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“I admit, it was a bit… much to take in at first,” Angelina continued. “Perhaps I even felt like I’m sure you do now, until he confided in me a delightful little fantasy he’s had his whole life. It’s simple: the idea of a man shrinking by drinking a woman’s breastmilk. After that, I saw the full range of possibilities before us. I’d been waiting for the perfect way to give you everything you deserve, darling, everything. So, I had Andy perform a procedure on me and my girls. The results speak for themselves, I think. And the best part is, you haven’t even seen the real scientific breakthrough in action yet, since you were too busy passing out after you orgasmed. Typical. Now, though, I intend to give you a hearty second helping of the secret ingredient I included in your wine glass earlier, thus shrinking you down into the disgusting insect of a man I already know you to be, unless you give me precisely what I ask for.”

Bewildered, and still overwhelmed by the pair of titans before him with their even-more titanic privates, Carl shook his head. The diabolical resolve in his ex-wife’s voice was clear, but she wasn’t going to spook him with theatrics and rubber bands. He was a reasonable man. Carl knew his company had made a lot of advancements, but any sane person could say that human shrinkage wasn’t possible, let alone via the delivery system of human dairy product. No man, even this anonymous nerd with his horse cock, could do that.

“So, what do you say, dear?” Angelina sneered at Carl. She gave the mushroom-head of Andy’s serpent a squeeze that made the man tremble with arousal, then crossed her arms over her squishy voluminous chest. Her finger drew steady circles around her pepperoni-sized nipple pad, re-prickling the goosebumps and firming the tip until it was aimed right at Carl again. “The cards all on the table now. Are you ready to talk business?”

Taking a deep breath, Carl studied the faces of his aggressors. He hadn’t become ruler of an industrial empire by surrendering to every power grab. Smirking to himself, Carl slipped into the false pleasantry that had made every office underling his bitch.

“You’d like to talk business, hmm? As in, you’d like to make a deal? Okay then, I think I’m prepared to be reasonable. Here’s your deal: you bring me back to size right-fucking-now, or I’ll see you two are thrown in solitary confinement for the rest of your unnatural goddamn lives. This offer expires in ten fucking seconds.”

Angelina looked to Andy. The pair nodded, then shared a smile.

“That’s about how I expected you to answer, dear. You really haven’t changed, no matter how much time goes by, and how many people abandon you,” Angelina sighed. She uncrossed her arms, and cupped the prodigious slab of her pearlescent left breast in both hands, until it was wadded at the level of her chin. Her wrists shook slightly from the awkward strain of keeping the medicine ball-esque weight aloft, but she persisted. “Really, Carl, I can’t be angry with you, and neither can Andy. We’re much better people than you, after all, and are prepared to be understanding. Unfortunately, though, this tit of mine isn’t quite as sweet as us.”

Carl squirmed as he watched his wife gently lowering her exposed boob again. She made a show of hoisting the doughy underside with both hands, allowing the majority of her beefy glob to flop to its natural shape, until the eye of her nipple was staring Carl down like a suckling pig. Angelina hunched.

“And now you’ve made this big scary breast angry, my darling. It would so love to show you the error of your ways, and the only thing holding it back is me. So, perhaps you should reconsider your stance on working with us, now that I’ve made it clear just how badly I can fuck over your night if I so choose,” Angelina snarled. She affixed her thumb and index finger around the rim of her dark areola, occasionally pumping her digits on the bumpy flesh, but stopping just short of pinching the duct. “You’re going to give me access to your bank accounts, Carl. All of them, including the ones I know you have hidden overseas whenever you feel like skimming a few hundred grand off the top of the company. I’ll need passwords and any confirmation info, just so we don’t hit any snags. Feel free to start talking now, dear, so this tit of mine doesn’t get any madder.”

The scrawny geek beside her licked his lips. His donkey dick, still resting on the table a few inches away from Carl’s chair, twitched. Despite its humbling size and girth, the beast was only slightly activated courtesy of Angelina’s playful fingers, but the skin began to flush and visibly tighten as it reached half-mast.

“Go to hell, babe,” Carl declared with satisfaction he hadn’t known in all those years of hellish marriage.

“Suit yourself,” Angelina shrugged, and promptly squeezed her thumb and index together. Using the curved edges of her smoothly manicured fingernails, she pressurized the blanched flesh around her nipple until it stretched, turning the skin even more ghostly and emphasizing the colorful veins beneath the skin. A generous spurt of snow-white milk spat from the mouth of her ample udder.

Carl screamed as he was blasted with a stream of milk with the strength of a firehouse. While his mouth was involuntarily opened to protest, a healthy portion of warm discharge gushed over his lips. The rest of his torso was thoroughly soaked in creamy liquid. Milky steam rose from his skin, tingling his every remaining square inch. He choked and unsuccessfully gagged on the fluid that made its way into his throat. Perhaps worst of all, the flavor wasn’t wholly disgusting: rich and bubbly, almost like buttermilk or melted ice cream, yet pure white and even brighter in hue than Angelica’s own pallid breasts.

Then, in defiance of Carl’s bravado and logic, his bluff was called; his ex-wife’s milk was shrinking him. His skin sizzled, not actually burning, but still chemically reacting to the hot beverage dripping down his body. In no time, he was visibly diminishing among the rubber binds. The foot-tall man dwindled for an instant, jolting down another inch and then two, until he was appropriately sized for the Barbie chair. He shuddered at the sight which lay before him: the two giants looming above, and the rest of the room along with them, had dramatically increased in relative size over the course of several tortuous seconds. To Carl’s eyes, his wife now looked in the range of forty feet tall.

Carl grunted, doing his best to swallow the hyperventilation instinct, and tried to snake under the binds. No matter how hard he denied it, he had to accept the fact that he’d been shrunken before the eyes of himself and officially the two worst people on Earth. Unfortunately for Carl, his ex-spouse had wrapped the rubber bands so tight, he was still firmly ensnared, even with less of him to contain. The lubricant of the milk seeping stickily between the wrappings couldn’t help him wriggle out, either, and in fact only inflicted intense itching he had no way of scratching.

“You look like you just filmed a bukkake marathon, dear. Who’s the whore now?” Angelina joked. A few leftover pearl-white droplets unspooled from her duct, plopping heavily on Carl’s thrashing little head and causing him to seize up yet again. “Oh, I’m only kidding. Where’s that famous sense of humor that won you so many make-believe friends? Never mind, this is a business transaction, as I told you before. We’re making a deal. Now, if you haven’t noticed, you’re in a splash zone there, Carl. If you can’t get that precious little noggin of yours working well enough to tell me your passwords, then you’re going to get even wetter.”

“W-What is it you’re really after, Angelina? An apology?” Carl grimaced. “Listen, I… suppose I called you some names you didn’t deserve, but you can’t pretend like you were blameless in our marriage. You can’t put this all on me.”

“Oh, but I can, darling. Case in point…” Angelina murmured. She poised her fingers around the cusp of her nipple again, but this time sandwiched both hands into the sagging, pillowy mass of flesh that swelled outward from the business end of her tit.


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