sunk below the frothy meniscus, and thrashed in the blank void. The harder he tried to surface again, the more impossible it became, as he was shrinking faster than he could swim toward the top. He’d already passed the one-inch mark, and now was hurtling toward nothingness. His muscles weakened, and his lungs flooded with cream, causing him to sink deeper.

“Don’t worry, darling. I know how much you always loved my tits, and I’m not so unfeeling as to send you off to the great beyond without one last good look at them. Really, how many men can say they got to perish while seeing what you’re about to see? So, do enjoy!” the giantess boomed. She idled fondled Andy’s monster-cock, which was already fully erect again as the culmination of his inventions approached, but as always, Angelina’s focus was entirely devoted to Carl.

She knelt down, bringing her puffy sacks of flesh and mammary down level with her milk-filled torture chamber, then carefully parted her breasts with both hands, and gingerly allowed the body of the glass to smoosh its way between the bulbous cans. Swollen flesh squeezed from all around, molding and practically absorbing the oblong glassware into the globular geometry, but without bursting the cup.

As promised, Carl was utterly immersed in his wife’s milky-white, planetary boobs, though just how good a view he had of them before drowning in her breast milk as a subatomic particle, Angelina didn’t know and frankly didn’t much care. She had far too much money to spend now to bother with such petty details.



(For now. Angelina will will appear again.)


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