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Gulping away his pride and fears, Will plunged his fists against the wall of Mrs. Parker’s naked bare foot. Even turned on its side, he was scarcely half as tall as the bulwark of sole. He gripped the malleable wrinkles of her peachy flesh and began to knead it like tough bread dough. Getting the idea, Mark did the same to the opposite side.

They punched the heels, fondled the toe shafts, and massaged the delicate expanse of sole flesh in endless figure-eights with their fists. It was hard work, but after putting his back into it, Will found a rhythm which made him feel confident he was doing a good enough job to earn a short sentence. The work was degrading, sure, and in the canyon of Mrs. Parker’s feet, both he and Mark’s lungs were flooded with musky, earthen, sweet-and-sour odor.

However, it wasn’t exactly terrible. Will had massaged enough of his relatives’ feet to have a vague idea of how to do it, though the prospect of doing so at an inch-and-a-half tall was daunting.

“I admit, I’m not grossly disappointed,” Mrs. Parker declared, her voice echoing in the still-empty classroom. From her tone, Will guessed this was as close as she got to a compliment. “You two have shown you’re able to follow basic instructions. Now let’s try a little of that metaphorical food chain education I mentioned earlier. Kiss my feet, please.”

Will halted in his massage technique. He studied the deadly wall, constituted of lightly marbled feminine flesh, furrowed sole wrinkles, and the odd fleck of carpet grit or sock fiber. What did she say?

“Why?” Mark cried out, directly addressing their tormentor.

“I should be asking you the same question, Mark,” the giantess snapped. “As in, why are you not obeying the simple instructions of a teacher, when she has the capability to make this detention a far less pleasant affair than it is now?”

The canyon of sole flesh closed in by a couple inches. Suddenly Will and Mark were flanked on either side by the woman’s feet, their bodies practically gripped between: virtually, a rock and a hard place.

“Do I make myself clear?” Mrs. Parker demanded.
 “Yes,” Will huffed. He inhaled, partaking in another bitter lungful of soupy, lotion-tainted air steaming from the dirty-blonde’s prodigious peds.

Then, closing his eyes, he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on the sole flesh. Predictably, it at least wasn’t sickening, but the implication was much worse than the physical act. Will coughed. The ghostly feeling of kissing the amazon teacher’s lowliest body part lingered on his mouth. Again getting the picture, Mark followed suit.

“Okay, I suppose I can work with you two, then,” the woman said. “One more instruction for the time being. To make utterly clear where you stand amongst your peers and betters in this school, and precisely what it costs when you choose to bend the rules for your own amusement. Lick my foot. Both of you. Now.”

Instantly Will wanted to retch. He settled for a quiet gag, patting his chest. At this point, he wasn’t necessarily surprised. However, there was little time to mourn this disgusting command, as he felt the walls of foot flesh closing in again. Another second later, and Mrs. Parker had him and his tiny best friend both clasped in the arch of her elegant bare feet. By flexing her sole in and out, wrinkling the skin at their backs and lurching them forward, she threatened to take ownership of their breathing patterns.

It wasn’t a threat Will took lightly. The woman meant business.

Skin crawling and heart racing, he pressed his chin toward the rotund ball of Mrs. Parker’s foot. Prying his jaw open, he stuck out his tongue and touched the filthy curve of her foot. The flavor of salt and vinegar rushed into his throat. His taste buds all but recoiled, hoping he’d pull back, but he was all in now. If he and Mark wanted to end this revolting detention on time, just as the woman insinuated, they had to cooperate.

“Once is not enough.” The woman’s hand draped down between her feet. A predatory finger grazed the back of Will’s head, gently shoving his face closer to the sole again. “Let’s stick out those tongues, gentlemen, and see what they can do. And as you taste more of my feet than you ever dared dream you might, please reflect on the fact that misbehavior is not, I repeat, not in your best interest.”

Surrendering to the indignity in favor of self-preservation, Will obeyed. He clenched his eyes shut and dragged his tongue as far as his neck would carry his head, from one side to the other. In that single lick, he gathered multiple dots of anonymous stocking grime, plus an everlasting perception of Mrs. Parker’s distinct flavor into his cheeks. The equivalent of, at his normal human height, cramming as many of the lovely teacher’s toes into his mouth as possible and sucking them like a mother’s teats.

Half an hour of this disgrace passed. Will and Mark were starting to tire, but didn’t give up. Whenever they began to slow, all it took was the flexing of the giant sole at their back, or a derogatory quip from their detention monitor, and they were back to full force. Tiny tongues and puny lips, kissing and licking a dastardly fortress of foot skin in alternate patterns, just when one gesture got too gross to endure.

When the forecasted end of detention at last drew near, Will tried not to let his hopes get too high that they’d be regrown and sent back on their way as though nothing had happened. His tongue was completely dry after swabbing the entire central arch of the woman’s sole, and the oxygen in his lungs was at least 70% foot-funk. He was on the verge of shuddering to the ground in defeat.

“It seems you two aren’t completely hopeless after all,” Mrs. Parker said from on high, startling them. Just then, the school bell sounded through the speakers. “Unfortunately, I’ve got class in a few minutes, so we’re going to have to cut this activity short.”

Will sighed with relief. Maybe she was about to whip out a re-enlarging ray of some variety; perhaps the nightmare was over at last.

“Hold still, please,” she said. “Just as a word of caution, because you two are new to my methods of educative detention: do not expend your breath by hyperventilating. Keep as still as possible, take deep, careful breaths, and for bonus points, do your best to taste whatever you happen to touch.”

“Whatever we what?” Will muttered under his breath. He tried to wriggle out of the vice of foot flesh, but was instantly jammed back against it via a pile-driving giant thumb behind. Mark, as well, was pinned to Mrs. Parker’s opposite instep by her fingers.


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