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The giantess showed no signs of imminent departure, and if anything seemed to be leaning closer to Seaway all the time. After a while, and a few more thunderous booms from her lips, she descended yet again, this time bringing her face to bear right over the city. Soon the telescope was no longer necessary to discern her feminine features, and the enigmatic giant visitor’s face was plainly visible to everyone below. The girl was undeniably pretty, adorable even, which seemed in strange contrast to everything else about her mighty form that suggested an apocalyptic harbinger. Her twinkly eyes and earnest smile soothed some citizens but unnerved others, as they had to guess this was the same expression a regular-sized girl might make just before she fried an anthill with a magnifying glass.

The sun was now thoroughly blocked by the girl’s face, trapping them all in twilight, save for the light shining between the ropes of brown hair. Her head hung so close over that city that her every innocuous nostril exhalation unleashed another miniature storm cell of wind. This was different from the approach of her feet through the thrashing waves, however: this air was warm, even muggy, and dispersed like mist to the anxious population scattered around Seaway’s roads and docks. Though the girl seemed not to notice, her long bridge of her button-nose dipped just a little lower than the rest of her cute face’s landscape, and happened to nudge a clock tower, one of Seaway’s tallest structures. By the lightest of touches with her skin, it tipped over and collapsed in a dusty mess, though luckily everyone saw in time to clear away.

When her mouth opened again, words dispelled with such volume and power that they were even less distinguishable as language than before. Rather, the girl’s voice was a singular force of nature. Windows shattered in the buildings directly below her lips, and every surface and structure within a mile vibrated askew. Half the citizens lost their balance, cowering on all fours and covering their ears for protection. The giantess’s hot breath billowed from her dark throat, once again altering the climate to feel like summer in Seaway, and left a cloud of scented vapor permeating through the streets that smelled of strawberries and milk.

Steadily the people came to fear that those lips might lower further and smear along the coast, her top and bottom rows of pearly teeth cutting into the countryside and scraping ever-nearer together again, until she’d gathered up a whole district of Seaway in one bite, perhaps to wash down with a gulp of the ocean. Once again, this demise thankfully failed to happen, but what came instead made even less sense.

The girl’s head turned on its side, revealing the tiered shape of her ear, with its invisible void at the center. Her ear was not the concern of the people, however, but rather the strands of loose brown hair now free to hang in the streets. It dangled and swung, tense as steel cable, flipping over cars and sending the citizens back into a fleeing tizzy.

Military jets were finally scrambled, soaring in formation across the city to engage the gigantic intruder, but no one below had even the slightest faith that they might succeed.

With her head still tilted to the side, desperately hoping to hear a word in answer to her salutations, Sherry’s eyes wandered back to the water around her knees. She peered to the channel between her parted legs, and through the swirl of tossing waves, she managed to squint and make out two distinct shapes. At first she wondered if they were simply lint that had fallen off her uniform, especially because other tiny white specks were zipping by, but upon rearing slowly back up and focusing entirely on the silvery spots floating between the arch of her legs, Sherry determined they weren’t skirt-fluff, but in fact boats: cruise ships, she guessed, though they were so tiny it was impossible to say.

So excited to make this find, the girl nearly forgot to treat the civilization like fine china, and swooped both hands between her thighs with a cheer. She stopped short of plucking the bobbing vehicles right off the waves, remembering herself. However, after watching the things swaying violently about in the water Sherry herself had stirred up, the girl decided that the best way to show her friendship to this lovable town would be to rescue its toys. Gently as she could, Sherry brought both cupped hands below the water, then swam them together, until her interlocked fingers were floating just below both boats. Then, with surgical tenderness, Sherry brought both hands up out of the ocean, and the boats pooled along with them.

Droplets of saltwater splashed down the sides of her fingers, but a sizable pond generated in her palm. As she tipped her hands forward, causing most of the liquid to drain away, each ship was marooned upon her soft fingers, protected from spilling between the crevices by her poise and grace. Sherry’s jaw dropped to finally get a good look at the little boats, whereupon she made out the sight of people, packed into the upper decks, and so utterly miniscule that she could barely comprehend it. The girl smiled and held her head high, proud of herself for her compassion toward this helpless little species, which so obviously required her care. Her satisfaction was such that she didn’t even consciously notice the ghostly tingle of missiles pinging off her inner legs, nor the infinitesimally larger tickle when she shifted forward on her knees, causing those speedy white specks to bounce off the bulwark of her legs and into the swirling ocean below.

“Good news, tiny people!” Sherry shouted to the port city, as she held their prize cruise liners above for demonstration. “I saved all your boats! No need to thank me, of course. That’s exactly what friends are for! So, who else would like my help?”




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