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At once Katie began to grow. In perfect proportion, her already-superhuman form was expanding. Her bare feet, previously rivaling the size of snowshoes, stretched to more than double their size. Katie’s supple runner’s legs lengthened like a tree trunk time lapse. Her hips filled in even more, in tandem with her buoyant ass cheeks inflating yet wider to the scale of exercise balls, quavering at the slightest twitch. One trouncing fall from her beefy ass, and Nick would be knocked out cold beneath immovable mounds of sweet cellulite and glutes. That large, glistening pussy poised overhead between her thighs grew as well, the sticky petals spreading in anticipation of continued fulfillment. Her plush abdomen deepened, and above, Katie’s massive tits swelled beyond belief, passing up beach balls to appear, from Nick’s distorted view below, almost like pale unblemished celestial bodies in orbit. The lunar enormity of them was overwhelming. Her nipples stood at attention, hard enough to cut steel, her tender areola flesh bubbling with goose-bumps. Of course her arms increased in wingspan as well, her palms and fingers spreading to a size more than capable of gripping Nick’s skull like a child’s softball.

The demi-goddess turned her chin high, prideful and deserving of it, as her crown neared the ceiling. Katie’s vast, seemingly infinite body had become a skyscraper unto itself, barely contained by the high ceilings of her apartment. She stood at a mythic twenty feet tall now and not an inch less.

Once again grossly distanced in size from his one-time victim, Nick didn’t even come halfway up to the height of her knee now. In fact, he practically felt like he had to stare her in the ankle. When Katie had topped off her second growth spurt, she lumbered across the room with purposeful strides and once again made herself a hulking blockade between Nick and escape. The whole room shook each time her soles impacted the carpet. While the woman stood straight above him, those astronomic spheres of her chest, vibrating and swaying and glinting in the moonlight, demanded so much space that the little guy couldn’t even see Katie’s face past their hilly horizon.

When the leviathan woman laughed now, it reverberated with the force of her seismic footsteps.

“Well, tiny man… there you go. You thought I was tall before, but now I really am a giantess. Just look at these massive tits. What do you think would happen if I fell on you with them right now? And my giant ass is bigger too, I mean look, it’s TRIPLE your puny size,” Katie reveled. “I mean, does it get any better than this?”

To accentuate her point, Katie turned now, so her meteor-sized butt hovered and jiggled right above her two-foot toy. Her hand swung, and Nick instinctively flinched expecting to be swatted through the wall, but instead her palm smacked hard into her prodigious ass cheek. Her skin visibly tremored outward in a circle like disturbed waters, then came to rest again in the grip of her clawed fingers.

Not able to do much more than observe and exist under this goddess’s atmosphere, Nick stood in meek awe of Katie’s ascension. He could scarcely imagine any living creature of such size and majesty, let alone an average girl who used to occupy a flat boyish frame.

Katie arched her foot off the floor and lifted her leg up until her knee nearly touched her bare breast. For a second her bare ped was hoisted aloft, showing off her rosy wrinkled sole to the man she could so easily extinguish from life with just one trample. Then she brought her leg careening back to earth, heel-first. Her foot smashed into the floor so hard that the bed trembled, right next to her threatened plaything, and Nick himself was knocked flat on his face by the ear-splitting force of her stomp.

“Don’t get up, shrimp. I think you’re better off down there,” Katie commented, nudging Nick in the ribs with her toes. “You’re already so low to the ground, after all. You might as well get better acquainted with it.”

The little man nodded vigorously, pressing his forehead to the rug and hyperventilating as Katie playfully jabbed at his prone form with her colossal foot. He was in no position to argue.

“Now,” she sighed. “I think it’s high-time for something long overdue. You had a lot of years to say this to me on your own, and if you had, maybe I wouldn’t have done all this to you. But what’s done is done, Nick. We’re here. And I’m going to get what’s mine. It’s time to apologize to me for everything you ever did or said to me. Apologize, and then I’ll consider not just squashing your pathetic little head like a grape.”

Nick gulped, shaking so hard he almost couldn’t speak. There was no more arousal mixed in with the thrill of this evening. Only dread.

“Please, K-Katie… you have to believe me, I… I’m so sorry. F-For all of it!” Nick blurted. Once he started the apology, he realized he sort-of meant at least some of it, even though his primary motivation was to avoid getting squished to death. As he spoke, descending into trauma, he realized he was crying. “I t-treated you like shit, because I was just a stupid k-kid in college and I d-didn’t think about your feelings, b-but you don’t have to do this! Y-You’re a better person than me, I know it! Just p-please, please know I’m so so s-sorry, and let me go. Please?”

There was a pause. Nick reticently opened one eye and looked to the side at Katie’s smooth, hostile foot resting on the carpet. It hadn’t kicked him into a coma or demolished his head with a single drop yet, so maybe she’d accepted his remorse? Maybe he’d live to fuck another day, preferably not with a woman who couldn’t alter his biology or throw him around like a rag doll.

Katie bent down. Her palm flattened against his bare back; her fingers curled around Nick’s stomach, gripping him in just one hand and peeling him off the floor from between her feet. Paralyzed, the little man went limp in the grip of this beautiful creature who now stood at exactly ten times his size. When she sat on the creaking mattress and placed him gingerly upon her huge bust, he felt a strange moment of peace, perhaps because Katie appeared, if only momentarily, more human and desirable again when he could see her lovely countenance clearly instead of the giant foot that might murder him. Plus, it was a bonus to be literally lying across her spongy tits like a waterbed.

“That was an okay “sorry,” I suppose. I’ll accept it as the spoken portion of your apology, for now,” Katie explained.

The spoken portion?

“I don’t know about you, runt, but I’ve got quite an appetite still, and not for food,” she said. “I hope you’re ready to enjoy some pussy, because it’s most certainly ready to enjoy you.”

The giantess had the squirming little critter in her fist before he’d even finished calculating what she said. Ignoring his screams of protest and pointless thrashing, she spread her shapely thighs and lowered Nick toward her yawning-open labial lips. She parted the way with her free hand, coyly fingering her clit as her fist shoved the dildo-sized man toward the tunnel. The loudest of his cries were silenced as Katie, without any more hesitation, plunged him head-first inside her damp quivering pussy.

Lost in the gooey darkness, Nick was molded by the tight confines into a ramrod shape, and soon cramped from being slid in and out, back and forth, even rocked around just to swab every nook and cranny of Katie’s pleasure zones. In her hand, he became more inanimate tool than human, just the way he’d once treated her. Nick’s chaotic squirming only increased her bliss.

All the while, Katie’s body splayed across the bed, her mouth hanging open in a near-continuous yelp of sheer euphoria: releasing not just pent-up sexual need from the last few hours, but years of resentment and anger at the living garbage she was now using as a sex object with impunity, all but smothering him in her sweet-smelling cunt. Her orgasm was an eruption, her cries echoing through the apartment while the shrunken man’s mouth filled with her nectar. When at last Katie was satisfied, and Nick had fallen into a defensive state of unconscious sleep across her tits, the pair retired for the night, once again with their power dynamics permanently wrecked in favor of the godlike woman who still held her tiny tormentor in thrall.


When Nick awoke in the morning, he was again baffled to find himself in altered surroundings. This wasn’t even Katie’s bedroom, though. Uniform darkness shrouded the curved ceiling. In place of a cushioned bed beneath him, the little man found a soft, rubbery textured mound that rose up to a flat-topped nub. He caressed the mystery-shape for a minute, still flustered and just wishing for this bizarre sexual nightmare to end. The longer he rubbed, the firmer and more expansive the object became.

When the answer finally struck him, he denied it, too horrified to admit that he’d once again shrunk, and by a significant degree. Once he’d fondled the fleshy dune for several haunting minutes, though, there was no mistaking it. This was Katie’s nipple he was arousing, now incredibly huge next to his microscopic self, and the shadow above came from the canopy of her bra, where he’d been trapped inside.

“Mmmm…” Katie purred, her deafening voice landing with deific authority. “Oh, my tiny little toy… that feels sooooo good. You keep that up, now, and maybe I’ll agree to keep you around. Just wait until tonight for what I’ve got planned for us. You’ll see.”


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